$link = @mysql_connect("localhost","database name","password") or die ('Could not connect to server. ');
mysql_query("use cms",$link);
mysql_query("set names utf8",$link);
$dbbck=new backupData($link);//instantiate it , just a link identifier is enough
//When backing up data, if you want to back up all tables in a database, you can write like this:
$dbbck->backupTables("cms","./", array('*'));
//When backing up data, if you want to back up only one table in a database, you can write like this:
$dbbck->backupTables("cms" ,"./",array('user'));
//When backing up data, if you want to back up multiple tables in a database, you can write like this:
$ dbbck->backupTables("cms","./",array('user','acl','informatoin'));
//Note: $dbbck->backupTables("parameter 1", "Parameter 2", array());,
Parameter 1 is: database name,
Parameter 2 is: the location where the backup data is to be stored (i.e. directory address)
The third one is: you want Save those tables
The following is the code:
Copy the code The code is as follows:
*A simple backup data class
*author FC
class backupData{
private $mysql_link;//Link identification
private $dbName;//Database name
private $dataDir; //Directory where the data is to be stored
private $tableNames;//Table name
public function __construct( $mysql_link){
$this->mysql_link = $mysql_link;
public function backupTables($dbName,$dataDir,$tableNames){//Start backup
$this->dbName = $dbName;
$this->dataDir = $dataDir;
$this->tableNames = $tableNames;
$tables=$this-> ;delarray($this->tableNames);
foreach($tables as $tablename){
if($tablename==''){//The table does not exist When
//**********************The following is the first half of the SQL**** **********
//If the table exists, delete it first
$sqls .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tablename;n";
//Read the table structure
$rs = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE $tablename",$this->mysql_link);
//Get the table structure to form SQL
$sqls .=$row['1'].";nn";
//************ ************The following is the second half of the SQL**************
//Find all the data in the table
$ rs=mysql_query("select * from $tablename",$this->mysql_link);
//The number of fields in the table
//Form this SQL statement: "INSERT INTO `groups` VALUES('1499e0ca25988d','Director','','0');"
$comma=' ';//Comma
$sqls.="INSERT INTO `$tablename` VALUES(";
$sqls.= $comma."'".$rows[$i]."'";
//Write file
$filehandle = fopen($backfilepath , "w");
fwrite($filehandle, $sqls);
private function delarray($array){//process incoming Incoming array
foreach($array as $tables){
if($tables=='*'){//All tables (when obtaining the table name, you cannot form an array in the usual way)
$tableList = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_numrows($newtables) ; $i++){
array_push($tableList,mysql_tablename($newtables, $i));
$tableList=$array ;
return $tableList;
} // functions include: require_once("backdata.class.php"); $link = @mysql_connect("localhost" ,"database name","password") or die ('Could not connect to server.'); mysql_query("use cms",$link)...