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- How to run php code in sublime
- How to run PHP code in Sublime Text: Install the PHP Companion plug-in through Package Control. Create a PHP file and configure PHP settings, specifying the path to the PHP executable file. Press Ctrl + B (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + B (macOS) to run PHP code in the console.
- sublime 935 2024-04-03 15:21:20
- How to run java in sublime
- Running Java with Sublime Text requires the following steps: Install the Java Development Kit (JDK). Configure Sublime Text's "java_home" settings. Create a .java file and enter the code. Go to Tools > Build System > Java to run the program. Optional: Use a build tool like Maven or Gradle to manage dependencies and the build process.
- sublime 1426 2024-04-03 15:18:19
- How to check code errors in sublime
- Sublime Text provides a variety of methods for checking code errors, including: 1. Syntax checking; 2. Code completion; 3. Compilation tools; 4. Debugger; 5. Unit testing; 6. Code formatting.
- sublime 1022 2024-04-03 15:15:18
- How to run python with sublime
- How to run Python in Sublime? Install the Python interpreter. Configure the Python interpreter in Sublime. Run Python code by using the Build system panel (Ctrl/Cmd+B). Press the shortcut key (Ctrl/Cmd+Enter). Via the menu (Tools > Build System > Python).
- sublime 821 2024-04-03 15:03:20
- What should I do if the sublime label does not change color?
- Issue: Some tags in Sublime text do not appear in color. Solution: Check the grammar topic. Reload the grammar file. Enable syntax-specific colors in user settings. Make sure the theme supports colored labels. Check the project settings and make sure the grammar file supports colored labels. Disable or uninstall plugins that affect syntax coloring. Delete cache files and restart Sublime.
- sublime 1077 2024-04-03 15:00:20
- How to automatically generate code in sublime
- How to automatically generate code in Sublime Text: Install the Emmet package manager. Enable Emmet and save the settings file. Use the Emmet shortcut to automatically generate code: type the element name + Tab to expand the element. Use parent elements to wrap child elements to create nested elements. Adding an attribute pair after an element name produces an attributed element.
- sublime 887 2024-04-03 14:57:23
- How to jump to the browser in sublime
- You can quickly jump to the browser in Sublime Text by following these steps: Configure the browser open command: Add the "open_browser_command" setting in "Preferences" > "Settings - User" and specify the browser path. Open file: Open the file you want to browse in Sublime Text. Jump to the browser: Press Ctrl + B (Windows) or Cmd + B (macOS). View open files: Files will open in your default browser.
- sublime 1009 2024-04-03 14:54:22
- How to open sublime
- Sublime Text can open a file with the following steps: Launch the application Menu bar: File > Open Shortcut keys: macOS: ⌘ + O, Windows/Linux: Ctrl + O Browse and select the file Click Open Hold ⌘ /Ctrl key opens the dragged and dropped file in a new tab
- sublime 1498 2024-04-03 14:51:21
- How to jump to sublime
- Sublime Text method to quickly jump to a specific location: Line number jump: Shortcut key ⌘+G/Ctrl+G File symbol jump: Shortcut key ⌘+R/Ctrl+R Search text: Shortcut key ⌘+F/Ctrl+ F project jump: Double-click the file/folder Recent file: Shortcut key ⌘+O/Ctrl+O Error/warning jump: Click the status bar message
- sublime 1150 2024-04-03 14:48:19
- How to set up sublime to automatically complete html header information
- In Sublime Text, you can autocomplete HTML header information by adding user code snippets. Specifically: character sets, headers, base URLs, stylesheets, and scripts.
- sublime 965 2024-04-03 14:45:19
- How to use sublime
- Sublime Text is a text editor loved by developers and writers. It has syntax highlighting, auto-completion, multi-cursor, multi-selection, command panel, high customizability and other functions, and supports regular expressions.
- sublime 1563 2024-04-03 14:36:20
- How to turn off sublime auto-completion
- To turn off Sublime Text's autocompletion feature, you can do the following: Cancel the current suggestion directly: Press Ctrl + Space keys. To permanently turn off: Set the "auto_complete" value to false in the Preferences.sublime-settings file. Close based on a specific scope: Set the "auto_complete" value to false for a specific scope.
- sublime 1177 2024-04-03 14:33:13
- There is no way to cancel the option of sublime auto-completion.
- How to disable autocomplete in Sublime Text? Turn off autocomplete: In Preferences > Settings, set "auto_complete" to "false". Limit autocomplete: Disable based on file type: Add a trigger for a specific file type in Settings, such as "source.http". Disable based on trigger character: Specify a specific trigger character in Settings, such as "." Change the delay: Increase the "auto_complete_delay" delay in Settings to trigger the autocomplete feature less frequently.
- sublime 1064 2024-04-03 14:30:22
- How to configure sublimegdb
- Configuring SublimeGDB involves six steps: install the SublimeGDB package, install the GNU debugger (GDB), configure SublimeGDB settings, configure the build system, set breakpoints, and start a debugging session.
- sublime 1181 2024-04-03 14:27:21
- How to set Chinese in sublime
- To speak Chinese through Sublime, you can edit a preference file or install a plugin. The steps are as follows: 1. Edit the preference file, set "auto_detect_code_system" to "false", "encoding" and "fallback_encoding" to "UTF-8"; 2. Install the "Chinese (Simplified) for Sublime Text" plug-in and restart Sublime Text.
- sublime 848 2024-04-03 14:24:14