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- How to set sublime to automatically pop up the beginning
- You can set the automatic pop-up opening tag in Sublime Text. The steps are as follows: 1. Open the user settings; 2. Add the specified code; 3. Save the settings. Once set up, when you type the beginning of your opening tag, it will automatically complete and pop up the complete tag.
- sublime 1046 2024-04-03 11:12:12
- How to run code robot in sublime
- The steps to use Sublime Text to run Robot framework code are as follows: Install the Robot framework and Sublime Text plug-in. Create a Robot framework test file. Press the shortcut key to run the code (Ctrl + B or Command + B).
- sublime 905 2024-04-03 11:09:21
- How to run code php in sublime
- There are two main ways to run PHP code in Sublime: Run via Terminal: Open a terminal window, navigate to the PHP file location, and run the file using the php command. Install the plug-in and run it: Install the PHP plug-in, configure the plug-in, and select "PHP - Command Line" to build the system to run the code.
- sublime 1339 2024-04-03 11:06:21
- Why does sublime not respond when running code?
- Troubleshooting guide for Sublime code not running: Make sure necessary plugins (such as Python Tools) are installed and enabled. Check that Sublime has correctly configured the Python environment. Confirm that the system has a compiler or interpreter installed. Set the compile or run command. Check the code for syntax errors. Make sure Sublime and its plugins have the necessary system permissions. Try updating Sublime to the latest version. Make the necessary configurations for the operating system, such as installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable on Windows.
- sublime 1124 2024-04-03 11:03:20
- How to run code in sublime in c language
- How to run C code in Sublime Text: Install a C compiler. Create a Sublime Text project and add C files. Configure the build system to select "GCC" or your installed compiler. Press Ctrl+B (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+B (Mac) with the cursor on the line of code you want to compile. Run the code to compile. Place the cursor on the line you want to debug and press F9 (Windows/Linux) or Fn+F9 (Mac) to set a breakpoint, then press Ctrl+B (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+B (Mac) again to run the code to debug.
- sublime 946 2024-04-03 11:00:16
- How to run code java in sublime
- Steps to run Java code in Sublime Text: Install the Java plug-in Create a Java file Compile the Java code Run the Java code
- sublime 1377 2024-04-03 10:57:21
- How to install package control in sublime
- Package Control is a package manager for Sublime Text that makes it easy to install and manage extensions. Installation steps: 1. Open the command panel and enter install package control; 2. Select and install "Package Control"; 3. Restart Sublime Text; 4. Verify the installation (view the "Package" menu or enter the package_control:list packages command); 5. Enter install in the command palette and then enter the extension name to install the extension.
- sublime 1093 2024-04-03 10:51:16
- How to run sublime code
- There are four ways to run code in Sublime Text: Use the shortcut key (Windows/Linux: Ctrl + B; macOS: Cmd + B) Select the build system through the menu bar Run from the command palette Use the Build Tools plug-in
- sublime 1589 2024-04-03 10:48:20
- How to run c++ code in sublime
- Running C++ code in Sublime: Install the MinGW or Clang compiler. Create a Sublime Text project. Configure MinGW: Create a new build system "C++ with MinGW.sublime-build". Configure Clang: Create a new build system "C++ with Clang.sublime-build". Build the code: Press Ctrl + B or go to Tools > Build. The generated executable file is stored in the project folder.
- sublime 911 2024-04-03 10:45:21
- How to set up auto-completion in sublime
- Sublime Text can set up auto-completion by following these steps: Install the code completion plugin. Enable auto-completion and check the box. Customize completion triggers (default triggers are ., (, ", '). Specify the completion source (e.g. "source.python"). Take advantage of advanced options (e.g. snippets, syntax checking, delay).
- sublime 1122 2024-04-03 10:42:17
- How to run sublime test in Python
- Running Python in Sublime Text: Install Python and the SublimePython plugin. Create and write Python scripts. Run scripts from the console, menu bar, or keyboard shortcuts.
- sublime 1610 2024-04-03 10:39:18
- How to run sublime test program
- Steps to run a program in Sublime Text: Create and configure a Build System to define the commands and file paths required to run the script; save the build system file; run the program using shortcut keys or through the Tools menu.
- sublime 1209 2024-04-03 10:36:17
- How to change sublime test into Chinese
- The Sublime Text interface language can be switched to Chinese through the following steps: install the Chinese language pack; enable the Chinese language (add "Chinese.lang" in the "ignored_packages" line); restart Sublime Text; select Chinese (Simplified or Simplified) in the "User Interface Language" Traditional Chinese).
- sublime 1220 2024-04-03 10:30:19
- How to change the font size in sublime
- Changing font size in Sublime Text can be done by following these steps: 1. Open the Preferences menu. 2. Select Preferences - Users. 3. Find the "font_size" setting. 4. Modify the font size. 5. Save the settings.
- sublime 1589 2024-04-03 10:27:12
- How to increase the font size in sublime
- The method to adjust the font size in Sublime Text is very simple: open the "View" menu and select the "Font Size" submenu. Select the desired font size from the drop-down menu.
- sublime 1438 2024-04-03 10:24:19