This time I will bring you a case analysis of php redis implementing the mall flash sale function (with code). What are the precautions for php redis to implement the mall flash sale function. The following is a practical case, let’s take a look.
1. Install redis and install the corresponding redis extension according to your own PHP version (this step is briefly described)
1.1. Install php_igbinary.dll. The php_redis.dll extension needs attention here. Your php version is as shown below:
<?php /* 数据库配置 */ return array( 'DATA_CACHE_PREFIX' => 'Redis_',//缓存前缀 'DATA_CACHE_TYPE'=>'Redis',//默认动态缓存为Redis 'DATA_CACHE_TIMEOUT' => false, 'REDIS_RW_SEPARATE' => true, //Redis读写分离 true 开启 'REDIS_HOST'=>'', //redis服务器ip,多台用逗号隔开;读写分离开启时,第一台负责写,其它[随机]负责读; 'REDIS_PORT'=>'6379',//端口号 'REDIS_TIMEOUT'=>'300',//超时时间 'REDIS_PERSISTENT'=>false,//是否长连接 false=短连接 'REDIS_AUTH'=>'',//AUTH认证密码 ); ?>
/** * redis连接 * @access private * @return resource * @author bieanju */ private function connectRedis(){ $redis=new \Redis(); $redis->connect(C("REDIS_HOST"),C("REDIS_PORT")); return $redis; }
//现在初始化里面定义后边要使用的redis参数 public function _initialize(){ parent::_initialize(); $goods_id = I("goods_id",'0','intval'); if($goods_id){ $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $this->user_queue_key = "goods_".$goods_id."_user";//当前商品队列的用户情况 $this->goods_number_key = "goods".$goods_id;//当前商品的库存队列 } $this->user_id = $this->user_id ? $this->user_id : $_SESSION['uid']; }
product details Before the page, queue the current product inventory and store it in redis as follows:
/** * 访问产品前先将当前产品库存队列 * @access public * @author bieanju */ public function _before_detail(){ $where['goods_id'] = $this->goods_id; $where['start_time'] = array("lt",time()); $where['end_time'] = array("gt",time()); $goods = M("goods")->where($where)->field('goods_num,start_time,end_time')->find(); !$goods && $this->error("当前秒杀已结束!"); if($goods['goods_num'] > $goods['order_num']){ $redis = $this->connectRedis(); $getUserRedis = $redis->hGetAll("{$this->user_queue_key}"); $gnRedis = $redis->llen("{$this->goods_number_key}"); /* 如果没有会员进来队列库存 */ if(!count($getUserRedis) && !$gnRedis){ for ($i = 0; $i < $goods['goods_num']; $i ++) { $redis->lpush("{$this->goods_number_key}", 1); } } $resetRedis = $redis->llen("{$this->goods_number_key}"); if(!$resetRedis){ $this->error("系统繁忙,请稍后抢购!"); } }else{ $this->error("当前产品已经秒杀完!"); } }
/** * 抢购商品前处理当前会员是否进入队列 * @access public * @author bieanju */ public function goods_number_queue(){ !$this->user_id && $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "-1","msg" => "请先登录")); $model = M("flash_sale"); $where['goods_id'] = $this->goods_id; $goods_info = $model->where($where)->find(); !$goods_info && $this->error("对不起当前商品不存在或已下架!"); /* redis 队列 */ $redis = $this->connectRedis(); /* 进入队列 */ $goods_number_key = $redis->llen("{$this->goods_number_key}"); if (!$redis->hGet("{$this->user_queue_key}", $this->user_id)) { $goods_number_key = $redis->lpop("{$this->goods_number_key}"); } if($goods_number_key){ // 判断用户是否已在队列 if (!$redis->hGet("{$this->user_queue_key}", $this->user_id)) { // 插入抢购用户信息 $userinfo = array( "user_id" => $this->user_id, "create_time" => time() ); $redis->hSet("{$this->user_queue_key}", $this->user_id, serialize($userinfo)); $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "1")); }else{ $modelCart = M("cart"); $condition['user_id'] = $this->user_id; $condition['goods_id'] = $this->goods_id; $condition['prom_type'] = 1; $cartlist = $modelCart->where($condition)->count(); if($cartlist > 0){ $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "2")); }else{ $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "1")); } } }else{ $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "-1","msg" => "系统繁忙,请重试!")); } }
public function clearRedis(){ set_time_limit(0); $redis = $this->connectRedis(); //$Rd = $redis->del("{$this->user_queue_key}"); $Rd = $redis->hDel("goods49",'用户id''); $a = $redis->hGet("goods_49_user", '用户id'); if(!$a){ dump($a); } if($Rd == 0){ exit("Redis队列已释放!"); } }
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The above is the detailed content of Case analysis of using php+redis to implement the flash sale function of the mall (with code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!