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mvc mode Template engine development experience sharing of MVC mode in PHP

Release: 2016-07-29 08:44:39
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It makes the development and maintenance of Web systems more convenient, thereby effectively saving manpower and material resources, and is favored by more and more enterprises.
The template engine is an important method in the MVC pattern establishment process. Developers can design a set of tags that give meaning, effectively extract data logic processing from the interface template through technical analysis and processing, and submit control rights to the interface template by interpreting the meaning of the tags. The corresponding business logic processing program can obtain the required data and display it in the form of template design, so that designers can focus more on the form of expression. The following is my understanding and design method of template engines:
To put it nicely, it is called template engine, but it is actually the process of interpreting template data (personal opinion^^). Through my thinking and understanding of website building, the presentation form of the website can be summarized into two forms: single item and multiple items. Then we can set two corresponding tags (such as data, list) to handle these two situations. The key point is It solves the problem of multi-layer nesting of two tags and is basically suitable for realizing 80% of interface forms.
There are many ways to interpret templates, commonly used ones include string processing (resolving nesting is a little troublesome) and regular expressions. The regular expression I chose here, and the following is my processing method (this article only provides ideas and reference code, which may not be used directly).
Template file parsing class:

Copy code The code is as follows:

* class: 模板解析类
* author: 51JS.COM-ZMM
* date: 2011.3.1
* email: 304924248@qq.com
* blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/cnzmm/
class Template {
public $html, $vars, $bTag, $eTag;
public $bFlag='{', $eFlag='}', $pfix='zmm:';
private $folder, $file;
function __construct($vars=array()) {
!empty($vars) && $this->vars = $vars;
!empty($GLOBALS['cfg_tag_prefix']) &&
$this->pfix = $GLOBALS['cfg_tag_prefix'].':';
$this->bTag = $this->bFlag.$this->pfix;
$this->eTag = $this->bFlag.'/'.$this->pfix;
empty(Tags::$vars) && Tags::$vars = &$this->vars;
public function LoadTpl($tpl) {
$this->file = $this->GetTplPath($tpl);
Tags::$file = &$this->file;
if (is_file($this->file)) {
if ($this->GetTplHtml()) {
} else {
} else {
private function GetTplPath($tpl) {
$this->folder = WEBSITE_DIRROOT.
return $this->folder.'/'.$tpl;
private function GetTplHtml() {
$html = self::FmtTplHtml(file_get_contents($this->file));
if (!empty($html)) {
$callFunc = Tags::$prefix.'Syntax';
$this->html = Tags::$callFunc($html, new Template());
} else {
} return true;
static public function FmtTplHtml($html) {
return preg_replace('/(r)|(n)|(t)|(s{2,})/is', '', $html);
public function Register($vars=array()) {
if (is_array($vars)) {
$this->vars = $vars;
Tags::$vars = &$this->vars;
public function Display($bool=false, $name="", $time=0) {
if (!empty($this->html)) {
if ($bool && !empty($name)) {
if (!is_int($time)) $time = 600;
$cache = new Cache($time);
$cache->Set($name, $this->html);
echo $this->html; flush();
} else {
public function SetAssign($souc, $info) {
if (!empty($this->html)) {
$this->html = str_ireplace($souc, self::FmtTplHtml($info), $this->html);
} else {
private function SetTplTags() {
$this->SetPanelTags(); $this->SetTrunkTags(); $this->RegHatchVars();
private function SetPanelTags() {
$rule = $this->bTag.'([^'.$this->eFlag.']+)/'.$this->eFlag;
preg_match_all('/'.$rule.'/ism', $this->html, $out_matches);
$this->TransTag($out_matches, 'panel'); unset($out_matches);
private function SetTrunkTags() {
$rule = $this->bTag.'(w+)s*([^'.$this->eFlag.']*?)'.$this->eFlag.
preg_match_all('/'.$rule.'/ism', $this->html, $out_matches);
$this->TransTag($out_matches, 'trunk'); unset($out_matches);
private function TransTag($result, $type) {
if (!empty($result[0])) {
switch ($type) {
case 'panel' : {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($result[0]); $i ++) {
$strTag = explode(' ', $result[1][$i], 2);
if (strpos($strTag[0], '.')) {
$itemArg = explode('.', $result[1][$i], 2);
$callFunc = Tags::$prefix.ucfirst($itemArg[0]);
if (method_exists('Tags', $callFunc)) {
$html = Tags::$callFunc(chop($itemArg[1]));
if ($html !== false) {
$this->html = str_ireplace($result[0][$i], $html, $this->html);
} else {
$rule = '^([^s]+)s*([Ss]+)$';
preg_match_all('/'.$rule.'/is', trim($result[1][$i]), $tmp_matches);
$callFunc = Tags::$prefix.ucfirst($tmp_matches[1][0]);
if (method_exists('Tags', $callFunc)) {
$html = Tags::$callFunc($tmp_matches[2][0]);
if ($html !== false) {
$this->html = str_ireplace($result[0][$i], $html, $this->html);
} unset($tmp_matches);
} break;
case 'trunk' : {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($result[0]); $i ++) {
$callFunc = Tags::$prefix.ucfirst($result[1][$i]);
if (method_exists('Tags', $callFunc)) {
$html = Tags::$callFunc($result[2][$i], $result[3][$i]);
$this->html = str_ireplace($result[0][$i], $html, $this->html);
} break;
default: break;
} else {
return false;
private function RegHatchVars() {
function __destruct() {}


