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- How to use three views in composer
- Composer three views allow users to create and manage multiple Composer configuration files, including local, global, and home directory configurations. By specifying the --profile option, you can easily select and switch views, allowing you to flexibly manage dependencies and settings for different projects and improve workflow efficiency.
- composer 1462 2024-04-09 13:33:44
- where git commands run
- The git command is typically run from one of three locations: Command line (terminal or command prompt) Git Bash (Windows only) Command line window in an integrated development environment (IDE)
- git 1277 2024-04-09 13:27:17
- What tool does git use to pull remote code to local?
- Specific steps for Git to pull remote code to the local warehouse: Open Git Bash or a terminal window. Navigate to the local repository directory where you want to pull the code. Run command: git pull
- git 804 2024-04-09 13:24:18
- What are the git commands?
- Overview of Git commands: Initialize the warehouse: git init Add files to the staging area: git add Submit changes to the local: git commit Push to the remote warehouse: git push Pull changes from the remote warehouse: git pull List branches: git branch Switch branches: git checkout merge branches: git merge show diffs: git diff show working status: git status clone remote repository: git clone get remote repository changes: git fetch save working changes: git stash show commit history: git log set up Git configuration: git config
- git 1039 2024-04-09 13:21:17
- What is the use of git command
- Git is a code version control system mainly used for tracking changes to the code base, collaborative development, version backtracking, branching and merging, as well as code review and error tracking.
- git 1388 2024-04-09 13:18:25
- How to restore git commit to local
- Git's methods for restoring local commits include: git reset: discard unstaged changes or commit records; git checkout: switch to previous commits; git revert: create new commits to undo previous commits.
- git 1105 2024-04-09 13:15:24
- How to withdraw after git commits to local warehouse
- There are four ways to undo Git local commits: Undo the latest commit: git reset HEAD~1 Undo and discard changes (hard reset): git reset --hard HEAD~1 Modify the staging area (hybrid reset): git reset HEAD ~1 -- path/to/file Check the latest commit: git log -1
- git 1063 2024-04-09 13:12:18
- How to submit code with git
- How to Commit Code with Git Prepare changes for commit: Add the changes to the staging area. Write your commit message: short summary, blank lines, detailed description. Commit changes: Record changes to the commit object. Push commits to remote repository: share code with other developers.
- git 956 2024-04-09 13:09:23
- How to commit deleted files in git
- Commit deleted files using Git: Use the git rm command to remove files from the staging area. Use the git add command to stage the removal of changes. Use the git commit command to commit the deleted files, including the commit message.
- git 1252 2024-04-09 13:06:19
- How to commit files in git
- Committing a Git file involves three steps: Use git add to add the file to the staging area. Use git commit -m "commit message" to commit the file. Use git push origin <branch name> to push files to the remote repository.
- git 1121 2024-04-09 13:03:24
- How to restore after git error commit
- If a Git commit goes wrong, you can revert by following these steps: Identify the commit you want to revert and note its SHA1 hash. Use the git reset --soft command to reset the Git index. Modify the files affected by the bad commit. Use git add and git commit --amend to add and commit changes. (Optional) Use git push --force to force push to the remote repository.
- git 1342 2024-04-09 13:00:26
- How to roll back version in git
- How to use Git to roll back a version: roll back to a specific version: git checkout <version number> roll back to the previous commit: git checkout HEAD~1 roll back to the branch: git checkout <branch name> roll back to the label: git checkout <tag name>
- git 1302 2024-04-09 12:54:17
- How to clone git
- To clone a Git repository, follow these steps: Get the URL of the remote repository. Use the git clone [remote repository URL] command. Verify that the cloning was successful (ls -al). Set up a remote branch (git remote add origin [remote repository URL]). Fetch remote branch updates (git fetch origin).
- git 929 2024-04-09 12:51:26
- How to copy and paste in git
- Copy-paste operations in Git move changes quickly. Copy a commit: git copy <original commit> <target branch>. Paste changes: git checkout <target branch>, git merge <original commit>. This operation does not create new commits, nor does it copy commits across repositories.
- git 1298 2024-04-09 12:45:20
- How to paste in git
- Git provides a paste function, users can paste content from the clipboard or file into the workspace: Paste using the clipboard: Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac) Paste from the file: select the content, copy and use Ctrl+ Shift+V (Windows) or Command+Shift+V (Mac) Paste using Git Bash Paste: Use the cat command to paste the file contents to the clipboard, then paste with Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac)
- git 1421 2024-04-09 12:42:22