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(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)
set_include_path — 设置 include_path 配置选项
)为当前脚本设置 include_path 运行时的配置选项。
include_path 新的值。
成功时返回旧的 include_path 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
Example #1 set_include_path() 例子
// 自 PHP 4.3.0 起可用
set_include_path ( '/usr/lib/pear' );
// 在所有版本的 PHP 中均可用
ini_set ( 'include_path' , '/usr/lib/pear' );
Example #2 添加到include path
可跨平台扩展 include path。
这个例子中我们把 /usr/lib/pear 添加到了 现有的 include_path 的尾部。
$path = '/usr/lib/pear' ;
set_include_path ( get_include_path () . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path );
[#1] till at etill dot net [2015-03-11 12:27:11]
It appears that relative paths are allowed:
set_include_path( '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'source');
require_once( 'Foo.class.php');
[#2] cloxy at cloxy dot com [2012-03-27 18:11:56]
If you want to include files with their absolute path without changing the current include path, you can use the magic constant __DIR__ . For example:
<?php include(__DIR__.'/file.php'); ?>
It is available since PHP 5.3.
[#3] parks at vecinc dot com [2009-07-27 11:44:20]
If you find that this function is failing for you, and you're not sure why, you may have set your php include path in your sites's conf file in Apache (this may be true of .htaccess as well)
So to get it to work, comment out any "php_value include_path" type lines in your Apache conf file, and you should be able to set it now in your php code.
[#4] chris-r3i [2007-03-06 14:35:29]
Can be useful to check the value of the constant PATH_SEPARATOR.
if ( ! defined( "PATH_SEPARATOR" ) ) {
if ( strpos( $_ENV[ "OS" ], "Win" ) !== false )
define( "PATH_SEPARATOR", ";" );
else define( "PATH_SEPARATOR", ":" );
For older versions of php, PATH_SEPARATOR is not defined.
If it is so, we must check what kind of OS is on the web-server and define PATH_SEPARATOR properly
[#5] koenig at electronova dot net [2006-10-02 09:24:24]
You can also add several paths in one set_include_path separating them by ':'.
ex : set_include_path('/home/mysite/includes1:/home/mysite/includes2')
[#6] df a t dougfelton d o t c o m [2005-01-25 07:37:41]
In order to use .htaccess files to set the include path, PHP must be installed as an Apache module. If PHP is compiled as a CGI binary, you can set the include path in a custom php.ini file (if, for example, you're being hosted somewhere and don't have access to the main php.ini file. Note that custom php.ini files don't affect subdirectories in the way that .htaccess files do, so you'll need to put your custom php.ini file in any subdirectories as well.