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100 commonly used PHP class library resources and techniques

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Collect and organize some commonly used PHP class libraries, resources and techniques. In order to quickly find what you need at work, this article mainly shares with you 100 commonly used PHP class library resources and techniques, hoping to help everyone.

PHP-related communities, blogs, websites, articles, books, videos and other resources with reference value

  • PHP Websites

    • PHP The Right Way A quick reference guide for PHP practice

  • ##PHP Books

    • Modern PHP (Chinese version)

    • Modern PHP - The author is PHP The initiator of the Tao and the author of the Slim framework

Dependency Management(Dependency Management)

Packages and frameworks for dependency management

  • Composer / Packagist - A package and dependency manager.

  • Composer Installers - A multi-framework Composer library installer

  • pickle - PHP extension installer

  • Melody - A tool to build one file Composer scripts.


Web Development Framework

  • Symfony2 - A framework composed of independent components (SP2)

  • Zend Framework 2 - A framework also composed of independent components (ZF2)

  • Laravel 5 - Simple and elegant PHP Web development framework (L5)

  • Aura PHP - Independent component framework

  • Yii2 - A high-performance PHP framework for developing large-scale web applications

  • Nette - A framework also composed of independent components

  • PPI Framework 2 - An interactive framework

  • CakePHP - An efficient application development framework (CP)

  • Phalcon - A framework as a C extension

  • Yaf - Bird Brother’s C extension framework

    • swoole-yaf


    ##Aura Components - a PHP5.4 component package
  • Hoa Project - a PHP component collection
  • Micro Frameworks

Micro Frameworks and Routing

##Silex - Micro Framework based on Symphony2 components
  • Silex Skeleton - Project framework for Silex
    • Silex Web Profiler - Web debugging toolbar for Silex
    • Slim - Another simple micro framework
  • Slim Skeleton - A framework for Slim
    • Slim View - Slim's custom views set
    • Slim Middleware - Slim's custom middleware collection
    • SlimMVC-Skeleton - Slim implements MVC and some components on the basis of
    • ##Bullet PHP - a micro-framework for building REST APIs
  • Lumen - based Laravel's micro framework

  • Proton - a micro PHP framework

  • blink - a Web micro high-end for building "long running" services Performance Framework

  • Routing (Routers)

Fast Route - an efficient routing library

  • Route - A routing library based on Fast Route

  • Pux - Another efficient routing library

  • Klein - A flexible routing library

  • Macaw - A simple PHP router that's super lean, fast and sexy.

Template engine (Templating)

Template and lexical analysis libraries and tools

  • Twig - a comprehensive template Language

  • Twig Cache Extension - Template fragment caching library for Twig

  • Mustache - Mustache template language implemented in PHP

  • Phly Mustache - Another Mustache template language implemented in PHP

  • MtHaml - HAML template language implemented in PHP

  • PHPTAL - TAL template language implemented in PHP

  • Plates - an original PHP template library

  • Lex - a lightweight template parser

Static Site Generators

Preprocessing tool for generating web page content

  • Sculpin - Markdown and Twig to static HTML

  • Phrozn - Another tool to convert Textile, Markdown and Twig to HTML


Library for HTTP and scraping websites

  • Guzzle - a complete HTTP client

  • Buzz - another HTTP client

  • Requests - a simple HTTP library

  • HTTPFul - a chained HTTP client

  • Goutte - A simple web scraper

  • PHP VCR - A library for recording and playback HTTP requests

Middleware (Middlewares)

Middleware for building application class libraries


Library for parsing URLs

  • Purl - A URL manipulation library

  • PHP Domain Parser - a local suffix parser

  • Uri - a simple URL manipulation library

Mail (Email)

Library for sending and parsing Email

  • ##SwiftMailer - a mail program solution

  • PHPMailer - Another email program solution

  • Fetch - An IMAP library

  • Email Reply Parser - An email reply parser library

  • Stampie - Library for email services, such as SendGrid, PostMark, MailGun and Mandrill

  • CssToInlineStyles - Email templates An inline CSS library

  • Email Validator - a small email validation library

File Operations(Files)

About file processing and MIME type checking

  • Gaufrette - an abstraction layer for file streams

  • ##Flysystem -an abstraction layer for another file stream
  • Canal - A library for checking Internet media types
  • Apache MIME Types - A library for parsing Apache MIME type library
  • Ferret - a MIME detection library
  • Hoa Mime - another MIME detection library
  • Lurker - A resource tracking library
  • PHP File Locator - A library for locating files in large projects
  • PHP FFmpeg - A library for FFmpeg video packaging
  • CSV - A CSV data manipulation library
  • Stream (Stream)

processing Streaming library

    Streamer - a simple object-oriented stream packaging library

Dependency Injection(Dependency Injection)

