Summary of PHP Math function series_PHP tutorial
Jul 22, 2016 am 09:01 AM
Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number by calling the
asinh() function.
The asin() function returns the arcsine of different values. The returned result is a radians value between -PI/2 and PI/2.
acosh() function returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.
acos() function returns the arc cosine of a number.
abs() function returns the absolute value of a number.
The mail() function allows you to send an email directly from a script.
The libxml_use_internal_errors() function disables standard libxml errors and enables user error handling.
The libxml_get_last_error() function gets the last error from the libxml error buffer.
The libxml_get_errors() function gets errors from the libxml error buffer.
The libxml_clear_errors() function clears the libxml error buffer.
The setrawcookie() function does not URL encode the cookie value and sends an HTTP cookie.
The setcookie() function sends an HTTP cookie to the client.
The headers_sent() function checks if/where HTTP headers are sent.
The headers_list() function returns a list of sent (or pending) response headers. The
header() function sends raw HTTP headers to the client.
The ftp_systype() function returns the system type identifier of the remote FTP server.
The ftp_ssl_connect() function opens a secure SSL-FTP connection.
The ftp_size() function returns the size of the specified file.
The ftp_site() function sends the SITE command to the server.
The ftp_set_option() function sets various FTP runtime options.
The ftp_rmdir() function deletes a directory.
The ftp_rename() function changes the file or directory name on the FTP server.
The ftp_rawlist() function returns a detailed list of files in the specified directory.
The ftp_raw() function sends a raw command to the FTP server.
The ftp_quit() function closes the FTP connection.
The ftp_pwd() function returns the current directory name.
The ftp_put() function uploads files to the server.
The ftp_pasv() function sets passive mode on or off.
The ftp_nlist() function returns the file list in the specified directory.
The ftp_nb_put() function uploads files to the server (non-blocking).
The ftp_nb_get() function gets a file from an FTP server and writes it to a local file (non-blocking).
The ftp_nb_fput() function uploads an open file and saves it as a file on the FTP server (non-blocking).
The ftp_nb_fget() function downloads a file from the FTP server and saves it to a file that has been opened locally (non-blocking).
The ftp_nb_continue() function continuously obtains/sends files.
The ftp_mkdir() function creates a new directory on the FTP server.
The ftp_mdtm() function returns the last modification time of the specified file.
The ftp_login() function logs in to the FTP server.
The ftp_get() function downloads a file from the FTP server.
The ftp_get_option() function returns various option settings for the current FTP connection.
The ftp_fput() function uploads an open file to the FTP server.
The ftp_fget() function downloads a file from the FTP server and saves it to an open file locally.
The ftp_exec() function requests execution of a program or command on the FTP server.
The ftp_delete() function deletes a file on the FTP server.
The ftp_connect() function establishes a new FTP connection.
The ftp_close() function closes the FTP connection.
The ftp_chmod() function sets the permissions of the specified file on the FTP server.
The ftp_chdir() function changes the current directory on the FTP server.
The ftp_cdup() function changes the current directory to the parent directory on the FTP server.
The ftp_alloc() function allocates space for files to be uploaded to the FTP server.
The filter_var() function filters variables by the specified filter.
The filter_var_array() function obtains multiple variables and filters them.
The filter_list() function returns an array containing all supported filters.
The filter_input_array() function obtains multiple inputs from outside the script and filters them.
The filter_input() function gets input from outside the script and filters it.
The filter_id() function returns the ID number of the specified filter.
The filter_has_var() function checks whether a variable of the specified input type exists.
unlink() function deletes files.
umask() function changes the current umask.
The touch() function sets the access and modification time of the specified file.
The tmpfile() function creates a temporary file with a unique file name in read-write (w+) mode.
The tempnam() function creates a temporary file with a unique file name.
The symlink() function creates a symbolic link.
The stat() function returns information about the file.
set_file_buffer() function sets the buffer size of open files.
rmdir() function deletes empty directories.
rewind() function rewinds the position of the file pointer back to the beginning of the file.
rename() function renames a file or directory.
realpath() function returns the absolute path.
readlink() function returns the target pointed by the symbolic link.
readfile() function outputs a file.
popen() function opens the process file pointer.
The pclose() function closes the pipe opened by popen().
The pathinfo() function returns file path information in the form of an array.
The parse_ini_file() function parses a configuration file and returns the settings in an array.
The move_uploaded_file() function moves the uploaded file to a new location.
mkdir() function creates a directory.
The lstat() function returns information about a file or symbolic link.
linkinfo() function returns connection information.
link() function establishes a hard link.
is_writeable() function determines whether the specified file is writable.
is_writable() function determines whether the specified file is writable.
is_uploaded_file() function determines whether the specified file was uploaded via HTTP POST.
is_readable() function determines whether the specified file name is readable.
is_link() function determines whether the specified file name is a symbolic link.
is_file() function checks whether the specified file name is a normal file.
is_executable() function checks whether the specified file is executable.
is_dir() function checks whether the specified file is a directory.
glob() function returns the file name or directory matching the specified pattern.
fwrite() function writes to a file (safe for binary files).
ftruncate() function truncates the file to the specified length.
The current position of the ftell() function in the open file.
The fstat() function returns information about open files.
The fseek() function locates within an open file.
The fscanf() function parses input from an open file according to a specified format.
fread() function reads files (safe for binary files).
fputs() function writes to a file (safe for use with binary files).
The fputcsv() function formats rows to CSV and writes them to an open file.
The fpassthru() function outputs all remaining data at the file pointer.
fopen() function opens a file or URL.
fnmatch() function matches a filename or string based on a specified pattern.
flock() function locks or releases a file.
filetype() function returns the type of the specified file or directory.
The filesize() function returns the size of the specified file.
The fileperms() function returns the permissions of a file or directory.
The fileowner() function returns the owner of the file.
The filemtime() function returns the last modification time of the file content.
The fileinode() function returns the inode number of the file.
The filegroup() function returns the group ID of the specified file.
The filectime() function returns the last inode modification time of the specified file.
The fileatime() function returns the last access time of the specified file.
The file_put_contents() function writes a string to a file.
The file_get_contents() function reads the entire file into a string.
The file_exists() function checks whether a file or directory exists.
The file() function reads the entire file into an array.
fgetss() function reads a line from an open file and filters out HTML and PHP tags.
fgets() function reads a line from the file pointer.
The fgetcsv() function reads in a line from the file pointer and parses the CSV fields.
fgetc() function reads a character from the file pointer.
fflush() function outputs the buffered contents to a file.
The feof() function detects whether the end of file (eof) has been reached.
fclose() function closes an open file.
diskfreespace() function returns the free space in the directory. This function is an alias for the disk_free_space() function.
disk_total_space() function returns the total disk size of the specified directory.
disk_free_space() function returns the free space in the directory
dirname() function returns the directory part of the path.
clearstatcache() function copies files.
clearstatcache() function clears the file status cache.
chown() function changes the owner of the specified file.
chmod() function changes the file mode.
chgrp() function changes the group to which a file belongs.
basename() function returns the filename part of the path.
set_exception_handler() handler() function

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