An example of PHP natural language reverse order is as follows
1 2 3 | <ol class = "dp-xml" ><li class = "alt" >
<span><strong><font color= "#006699" ><span class = "tag" ><?</SPAN><SPAN class =tag-name>php</SPAN></FONT></STRONG><SPAN> </SPAN></SPAN><LI class =alt><SPAN><SPAN></SPAN></SPAN><LI class =alt><SPAN><SPAN>$</SPAN><SPAN class =attribute><FONT color=#ff0000>data</FONT></SPAN><SPAN> = </SPAN><SPAN class =attribute-value><FONT color=#0000ff> array </FONT></SPAN><SPAN>( "book-1" , "book-10" , <br> "book-100" , "book-5" );natsort( $data ); <br>print_r( array_reverse ( $data )); </SPAN></SPAN><LI class = "" ><SPAN class =tag></SPAN><LI class = "" ><SPAN></SPAN><SPAN class =tag><STRONG><FONT color=#006699>?></span></font></strong></span><span> </span>
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The following is its output:
Array ([0] => book-100
[1] => book-10
[2 ] => book-5
[3] => book-1
I hope beginners can figure out the specific use of PHP natural language reverse order through the above example. // example of PHP natural language reverse order is as follows? php $ data = array ("book-1","book-10" , "book-100","book-5");natsort($data); print_r(array_reverse($data)); ? The following is its output: Arr...