复制代码 代码如下:

* class: 标签解析类
* author: 51JS.COM-ZMM
* date: 2011.3.2
* email: 304924248@qq.com
* blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/cnzmm/
class Tags {
static private $attrs=null;
static public $file, $vars, $rule, $prefix='TAG_';
static public function TAG_Syntax($html, $that) {
$rule = $that->bTag.'ifs+([^'.$that->eFlag.']+)s*'.$that->eFlag;
$html = preg_replace('/'.$rule.'/ism', '', $html);
$rule = $that->bTag.'elseifs+([^'.$that->eFlag.']+)s*'.$that->eFlag;
$html = preg_replace('/'.$rule.'/ism', '', $html);
$rule = $that->bTag.'elses*'.$that->eFlag;
$html = preg_replace('/'.$rule.'/ism', '', $html);
$rule = $that->bTag.'loops+(S+)s+(S+)s*'.$that->eFlag;
$html = preg_replace('/'.$rule.'/ism', '', $html);
$rule = $that->bTag.'loops+(S+)s+(S+)s+(S+)s*'.$that->eFlag;
$html = preg_replace('/'.$rule.'/ism', ' \3) { ?>', $html);
$rule = $that->eTag.'(if|loop)s*'.$that->eFlag;
$html = preg_replace('/'.$rule.'/ism', '', $html);
$rule = $that->bTag.'phps*'.$that->eFlag.'((?:(?!'.
$html = preg_replace('/'.$rule.'/ism', '', $html);
return self::TAG_Execute($html);
static public function TAG_List($attr, $html) {
if (!empty($html)) {
if (self::TAG_HaveTag($html)) {
return self::TAG_DealTag($attr, $html, true);
} else {
return self::TAG_GetData($attr, $html, true);
} else {
static public function TAG_Data($attr, $html) {
if (!empty($html)) {
if (self::TAG_HaveTag($html)) {
return self::TAG_DealTag($attr, $html, false);
} else {
return self::TAG_GetData($attr, $html, false);
} else {
static public function TAG_Execute($html) {
ob_clean(); ob_start();
if (!empty(self::$vars)) {
is_array(self::$vars) &&
extract(self::$vars, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
$file_inc = WEBSITE_DIRINC.'/buffer/'.
md5(uniqid(rand(), true)).'.php';
if ($fp = fopen($file_inc, 'xb')) {
fwrite($fp, $html);
if (fclose($fp)) {
$html = ob_get_contents();
} unset($fp);
} else {
} ob_end_clean(); @unlink($file_inc);
return $html;
static private function TAG_HaveTag($html) {
$bool_has = false;
$tpl_ins = new Template();
self::$rule = $tpl_ins->bTag.'([^'.$tpl_ins->eFlag.']+)/'.$tpl_ins->eFlag;
$bool_has = $bool_has || preg_match('/'.self::$rule.'/ism', $html);
self::$rule = $tpl_ins->bTag.'(w+)s*([^'.$tpl_ins->eFlag.']*?)'.$tpl_ins->eFlag.
$bool_has = $bool_has || preg_match('/'.self::$rule.'/ism', $html);
return $bool_has;
static private function TAG_DealTag($attr, $html, $list) {
preg_match_all('/'.self::$rule.'/ism', $html, $out_matches);
if (!empty($out_matches[0])) {
$child_node = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($out_matches[0]); $i ++) {
$child_node[] = $out_matches[3][$i];
$html = str_ireplace($out_matches[3][$i], '{-->>child_node_'.$i.'<<--}', $html);
$html = self::TAG_GetData($attr, $html, $list);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($out_matches[0]); $i ++) {
$html = str_ireplace('{-->>child_node_'.$i.'<<--}', $child_node[$i], $html);
preg_match_all('/'.self::$rule.'/ism', $html, $tmp_matches);
if (!empty($tmp_matches[0])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmp_matches[0]); $i ++) {
$callFunc = self::$prefix.ucfirst($tmp_matches[1][$i]);
if (method_exists('Tags', $callFunc)) {
$temp = self::$callFunc($tmp_matches[2][$i], $tmp_matches[3][$i]);
$html = str_ireplace($tmp_matches[0][$i], $temp, $html);
