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(PECL imagick 2.0.0)
ImagickDraw::setFontWeight — Sets the font weight
Sets the font weight to use when annotating with text.
Example #1 ImagickDraw::setFontWeight()
function setFontWeight ( $fillColor , $strokeColor , $backgroundColor ) {
$draw = new \ ImagickDraw ();
$draw -> setStrokeColor ( $strokeColor );
$draw -> setFillColor ( $fillColor );
$draw -> setStrokeWidth ( 1 );
$draw -> setFontSize ( 36 );
$draw -> setFontWeight ( 100 );
$draw -> annotation ( 50 , 50 , "Lorem Ipsum!" );
$draw -> setFontWeight ( 200 );
$draw -> annotation ( 50 , 100 , "Lorem Ipsum!" );
$draw -> setFontWeight ( 400 );
$draw -> annotation ( 50 , 150 , "Lorem Ipsum!" );
$draw -> setFontWeight ( 800 );
$draw -> annotation ( 50 , 200 , "Lorem Ipsum!" );
$imagick = new \ Imagick ();
$imagick -> newImage ( 500 , 500 , $backgroundColor );
$imagick -> setImageFormat ( "png" );
$imagick -> drawImage ( $draw );
header ( "Content-Type: image/png" );
echo $imagick -> getImageBlob ();
[#1] skmanji at manji dot org [2009-05-26 05:15:26]
Valid Range 100-900. I found that any value 551 and above would give me bold.