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- The impact of typing in Python
- Python version 3.5 introduced "type hints" to make the code more readable and make it easier for developers to understand each other's code. Why are type hints important? In strongly typed languages such as Java and C, dependency inversion (DI - Dependency Inversion) is an important technology, but it is difficult to implement in weakly typed languages. The core idea of dependency inversion is that classes should not rely on concrete implementations, but on abstractions. Because abstractions (interfaces or abstract classes) are relatively stable contracts. Bad example: class GasStation: def fill_tank(car, amount): c
- Python Tutorial . nosql 653 2025-01-16 22:13:14
- Websites every developer should know
- This is a comprehensive list of websites for developers and designers. Let's reorganize and paraphrase the content to create a unique yet similar article. Top Resources for Web Development and Design This curated collection highlights essential onl
- JS Tutorial . nosql 304 2025-01-16 13:31:58
- Data Engineering Foundations: A Hands-On Guide
- ApracticalguidetobuildingadataengineeringETLpipeline.Thisguideprovidesahands-onapproachtounderstandingandimplementingdataengineeringfundamentals,coveringstorage,processing,automation,andmonitoring.WhatisDataEngineering?Dataengineeringfocusesonorganiz
- Python Tutorial . nosql 457 2025-01-13 22:33:44
- JSON or Columns: How Should I Store User Data in My Database?
- Storing JSON in a Database: Exploring the OptionsWhen designing a database schema to store user-related data, the question...
- Mysql Tutorial . nosql 545 2025-01-13 17:11:44
- I Surveyed the Top Backend Frameworks Heres What I Found
- While creating a new project one of the main things that clouds your mind is what framework you are going to use. Every framework has its own drawbacks and advantages we will be measuring these in this article. The project I'm working on is called
- javaTutorial . nosql 503 2025-01-13 08:20:43
- How to write unit tests and Etests for NestJS applications
- Introduction Recently, I have been writing unit tests and E2E tests for a NestJS project. This is my first time writing tests for a backend project, and I found the process different from my experience with frontend testing, making it challengi
- JS Tutorial . nosql 412 2025-01-13 06:22:43
- Getting Started with MERN Stack: A Beginners Guide
- What is the MERN Stack? MERN is like the Avengers of web development—a team of superheroes working together to create awesome web apps. Here’s the squad: MongoDB: The chill database that stores your data in JSON-like documents. Flexible, jus
- JS Tutorial . nosql 646 2025-01-12 18:32:43
- Bootcamp vs. Self-Taught: Which path is the best?
- I just finished a bootcamp at Berkeley for MERN, and first of all looking at all these web apps it looks like MERN is still the top one for companies to go to. If you're looking to choose the bootcamp path or the self-taught path I think that in the
- JS Tutorial . nosql 438 2025-01-12 09:47:43
- How I Built My First MERN Project: Challenges, Solutions, and Lessons Learned
- As a software undergrad engineer, I keep looking out for new technologies and making projects to foster my skill. I have recently completed my very first MERN—MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js Stack Project. It has been quite an exciting journe
- JS Tutorial . nosql 238 2025-01-11 22:27:42
- JOOQ Is Not a Replacement for Hibernate. They Solve Different Problems
- I've originally written this article in Russian. So, if you're native speaker, you can read it by this link. In the past year or so, I've come across articles and talks suggesting that JOOQ is a modern and superior alternative to Hibernate. The arg
- javaTutorial . nosql 564 2025-01-11 20:10:41
- DEV Community: Best Dev Stacks to Learn in 5
- Technology is developing rapidly in 2025, and developers are constantly looking for the best technology stack to remain invincible in the ever-changing industry. The development landscape of 2025 is filled with new trends, emerging frameworks, and tools that are reshaping the future of software engineering. Whether you're new to programming or a veteran looking to upskill, this guide will provide you with a handy reference for the best development technology stacks in 2025. 1. Full-stack development Why choose full-stack development? Full-stack developers continue to be highly sought after because of their ability to handle both the front-end and back-end of an application, making them a versatile and valuable asset. Companies are always looking for professionals who can handle projects from end to end. Main learning technology stack: MERN technology stack (Mon
- Python Tutorial . nosql 930 2025-01-09 18:10:41
- The Ultimate Alternative to XAMPP
- ServBay:ASuperiorAlternativetoXAMPPformacOSPHPDevelopmentXAMPPisapopularchoiceforlocalPHPdevelopment,butmacOSusersnowhaveacompellingalternative:ServBay.ThisarticlehighlightsServBay'skeyfeatures,showcasingwhyit'satopcontenderforPHPdevelopersonmacOS.Be
- PHP Tutorial . nosql 465 2025-01-08 20:23:55
- Streamlining Enterprise Application Development with Java Frameworks
- Building enterprise applications often feels like assembling a complex puzzle. There’s the challenge of ensuring scalability, integrating with existing systems, and maintaining tight security—all while trying to meet demanding deadlines. Java framewo
- javaTutorial . nosql 631 2025-01-08 14:08:41
- Choosing the Right Time Series Database for Your Use Case
- Selectingtheoptimaltimeseriesdatabaseisparamountintoday'sdata-centriclandscape.Thisanalysiscomparesleadingtimeseriesdatabasesolutions,examiningtheirfeatures,performancecapabilities,andsuitabilityfordiverseapplications.Whetheryourfocusismachinelocatio
- Mysql Tutorial . nosql 682 2025-01-07 22:57:12
- forEach vs. for: The Asynchronous Showdown!
- Understanding How Looping Choices Affect Asynchronous Performance In my recent project, I needed to update a large number of records in a NoSQL database — over a thousand. Since updating them all at once wasn’t feasible and the process was asynchron
- JS Tutorial . nosql 688 2025-01-07 22:41:41