Library that implements dependency injection design pattern

  • Pimple - a small dependency injection container

  • Auryn - Another small dependency injection container

  • Container - Another flexible dependency injection container

  • PHP DI - A dependency injection implemented using annotations

  • Acclimate - A common interface for dependency injection containers and service locators

  • Symfony DI - A dependency injection component (SF2)

Image (Imagery)

Library for processing images

  • Imagine - a Image processing library

  • PHP Image Workshop - Another image processing library

  • Intervention Image - Also an image processing library

  • GIF Frame Extractor - A library that extracts frame information from GIF animations

  • GIF Creator - A library that creates GIF animations from multiple images

  • Image With Text - A library for embedding text in images

  • Color Extractor - A library for extracting colors from images

  • Glide - An on-demand image processing library

  • Image Optimizer - A library for optimizing images

  • ##PHPThumb - Thumbnail processing library


Testing code library and library for generating test data

  • PHPUnit - a unit testing framework

  • DBUnit - PHPUnit's code testing library

  • ParaTest - PHPUnit's parallel testing library

  • PHPSpec - According to Standardized unit testing library

  • Codeception - a full-stack testing framework

  • AspectMock - a simulation framework for PHPUnit/Codeception

  • Atoum - A simple testing library

  • Mockery - A mock object library for testing

  • Phake - Another A simulation object library for testing

  • Prophecy - a powerful simulation framework

  • Faker - a pseudo data generation library

  • Samsui - Another fake data generation library

  • Alice - A library for generating complex data

  • Behat - A testing framework for Behavior Driven Development (BDD)

  • Pho - Another testing framework for Behavior Driven Development

  • Mink - Web Acceptance Testing

  • HTTP Mock - A library to simulate HTTP requests in unit tests

  • VFS Stream - A virtual file system stream wrapper for testing

  • VFS - Another virtual file system for testing

  • Locust - A modern load testing library developed in Python

  • Peridot - an event-driven testing framework

Continuous Integration (Continuous Integration)

Continuous integration libraries and applications

  • Travis CI - a continuous integration platform

  • SemaphoreCI - a continuous integration platform for open source programs and private projects

  • PHPCI - An open source continuous integration platform for PHP

  • Sismo - A continuous test server library

  • Jenkins - PHP supported continuous integration Platform

  • JoliCi - Continuous integration client supported by Docker developed by PHP


Generate project Documentation library

  • #Sami - an API documentation generator

  • APIGen - Another API Document Generator

  • PHP Documentor 2 - Document Generator

  • phpDox - A document generator for PHP projects (not just API documentation)


is used to generate secure random numbers, encrypt data, and scan for vulnerabilities. Token library

  • HTML Purifier - a standard HTML filter

  • RandomLib - a library for generating random numbers and random strings

  • True Random - A library for generating random numbers using www.random.org

  • SecurityMultiTool - A PHP security library

  • PHPSecLib - A pure PHP secure communication library

  • TCrypto - A simple key-value encryption repository

  • ##PHP IDS - A structured PHP security layer

  • PHP SSH - Object-oriented SSH wrapper library

  • IniScan - A tool to scan PHP INI file security

  • SensioLabs Security Check - A web tool that checks Composer dependencies against security recommendations

  • ##Zed - Integrated penetration testing tool for web applications
  • php-jwt( JSON Web Token ) - JSON Web Token Library
  • jose - JSON Signing and Encryption Library
  • Passwords

Libraries and tools for handling and storing passwords

##Password Compat - A library for the new PHP5.5 password functionality Compatible library
  • phpass - A portable password hashing framework
  • ##PHP Password Lib - A library for generating and verifying passwords

  • Password Policy - A password rule library for PHP and JavaScript

  • Password Validator - A library for validating and updating password hashes

  • Zxcvbn PHP - A PHP display password strength estimation library based on Zxcvbn JS

  • GenPhrase - A library for generating secure random passwords

  • Code Analysis

  • Tools for analyzing, parsing and manipulating code bases

PHP Parser - A PHP parser written in PHP

  • PHPPHP - A PHP virtual machine implemented by PHP

  • PHPSandbox - PHP sandbox environment

  • Dissect - A collection of tools for lexical and syntactic analysis

  • PHP Mess Detector - A library that scans code for bugs, suboptimal code and unused parameters

  • PHP Code Sniffer - A library for detecting standards conflicts in PHP, CSS and JS code

