Dokumen ini menggunakan Manual laman web PHP Cina Lepaskan
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)
is_nan — 判断是否为合法数值
如果 val
acos(1.01) 的结果,则返回 TRUE
如果 val
不是一个数字(not a number)返回 TRUE
,否则返回 FALSE
Example #1 is_nan() 例子
// Invalid calculation, will return a
// NaN value
$nan = acos ( 8 );
var_dump ( $nan , is_nan ( $nan ));
float(NAN) bool(true)
[#1] 10basetom [2015-05-20 02:29:17]
I would use is_numeric() instead of ctype_digit() if you cannot be 100% sure what data type the string will be. Example from the docs:
$numeric_string = '42';
$integer = 42;
ctype_digit($numeric_string); // true
ctype_digit($integer); // false (ASCII 42 is the * character)
is_numeric($numeric_string); // true
is_numeric($integer); // true
[#2] modern dot apocalypse at gmail dot com [2012-03-15 10:14:08]
I have decided to do some testing because I am getting unusual results with the is_nan function and here are the results of my tests:
var_dump(NAN); // float NAN
var_dump(NAN == NAN); // boolean true
var_dump(NAN === NAN); // boolean true
var_dump(is_nan(NAN)); // boolean true
var_dump(NAN == 12); // boolean true
var_dump(NAN === 12); // boolean false
var_dump(is_nan(12)); // boolean false
var_dump(NAN == 12.4); // boolean true
var_dump(NAN === 12.4); // boolean true
var_dump(is_nan(12.4)); // boolean false
var_dump(NAN == NULL); // boolean true
var_dump(NAN === NULL); // boolean false
var_dump(is_nan(NULL)); // boolean false
var_dump(NAN == 'K<WNPO'); // boolean true
var_dump(NAN === 'K<WNPO'); // boolean false
var_dump(is_nan('K<WNPO')); // null and throws a warning "Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in NANTest.php on line 13"
[#3] php at keith tyler dot com [2010-04-14 16:46:03]
It seems odd to me, but in boolean context, NAN evalutes to true.
Incidentally INF and -INF also evaluate to true.
[#4] J.K. [2009-07-07 16:44:06]
For seeing whether or not something is a number, use ctype_digit().
[#5] darkangel at moveinmod dot net [2006-03-01 22:04:55]
nan/"not a number" is not meant to see if the data type is numeric/textual/etc..
NaN is actually a set of values which can be stored in floating-point variables, but dont actually evaluate to a proper floating point number.
The floating point system has three sections: 1 bit for the sign (+/-), an 8 bit exponent, and a 23 bit fractional part.
There are rules governing which combinations of values can be placed into each section, and some values are reserved for numbers such as infinity. This leads to certain combinations being invalid, or in other words, not a number.
[#6] Vincent [2005-02-23 18:04:11]
Since NaN is not even equal to itself, here is a way to test it:
function my_is_nan($_) {
return ($_ !== $_);