Overview of parsing engine Template design specification Code reference Mark reference: arclist(artlist,likeart,hotart,imglist,imginfolist,coolart,specart) field channel mytag vote friendlink mynews loop channelartlist page list pagelist pagebreak fieldlist 1. Dreamweaver template parsing engine Overview Before understanding the template code of DedeCms, it is very meaningful to understand the knowledge of the DreamWeaver template engine. The Dreamweaver template engine is a template parser that uses XML namespaces. The biggest advantage of using the Dreamweaver parser to parse templates is that you can easily specify the attributes of the tag. It feels like using HTML, making the template code very intuitive. Flexible, the new version of the Dreamweaver template engine can not only parse the template but also analyze the wrong tags in the template. 1. The code styles of the DreamWeaver template engine have the following forms: {dede: tag name attribute='value'/} {dede: tag name attribute='value'}{/dede: tag name} { dede: tag name attribute = 'value'} Custom style template (InnerText) {/dede: tag name} Tips: For the form {dede: tag name attribute = 'value'} {/dede: tag name} In version 2.1, you only need to use "{/dede}" to indicate the end, but in V3, you need to strictly use "{/dede:mark name}", otherwise an error will be reported. 2. The Dreamweaver template engine has multiple built-in system tags, and these system tags can be used directly in any situation. (1) global tag means to obtain an external variable. In addition to the database password, it can call any configuration parameters of the system. The form is: {dede:global name='variable name'}{/dede:global} or {dede:global name='variable name' /} The variable name cannot be added with the $ symbol, such as the variable $cfg_cmspath, which should be written as {dede:global name='cfg_cmspath' /}. (2) foreach is used to output an array, in the form: {dede:foreach array='array name'}[field:key/] [field:value/]{/dede:foreach} (3) include introduction A file in the form: {dede:include file='file name' /} The search path for the file is in the order: absolute path, include folder, CMS installation directory, CMS main template directory 3. Dreamweaver mark Allows the use of functions in any tag to process the obtained value, in the form: {dede: tag name attribute='value' function='youfunction("Parameter 1", "Parameter 2", "@me") '/} where @me is used to represent the value of the current tag, other parameters are determined by your function, for example: {dede:field name='pubdate' function='strftime("%Y-%m-% d %H:%M:%S","@me")' /} 2. DedeCms template production specifications The template of the DedeCms system is not fixed. Users can choose the column template when creating a new column. The official only provides The most basic default template is each template of the built-in system model. DedeCms supports custom channel models. After users customize a new channel model, they need to design a new template according to the model. 1. Concept, design and use of templates, you must understand the following concepts: 1. Section (cover) template: Refers to the template used for the website homepage or the cover of more important columns, generally using "index_identification ID.htm "Name. In addition, users can choose whether to support section template tags for individual pages or custom tags individually defined. If supported, the system will use the section template tag engine to parse before outputting the content or generating a specific file. 2. List template: Refers to the template of the list of all articles in a certain column of the website, generally named with "list_identification ID.htm". 3. File template: Represents the template of the document viewing page, generally named with "article_identification ID.htm". 4. Other templates: The general system generally includes templates: home page template, search template, RSS, JS compilation function template, etc. In addition, users can also customize a template to create any file. 2. Naming, for the sake of standardization, DreamWeaver officially recommends using a unified way to name templates, as follows: 1. Template saving location: Template directory: {cmspath/templets/style name (English, the default is default, where system is the underlying template of the system, plus is the template used by the plug-in)/specific function template file} General template location: "/templets/default" 2. Template file naming convention: (1) index_identification ID.htm: Represents the section (column cover) template; (2) list_identification ID.htm: Represents the column list template; (3) article_identification ID.htm: Represents the content viewing page (document template, including topic viewing page); (4) search.htm: Search results list template; (5) index.htm: Home page template; Notes: The [identification IDs] of each content channel in your system are: Example: list_image.htm means yes, yes The default list template for columns whose content type is picture collection. 3. Main tag reference 1. arclist tag This tag is the most commonly used tag in DedeCms. Among them, hotart, coolart, likeart, artlist, imglist, imginfolist, and specart are all extended by different attributes defined by this tag. of. Function: Get a specified document list Scope of application: cover template, list template, document template (1) Basic syntax: {dede:arclist typeid='' row='' col='' titlelen='' infolen='' imgwidth='' imgheight='' listtype='' orderby='' keyword=''} Custom style template (InnerText) {/dede:arclist} This tag is equivalent to artlist, imglist, The imginfolist tag is completely identical to artlist, and is only different from imglist and imginfolist in the default underlying template. (2) Attribute reference: [1] typeid='' represents the column ID, which generally does not need to be specified in list templates and archive templates. In the cover template, "," is allowed to represent multiple columns