  • PHPCPD - A library for detecting copied and pasted code

  • PHP Analyser - A library for analyzing errors in PHP code

  • PHP CS Fixer - A code standard library

  • PHP Manipulator - for analysis And a library for modifying PHP source code

  • PHP Metrics - a static measurement library

  • PHP Refactoring Browser - A command line tool for refactoring PHP code

  • ##UBench - a simple small benchmark library

  • Athletic - an annotation-based Benchmark testing library

  • Mondrian - Code analysis tool using graph theory

  • Scrutinizer - Web tool for inspecting PHP code

  • PHPLOC - A tool to quickly assess the size of your PHP project

  • PHPCcheckstyle - A tool to help adhere to specific coding rules

  • PhpDependencyAnalysis - A tool for creating customizable dependency diagrams

  • Code Climate - Automated code review

  • PHP Error - For conversion standards PHP error information, mainly used for debugging during development


Library about design patterns, programming specifications and code organization

  • ##PHP Option - a PHP option Type library

  • Ruler - a simple stateless engine for generating environmental rules

  • Finite - a simple PHP finite state machine

  • Compose - A functional combination library

  • Monad PHP - A simple Monad library

  • Patchwork - A function library that redefines users

  • Galapagos - Language conversion evolution

  • Design Patterns PHP - A design pattern example library implemented using PHP

  • Functional PHP - A functional programming library

  • Lib Accessor - A library that simplifies access

  • Iter - A library that provides iteration primitives using generators

Debugging and Profiling

Libraries and tools for debugging code

  • xDebug - A PHP debugging and analysis tool

  • PHP Debug Bar - A debugging toolbar

  • PHP Console - Web Debug Console

  • Barbushin PHP Console - One using Google Web debugging control tool for Chrome

  • PHPDBG - An interactive PHP debugger

  • Tracy - A simple error detection, logging and timing Measurement library

  • Z-Ray - a debugging and performance analysis tool

  • xHprof - Facebook’s open source PHP performance evaluation tool

  • Blackfire.io - A low-overhead code profiler

  • Kint - A debugging and performance analysis tool

Build Tools

Project construction and automation tools

  • Go - a simple PHP build tool

  • Bob - A simple project automation tool

  • Phake - A PHP clone library

  • ##Box - A tool for building PHAR files
  • Phing - PHP project build system based on Apache Ant
  • Task Runners(Task Runners)

Library for automatically running tasks

    Task - Pure PHP task runner based on Grunt and Gulp
  • Robo - Object-oriented PHP task runner
  • Bldr - PHP task runner built on Symfony components
  • Navigation(Navigation)

Tools for building navigation structures

    KnpMenu - a menu library
  • Cartographer - a site map generation library
  • Asset Management (Asset Management)

Tools for managing, compressing and minimizing website resources

    Assetic - a pipeline library for resource management
  • Pipe - Another pipeline library for resource management
  • Munee - A resource optimization library
  • JShrink - A JavaScript compression library
  • Puli - A library that detects the absolute path of resources
  • Geolocation(Geolocation)

A library that uses longitude and latitude to encode addresses

    GeoCoder - a geocoding library
  • GeoTools - a library related to geographical tools
  • PHPGeo - a simple Geographical library
  • GeoJSON - an implementation of GeoJSON

Date and Time

Library for handling date and time

  • Carbon - A simple date and time API extension

  • ExpressiveDate - Another date and time API extension

  • CalendR - A calendar management library


Library for event-driven or non-blocking event loop implementation

  • React - an event-driven non-blocking I/O library

  • Rx.PHP - A React extension library

  • Ratchet - A Web Sockets library

  • Hoa WebSocket - Another Web Socket Library

  • Elephant.io - Another Web Socket Library

  • Hoa EventSource - An event source library

  • Evenement - an event scheduling library

  • Event - Event package for your app and/or domain.

  • Cake Event - an event scheduling library

  • Broadway - an event source and CQRS library


Library for generating and processing log files

  • Monolog - a comprehensive logging library

  • KLogger - An easy-to-use PSR-3 logging class

  • Analog - A micro-logging package with opportunistic closures


Libraries and applications for payments and building online e-commerce stores

  • OmniPay - A framework for multi-gateway payment processing

  • Payum - an abstraction library for payments

  • Sylius - an open source e-commerce solution

  • Thelia - Another open source e-commerce solution

  • Money - Fowler money model implemented in PHP

  • Sebastian Money - A tool for handling monetary values The library

  • Swap - an exchange rate library


Libraries and software for processing PDF files

  • Snappy - A PDF and image generation library

  • WKHTMLToPDF - A tool to convert HTML to PDF

  • PHPPdf - A library that converts XML to PDF and images


A processing library for various documents in the Office suite

  • PHPWord - A library for processing Word documents

  • PHPExcel - A library for processing Excel documents

  • PHPPowerPoint - A library for processing PPT slides

  • ExcelAnt - A library for manipulating Excel documents

Database (Database)

