javascript - vue-cli dan isu konfigurasi integrasi rangka kerja back-end config/index.js
我想大声告诉你 2017-06-17 09:16:18

Dalam proses pembelajaran vue-cli, saya melihat konfigurasi config/index.js
yang digunakan oleh orang lain untuk menyepadukan vue-cli dengan rangka kerja belakang seperti berikut

// see for documentation.
var path = require('path')

module.exports = {
  build: {
    env: require('./prod.env'),
    index: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/index.html'),
    assetsRoot: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist'),
    assetsSubDirectory: 'static',
    assetsPublicPath: '/',
    productionSourceMap: true,
    // Gzip off by default as many popular static hosts such as
    // Surge or Netlify already gzip all static assets for you.
    // Before setting to `true`, make sure to:
    // npm install --save-dev compression-webpack-plugin
    productionGzip: false,
    productionGzipExtensions: ['js', 'css'],
    // Run the build command with an extra argument to
    // View the bundle analyzer report after build finishes:
    // `npm run build --report`
    // Set to `true` or `false` to always turn it on or off
    bundleAnalyzerReport: process.env.npm_config_report
  dev: {
    env: require('./dev.env'),
    port: 8080,
    autoOpenBrowser: true,
    assetsSubDirectory: 'static',
    assetsPublicPath: '/',
    proxyTable: {},
    // CSS Sourcemaps off by default because relative paths are "buggy"
    // with this option, according to the CSS-Loader README
    // (
    // In our experience, they generally work as expected,
    // just be aware of this issue when enabling this option.
    cssSourceMap: false

Apa yang saya tidak faham ialah mengapa persekitaran binaan kedua-dua persekitaran mempunyai assetsRoot tetapi persekitaran dev tidak membungkus dan menjana fail termampat, jadi mengapa assetsSubDirectory dan assetsPublicPath mesti disediakan. Newbie, sila pancut


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