separately; [2] row='' means the number of rows in the returned document. If used in combination with col, the result number is equal to row * col; [3] col='' means how many columns to display (default is single column); [4] titlelen=' ' represents the length of the title; [5] infolen='' represents the length of the content introduction; [6] imgwidth='' represents the width of the thumbnail; [7] imgheight='' represents the height of the thumbnail; [8] type= '' indicates the file type, where the default value or type='all' is an ordinary document. § type='commend' indicates a recommended document, which is equivalent to § type='image', which indicates that a thumbnail image must be included. Document [9] orderby='' indicates the sorting method. The default value is senddate arranged by release time. § orderby='hot' or orderby='click' means sorting by the number of clicks § orderby='pubdate' sorting by publication time (that is, the time value that the front desk allows to change) § orderby='sortrank' sorting by the newness of the article Sorting level sorting (use this attribute if you want to use pinned articles) § orderby='id' Sort by article ID [10] keyword='' represents a list of documents containing specified keywords, multiple keywords use ", "Separate [11] channelid='number' indicates a specific channel type, built-in channels: topic (-1), article (1), gallery (2), Flash (4), software (3) [12 ] limit='start, end' indicates a limited record range. The row attribute must be equal to "end - start". MySQL's limit statement starts from 0. For example, "limit 0,5" means taking the first five records. Records, "limit 5,5" means starting from the fifth record, take down five records. (3) Bottom template variables ID (same as id), title, iscommend, color, typeid, ismake, description (same as info), pubdate, senddate, arcrank, click, litpic (same as picname), typedir, typename, arcurl (same as filename), typeurl, stime (pubdate's "0000-00-00" format), textlink, typelink, imglink, image where: textlink = titletypelink = typename imglink = image = Variable calling method: [field:varname / ] For example: {dede:arclist infolen='100'} [field:textlink /]
[field:info /]
{/dede:arclist} 2. field Tag This tag is used to obtain the field value and commonly used environment variable value of a specific column or file Applicable scope: cover template, list template, document template (1) Basic syntax {dede:field name=''/} (2) The value of the name attribute: Plate template: phpurl,indexurl,indexname,templeturl,memberurl,powerby,webname,specurl List template: position,title,phpurl,templeturl,memberurl,powerby,indexurl,indexname,specurl, All fields of the column table dede_arctype where position is a link in the form of "Column One > Column Two", and title is a title in this form Document template: position,phpurl,templeturl,memberurl,powerby,indexurl,indexname,specurl ,id (same as ID,aid), all fields of the archive dede_archives table and additional tables. 3、channel 标记 用于获取栏目列表 适用范围:封面模板、列表模板、文档模板 (1)基本语法 {dede:channel row='' type=''} 自定义样式模板(InnerText) {/dede:channel} (2)属性 [1] row='数字' 表示获取记录的条数(通用在某级栏目太多的时候使用,默认是 8) [2] type = top,sun,self type='top' 表示顶级栏目 type='sun' 表示下级栏目 type='self' 表示同级栏目 其中后两个属性必须在列表模板中使用。 (3)底层模板变量 ID,typename,typedir,typelink(这里仅表示栏目的网址) 例: {dede:channel type='top'} [field:typename/] {/dede:channel} 4、mytag 标记 用于获取自定义标记的内容 适用范围:封面模板、列表模板、文档模板 (1)基本语法 {dede:mytag typeid='' name='' ismake='' /} (2)属性 [1] typeid = '数字' 表示栏目ID,默认为 0,在没有设定的栏目没有定义这个名称的标记,会按如下搜索方式来搜索“先向上查找父栏目 -> 通用标记(typeid=0)的同名标记”。 [2] name = '' 标记名称。 [3] ismake = yes|no 默认为 no 表示mytag里的内容不包含其它封面模板的标记,yes则表示标记内容含有其它封面模板标记。 5、vote 标记 用于获取一组投票表单 适用范围:封面模板 (1) 基本语法 {dede:vote id='投票ID' lineheight='22' tablewidth='100%' titlebgcolor='#EDEDE2' titlebackground='' tablebgcolor='#FFFFFF'} {/dede:vote} 6、friendlink 标记,等同 flink 用于获取友情链接 适用范围:封面模板 (1)基本语法 {dede:flink type='' row='' col='' titlelen='' tablestyle=''}{/dede:flink} 属性注解: [1]type:链接类型,值: a. textall 全部用文字显示 b. textimage 文字和图得混合排列 c. text 仅显示不带Logo的链接 d. image 仅显示带Logo的链接 ------------------------------------- [2]row:显示多少行,默认为4行 [3]col:显示多少列,默认为6列 [4]titlelen:站点文字的长度 [5]tablestyle: 表示
{/dede:channelArtlist} channelArtlist is the only tag that can directly nest other tags, but it is limited to nesting {dede:type}{/dede:type} and {dede:arclist}{/dede:arclist } mark. (1) Attribute typeid=0 Channel ID. By default, the nested tag uses the subordinate column of this column ID. If you want to use a specific column, you can use "," to separate multiple IDs. col=2 Display in multiple columns tablewidth='100%' The size of the peripheral table 10. Page tag Indicates additional parameters of the paging page Applicable scope: list template Syntax: {dede:page pagesize="per page Number of results "/} 11. The list mark represents the content list in the list template Syntax: {dede:list col='' titlelen='' infolen='' imgwidth='' imgheight='' orderby= ''}{/dede:list} Underlying template variables ID (same as id), title, iscommend, color, typeid, ismake, description (same as info), pubdate, senddate, arcrank, click, litpic (same as picname) , typedir, typename, arcurl (same as filename), typeurl, stime (pubdate's "0000-00-00" format), textlink, typelink, imglink, image 12. pagelist tag represents a paging page number list Scope of application: List template Syntax: {dede:pagelist listsize="3"/} listsize means [1][2][3] The length of these items x 2 13. Pagebreak tag Usage: Represents the paged link list of the document. Scope of application: only document templates. Syntax: {dede:pagebreak /} 14. fieldlist tag Purpose: Get all field information of the attached table. Scope of application: only document templates. Syntax: {dede:fieldlist} [field:name /]: [field:value /]
The above introduces the dedecms template dedecms template production and use methods, including the dedecms template content, I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.
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