呃..竟然是这么久的坑了..今天自己遇到了就来填一下好了, 根据文档的介绍, hidesBottomBarWhenPushed 就是 A Boolean value indicating whether the toolbar at the bottom of the screen is hidden when the view controller is pushed on to a navigation controller. The value of this property on the topmost view controller determines whether the toolbar is visible. If the value of this property is true, the toolbar is hidden. If the value of this property is false, the bar is visible. 重点在于topmost, 当你A压B的时候, B将成为topmost view controller, 将B的hidesBottomBarWhenPushed设为true才是正解.
呃..竟然是这么久的坑了..今天自己遇到了就来填一下好了, 根据文档的介绍, hidesBottomBarWhenPushed
就是 A Boolean value indicating whether the toolbar at the bottom of the screen is hidden when the view controller is pushed on to a navigation controller. The value of this property on the topmost view controller determines whether the toolbar is visible. If the value of this property is true, the toolbar is hidden. If the value of this property is false, the bar is visible. 重点在于topmost, 当你A压B的时候, B将成为topmost view controller, 将B的hidesBottomBarWhenPushed设为true才是正解.