Sudah tentu ia tidak akan berkesan, ng-bind-html 等同于 innerHTML.
Anda boleh menyesuaikan arahan yang serupa dengan ng-bind-html-compile:
.directive('bindHtmlCompile', ['$compile', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch(function () {
return scope.$eval(attrs.bindHtmlCompile);
}, function (value) {
// In case value is a TrustedValueHolderType, sometimes it
// needs to be explicitly called into a string in order to
// get the HTML string.
element.html(value && value.toString());
// If scope is provided use it, otherwise use parent scope
var compileScope = scope;
if (attrs.bindHtmlScope) {
compileScope = scope.$eval(attrs.bindHtmlScope);
Sudah tentu ia tidak akan berkesan,
.Anda boleh menyesuaikan arahan yang serupa dengan