When I was modifying a website for a friend recently, the editor of Bangkejia found that the pictures on some websites were in PNG format, and the picture files were very large, almost more than 200KB, while JPG pictures of the same pixels were much smaller. , so I searched for tutorials on the Internet, and now I will share with you the method of converting the specified image format to JPG and automatically scaling it to the specified size using PHP. It supports JPG, BMP, PNG and GIF formats.
Don’t say anything else, just upload the code. This code cannot be directly copied to your website for use. You need to know some PHP knowledge. If you don’t understand PHP, it is recommended to read the PHP Chinese manual provided by Agni.
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function ImageCreateFromBMP( $filename )
if ( ! $f1 = fopen ( $filename , "rb" )) return FALSE ;
$FILE = unpack ( "vfile_type/Vfile_size/Vreserved/Vbitmap_offset" , fread ( $f1 , 14 ));
if ( $FILE [ 'file_type' ] != 19778 ) return FALSE ;
$BMP = unpack ( 'Vheader_size/Vwidth/Vheight/vplanes/vbits_per_pixel' . '/Vcompression/Vsize_bitmap/Vhoriz_resolution' .
'/Vvert_resolution/Vcolors_used/Vcolors_important' , fread ( $f1 , 40 ));
$BMP [ 'colors' ] = pow ( 2 , $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ]);
if ( $BMP [ 'size_bitmap' ] == 0 ) $BMP [ 'size_bitmap' ] = $FILE [ 'file_size' ] - $FILE [ 'bitmap_offset' ];
$BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel' ] = $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] / 8 ;
$BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel2' ] = ceil ( $BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel' ]);
$BMP [ 'decal' ] = ( $BMP [ 'width' ] * $BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel' ] / 4 );
$BMP [ 'decal' ] -= floor ( $BMP [ 'width' ] * $BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel' ] / 4 );
$BMP [ 'decal' ] = 4 - ( 4 * $BMP [ 'decal' ]);
if ( $BMP [ 'decal' ] == 4 ) $BMP [ 'decal' ] = 0 ;
$PALETTE = array ();
if ( $BMP [ 'colors' ] < 16777216 )
$PALETTE = unpack ( 'V' . $BMP [ 'colors' ] , fread ( $f1 , $BMP [ 'colors' ] * 4 ));
$IMG = fread ( $f1 , $BMP [ 'size_bitmap' ]);
$VIDE = chr ( 0 );
$res = imagecreatetruecolor( $BMP [ 'width' ] , $BMP [ 'height' ]);
$P = 0 ;
$Y = $BMP [ 'height' ] - 1 ;
while ( $Y >= 0 )
$X = 0 ;
while ( $X < $BMP [ 'width' ])
if ( $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] == 24 )
$COLOR = unpack ( "V" , substr ( $IMG , $P , 3 ) . $VIDE );
elseif ( $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] == 16 )
$COLOR = unpack ( "n" , substr ( $IMG , $P , 2 ));
$COLOR [ 1 ] = $PALETTE [ $COLOR [ 1 ] + 1 ];
elseif ( $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] == 8 )
$COLOR = unpack ( "n" , $VIDE . substr ( $IMG , $P , 1 ));
$COLOR [ 1 ] = $PALETTE [ $COLOR [ 1 ] + 1 ];
elseif ( $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] == 4 )
$COLOR = unpack ( "n" , $VIDE . substr ( $IMG , floor ( $P ) , 1 ));
if (( $P * 2 ) % 2 == 0 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] >> 4 ) ; else $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x0F );
$COLOR [ 1 ] = $PALETTE [ $COLOR [ 1 ] + 1 ];
elseif ( $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] == 1 )
$COLOR = unpack ( "n" , $VIDE . substr ( $IMG , floor ( $P ) , 1 ));
if (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 0 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = $COLOR [ 1 ] >> 7 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 1 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x40 ) >> 6 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 2 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x20 ) >> 5 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 3 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x10 ) >> 4 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 4 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x8 ) >> 3 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 5 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x4 ) >> 2 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 6 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x2 ) >> 1 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 7 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x1 );
$COLOR [ 1 ] = $PALETTE [ $COLOR [ 1 ] + 1 ];
return FALSE ;
imagesetpixel( $res , $X , $Y , $COLOR [ 1 ]);
$X ++ ;
$P += $BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel' ];
$Y -- ;
$P += $BMP [ 'decal' ];
fclose ( $f1 );
return $res ;
// 烈火網 bkjia.COM 欢迎复制,拒绝恶意采集 liehuo.net
function ImageToJPG($srcFile,$dstFile,$towidth,$toheight)
$data = @GetImageSize($srcFile);
switch ($data['2'])
case 1:
$im = imagecreatefromgif($srcFile);
case 2:
$im = imagecreatefromjpeg($srcFile);
case 3:
$im = imagecreatefrompng($srcFile);
case 6:
$im = ImageCreateFromBMP( $srcFile );
// $dstX=$srcW=@ImageSX($im);
// $dstY=$srcH=@ImageSY($im);
@ imagedestroy($im);
//ImageToJPG(' Source file name', 'target file name', target width, target height);
http://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/363942.htmlwww.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/363942.htmlTechArticleRecently when modifying the website for a friend, the editor of Liehuo.com found that the pictures on some websites are in PNG format, and the picture files Very large, almost more than 200KB, while JPG pictures of the same pixels will be smaller...