Use object-relational mapping (ORM) or data mapping technology Database interaction library

  • Doctrine - a complete DBAL and ORM

  • Doctrine Extensions - an extension collection of Doctrine behaviors

  • Propel - A fast ORM, migration and query library

  • Eloquent - Laravel 5 ORM (L5)

  • Baum - A nested collection of Eloquent

  • Spot2 - MySQL's ORM mapper

  • RedBean - A lightweight, easy-to-configure ORM

  • Pomm - An object model manager for PostgreSQL

  • ProxyManager - A collection of tools for generating proxy objects for data mapping

  • Cake ORM - Object Relational Mapper, implements the use of data mapping pattern (CP)

  • Medoo - A lightweight ORM that accelerates development


Used to manage database schemas and migrations Library

  • ##PHPMig - a migration management library

  • Phinx - a database migration management library

  • Migrations - Another migration management library

  • Doctrine Migrations - Migration library for Doctrine

Non-relational database (NoSQL)

Library for handling NoSQL backend

  • MongoQB - A query building library for MongoDB

  • Monga - An abstract library for MongoDB

  • Predis - A fully functional Redis library


Library for handling event and task queues

    ##Pheanstalk - a Beanstalkd client library
  • PHP AMQP - A pure PHP AMQP library
  • Thumper - A RabbitMQ pattern library
  • Bernard - More than one Terminal abstract library
  • php-resque - redis-based message queue
  • Gearman - task distribution system
  • Search

Libraries and software related to indexing and executing queries in data

##ElasticSearch PHP - The official client library for ElasticSearch.
  • Elastica - Another ElasticSearch client library
  • ##Solarium - Solr client library .

  • ##SphinxQL query builder - Sphinx search engine query library

  • Command Line (Command Line)

    Build command line Tool library

symfony/console - Symfony command line working component

  • Boris - a miniature PHP REPL

  • PsySH - Another PHP REPL

  • Pecan - An event-driven, non-blocking shell

  • GetOpt - A command line OptParse

  • OptParse - Another command line selection parser

  • Commando - A simple command line selection parser

  • GetOptionKit - Also a command line selection parser

  • Cron Expression - A library for calculating cron run date

  • ShellWrap - A simple command line wrapper library

  • Hoa Console - Another command line library

  • Shunt - One on multiple remote machines A command line library that runs in parallel on

  • Cilex - A small framework for building command line tools

  • ##CLImate - A library for output colors and special formats
  • Webmozart Console
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Library that implements authentication mode

Sentinel - an authentication and Authorization framework

    Sentinel Social - A library for social network authentication
  • Opauth - Provides support for OAuth authentication and provides unified Standard access methods
  • OAuth2 Server - an OAuth2 authentication server, resource server and client library
  • OAuth2 Server - an OAuth2 server implementation
  • PHP oAuthLib - Another OAuth library
  • ##TwitterOAuth - A Twitter OAuth library
  • TwitterSDK - A fully tested Twitter SDK
  • Hawk - A Hawk HTTP authentication library

  • HybridAuth - An open source social login library

  • Lock - An Access Control Lists (ACL) system library.

  • OAuth 1.0 Client - An OAuth 1.0 Client library.

  • OAuth 2.0 Client - an OAuth 2.0 Client library.

  • Sentry - Authentication and authorization system

  • EvaOAuth - Unified interface OAuth login PHP class library


Library for processing markup

  • Decoda - a lightweight markup parsing library

  • PHP Markdown - Markdown parser

  • CommonMark PHP - A support for CommonMark spec's Markdown parser.