unset($out_matches); return $html;
static private function TAG_GetData($attr, $html, $list=false) {
if (!empty($attr)) {
$attr_ins = new Attbt($attr);
$attr_arr = $attr_ins->attrs;
if (is_array($attr_arr)) {
extract($attr_arr, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
$source = table_name($source, $column);
$rule = '[field:s*(w+)s*([^]]*?)s*/?]';
preg_match_all('/'.$rule.'/is', $html, $out_matches);
$data_str = '';
$data_ins = new DataSql();
$attr_where = $attr_order = '';
if (!empty($where)) {
$where = str_replace(',', ' and ', $where);
$attr_where = ' where '. $where;
if (!empty($order)) {
$attr_order = ' order by '.$order;
} else {
$fed_name = '';
$fed_ins = $data_ins->GetFedNeedle($source);
$fed_cnt = $data_ins->GetFedCount($fed_ins);
for ($i = 0; $i < $fed_cnt; $i ++) {
$fed_flag = $data_ins->GetFedFlag($fed_ins, $i);
if (preg_match('/auto_increment/ism', $fed_flag)) {
$fed_name = $data_ins->GetFedName($fed_ins, $i);
if (!empty($fed_name))
$attr_order = ' order by '.$fed_name.' desc';
if ($list == true) {
if (empty($source) && empty($sql)) {
$attr_rows = $attr_page = '';
if ($rows > 0) {
$attr_rows = ' limit 0,'.$rows;
if (!empty($sql)) {
$data_sql = $sql;
} else {
$data_sql = 'select * from `'.$source.'`'.
if ($pages=='true' && !empty($size)) {
$data_num = $data_ins->GetRecNum($data_sql);
$page_cnt = ceil($data_num / $size);
global $page;
if (!isset($page) || $page < 1) $page = 1;
if ($page > $page_cnt) $page = $page_cnt;
$data_sql = 'select * from `'.$source.'`'.$attr_where.
$attr_order.' limit '.($page-1) * $size.','.$size;
$GLOBALS['cfg_page_curr'] = $page;
$GLOBALS['cfg_page_prev'] = $page - 1;
$GLOBALS['cfg_page_next'] = $page + 1;
$GLOBALS['cfg_page_nums'] = $page_cnt;
if (function_exists('list_pagelink')) {
$GLOBALS['cfg_page_list'] = list_pagelink($page, $page_cnt, 2);
$data_idx = 0;
$data_ret = $data_ins->SqlCmdExec($data_sql);
while ($row = $data_ins->GetRecArr($data_ret)) {
if ($skip > 0 && !empty($flag)) {
$data_idx != 0 &&
$data_idx % $skip == 0 &&
$data_str .= $flag;
$data_tmp = $html;
$data_tmp = str_ireplace('@idx', $data_idx, $data_tmp);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($out_matches[0]); $i ++) {
$data_tmp = str_ireplace($out_matches[0][$i],
$row[$out_matches[1][$i]], $data_tmp);
$data_str .= $data_tmp; $data_idx ++;
} else {
if (empty($source)) {
$data_sql = 'select * from `'.$source.
$row = $data_ins->GetOneRec($data_sql);
if (is_array($row)) {
$data_tmp = $html;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($out_matches[0]); $i ++) {
$data_val = $row[$out_matches[1][$i]];
if (empty($out_matches[2][$i])) {
$data_tmp = str_ireplace($out_matches[0][$i], $data_val, $data_tmp);
} else {
$attr_str = $out_matches[2][$i];
$attr_ins = new Attbt($attr_str);
$func_txt = $attr_ins->attrs['function'];
if (!empty($func_txt)) {
$func_tmp = explode('(', $func_txt);
if (function_exists($func_tmp[0])) {
eval('$func_ret ='.str_ireplace('@me',
'''.$data_val.''', $func_txt));
$data_tmp = str_ireplace($out_matches[0][$i], $func_ret, $data_tmp);
} else {
} else {
$data_str .= $data_tmp;
return $data_str;
} else {
} else {
static public function __callStatic($name, $args) {

以上就介绍了mvc模式 PHP中MVC模式的模板引擎开发经验分享,包括了mvc模式方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。

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