  • Parsedown - a Markdown parser

  • Ciconia - a Markdown parser that supports Github style

  • Cebe Markdown - A fast, extensible Markdown parser

  • HTML5 PHP - An HTML5 parsing and serialization library

  • Emoji - A simple class library for processing emoji

Strings (Strings)

Library for parsing and manipulating strings

  • ANSI to HTML5 - A library that converts ANSI to HTML5

  • Patchwork UTF-8 - A portable library that handles UTF-8 format strings

  • Hoa String - Another UTF-8 format string library

  • Stringy - A string manipulation library with multi-byte support

  • Color Jizz - A library for processing and converting colors

  • UUID - A library for generating UUIDs

  • Slugify - A A library that converts strings to slug format

  • Urlify - A PHP port of Django URLify.js

  • Text - A text processing library

  • SQL Formatter - A library for formatting SQL statements

  • UA Parser - A library for parsing UA (User Agent) strings

  • Device Detector - Another library for parsing UA (User Agent) strings

  • Mobile-Detect - A lightweight detection mobile device Library (including desktop)

  • Browser - Detects information about the user's browser environment


A library for processing numbers

  • Numbers PHP - A library for processing numbers

  • Math - A library for processing larger numbers

  • ByteUnits - A library for parsing, formatting and converting byte units in binary and measurement systems

  • PHP Units of Measure - A library for converting between measurement units

  • PHP Conversion - Another library for conversion between measurement units

  • LibPhoneNumber for PHP - Google phone number processing system library implemented in PHP

  • hashids.php - Used to generate a unique string from an integer (for example: hiding the real ID by encrypting and decrypting the ID)

Filtering and verification ( Filtering ang Validation )

Library for filtering and validating data

  • Filterus - A simple PHP filtering library

  • Respect Validation - A simple validation library

  • Valitron - Another data validation library

  • ##Cake Validation - Another data validation library

  • php-readability - Content analysis algorithm

  • Upload - A library that handles file upload and verification

  • DMS Filter - an annotation-based filtering library

  • MetaYaml - a schema validation library that supports YAML, JSON and XML

  • ISO-codes - Library for validating different ISO and ZIP encodings


Library for developing restful APIs and Web Framework

  • Apigility - an API builder built using Zend Framework2

  • Hateoas - a HATEOAS REST web service library

  • HAL - A Hypertext Application Language (HAL) building library

  • Negotiation - A content negotiation library

  • Drest - A library that displays Doctrine entities as REST resource nodes

  • Restler - A lightweight framework that displays PHP methods as RESTful web API

  • fractal - [Best Practice] Unified processing of data return


Library for caching data

  • Alternative PHP Cache (APC) - Open source opcode cache for PHP

  • Doctrine Cache - A caching library.

  • Zend Cache - Another caching library

  • Cake Cache - A library for caching

  • Stash - Another caching library

  • CacheTool - A command line tool to clear APC/opcode cache

  • PhpFastCache - PHP cache library

Data structure and Storage (Data Structure and Storage)

A library that implements data structure and storage technology

  • Ardent - a data structure library

  • PHP Collections - A simple collection library

  • Serializer - A library for serializing and deserializing data

  • Zend Serializer - Another library for serializing and deserializing data

  • PHP Object Storage - A library for object storage

  • Fractal - A library for converting complex data structures into JSON output

  • Totem - A library for managing and creating data modification sets

  • PINQ - PHP real-time Linq library

  • JsonMapper - A library that maps embedded JSON structures to PHP classes

  • Cake Collection - A simple collection library


Library about notifications

  • Nod - a notification library

  • Notificato - A library for processing push messages

  • Notification Pusher - An independent library for device push notifications

  • Notificator - A lightweight Level notification library


Library for project deployment

  • Pomander - Deployment of a PHP application Tools

  • Rocketeer - Fast and simple deployer for PHP

  • Envoy - Tool for running SSH tasks using PHP

  • Plum - a deployment library

  • Deployer - a deployment tool

Internationalization and Localization

Library for internationalization (I18n) and localization (L10n)

  • Aura Intl

  • Cake I18n - Translation and localized messages

Third Party APIs

Library for accessing third-party API


Library to help build PHP extensions

  • Zephir - a compiled language between PHP and C++ for developing PHP extensions

  • PHP CPP - A C++ library for developing PHP extensions

Other (Miscellaneous)

Useful libraries and tools that do not belong to the above categories

  • pinyin - A library for converting Chinese characters to Pinyin

  • Pinyin - A library for converting Chinese characters to Pinyin

  • class.upload.php - File upload processing class

  • php-paginator - Pagination processing class

  • ##Underscore.php - PHP implementation of Underscore.js

  • Flexihash - Consistent hash library

  • Eden - A PHP rapid development class library, which contains many components for automatic loading, event-driven, document system, cache, template, internationalization, database, web service, payment gateway, Loading and cloud services technology.

  • html-parser - html parsing tool

  • PHPCrawl - PHP crawler framework

Related Recommended:

Commonly used PHP libraries

15 open source PHP libraries

Commonly used in PHP programming Summary of the PHP class library_PHP tutorial

The above is the detailed content of 100 commonly used PHP class library resources and techniques. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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