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PHP implements watermark class, supports adding pictures, text, and filling color areas

Release: 2023-03-28 07:14:01
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This article mainly introduces the watermark class implemented in PHP, which supports adding pictures, text, and filling color areas. Friends who are interested can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

*A watermark class organized by myself*

Supports adding pictures, text, and filled color areas

 * 图片加水印类,支持文字水印、透明度设置、自定义水印位置等。
 * 使用示例:
 *   $obj = new WaterMask($imgFileName);       //实例化对象
 *   $obj->$waterType = 1;           //类型:0为文字水印、1为图片水印
 *   $obj->$transparent = 45;         //水印透明度
 *   $obj->$waterStr = &#39;icp.niufee.com&#39;;        //水印文字
 *   $obj->$fontSize = 18;           //文字字体大小
 *   $obj->$fontColor = array(255,255,255);        //水印文字颜色(RGB)
 *   $obj->$fontFile = &#39;AHGBold.ttf&#39;;       //字体文件
 *   ……
 *   $obj->output();              //输出水印图片文件覆盖到输入的图片文件
 * @modify liuzp111
class WaterMask{
  public $waterTypeImage   = false;                //水印类型:启用图片水印
  public $waterTypeStr    = false;          //水印类型:启用文字水印
  public $pos        = 0;          //水印位置
  public $transparent    = 45;         //水印透明度(0---100)数值越大越不透明

  public $waterStr      = &#39;icp.niufee.com&#39;;      //水印文字
  public $fontSize      = 14;         //文字字体大小
  public $fontColor     = array(0,0,0);          //水印文字颜色(RGB) 默认黑色
  public $fontFile      = &#39;./font/simfang.ttf&#39;;      //字体文件

  public $waterImg      = &#39;logo.png&#39;;       //水印图片

  private $srcImg       = &#39;&#39;;         //需要添加水印的图片
  private $im         = &#39;&#39;;         //图片句柄
  private $water_im      = &#39;&#39;;         //水印图片句柄
  private $srcImg_info    = &#39;&#39;;         //图片信息
  private $waterImg_info   = &#39;&#39;;         //水印图片信息
  private $str_w       = &#39;&#39;;         //水印文字宽度
  private $str_h       = &#39;&#39;;         //水印文字高度
  private $x         = &#39;&#39;;         //水印X坐标
  private $y         = &#39;&#39;;         //水印y坐标
  public $output_img     = &#39;&#39;;                  //存储输出图片到哪里
  public $is_draw_rectangle = false;                  //是否绘制矩形区域 (暂不支持自定义位置)
  //public $rectange_color   = &#39;&#39;;                  //绘制矩形区域的颜色  
  private $result_array    = array();               //结果数组 
  public function __construct($img) {    //析构函数
    //$this->srcImg = file_exists($img) ? $img : die(&#39;"&#39;.$img.&#39;" 源文件不存在!&#39;);
      $this->srcImg = $img;
      return array(&#39;data&#39;=>&#39;&#39;,&#39;info&#39;=>&#39;源文件不存在!&#39;,&#39;status&#39;=>0);

  private function imginfo() {  //获取需要添加水印的图片的信息,并载入图片。
    $this->srcImg_info = getimagesize($this->srcImg);
    switch ($this->srcImg_info[2]) {
      case 3:
        $this->im = imagecreatefrompng($this->srcImg);
        break 1;
      case 2:
        $this->im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->srcImg);
        break 1;
      case 1:
        $this->im = imagecreatefromgif($this->srcImg);
        break 1;
        return array(&#39;data&#39;=>&#39;&#39;,&#39;info&#39;=>&#39;原图片(&#39;.$this->srcImg.&#39;)格式不对,只支持PNG、JPEG、GIF。&#39;,&#39;status&#39;=>0);

  private function waterimginfo() {  //获取水印图片的信息,并载入图片。
    $this->waterImg_info = getimagesize($this->waterImg);
    switch ($this->waterImg_info[2]) {
      case 3:
        $this->water_im = imagecreatefrompng($this->waterImg);
        break 1;
      case 2:
        $this->water_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->waterImg);
        break 1;
      case 1:
        $this->water_im = imagecreatefromgif($this->waterImg);
        break 1;
         return array(&#39;data&#39;=>&#39;&#39;,&#39;info&#39;=>&#39;水印图片(&#39;.$this->srcImg.&#39;)格式不对,只支持PNG、JPEG、GIF。&#39;,&#39;status&#39;=>0);
  private function waterpos() {  //水印位置算法
    switch ($this->pos) {
      case 0:   //随机位置
        $this->x = rand(0,$this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0]);
        $this->y = rand(0,$this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1]);
        break 1;
      case 1:   //上左
        $this->x = 0;
        $this->y = 0;
        break 1;
      case 2:   //上中
        $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
        $this->y = 0;
        break 1;
      case 3:   //上右
        $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0];
        $this->y = 0;
        break 1;
      case 4:   //中左
        $this->x = 0;
        $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1])/2;
        break 1;
      case 5:   //中中
        $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
        $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1])/2;
        break 1;
      case 6:   //中右
        $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0];
        $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1])/2;
        break 1;
      case 7:   //下左
        $this->x = 0;
        $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1];
        break 1;
      case 8:   //下中
        $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
        $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1];
        break 1;
      case 9:   //下中偏上100px
        $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
        $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1] - 100;
        break 1;
      default:  //下右
        $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0];
        $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1];
        break 1;
   * 水印文字图片位置,根据需求调整
  private function waterposStr() {
    $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
    $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1] - 3;    
  private function waterimg($type=&#39;&#39;) {
    if ($this->srcImg_info[0] <= $this->waterImg_info[0] || $this->srcImg_info[1] <= $this->waterImg_info[1]){
      return array(&#39;data&#39;=>&#39;&#39;,&#39;info&#39;=>&#39;水印比原图大!&#39;,&#39;status&#39;=>0);
    if($type == &#39;waterstr&#39;){
    $cut = imagecreatetruecolor($this->waterImg_info[0],$this->waterImg_info[1]);
    $pct = $this->transparent;

  private function waterstr() {
    $rect = imagettfbbox($this->fontSize,0,$this->fontFile,$this->waterStr);
    $w = abs($rect[2]-$rect[6]);
    $h = abs($rect[3]-$rect[7]);
    $fontHeight = $this->fontSize;
    $this->water_im = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
    $white_alpha = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->water_im,255,255,255,127);
    $color = imagecolorallocate($this->water_im,$this->fontColor[0],$this->fontColor[1],$this->fontColor[2]);
    $this->waterImg_info = array(0=>$w,1=>$h);
   * 绘制矩形区
   * bool imagefilledrectangle ( resource $image , int $x1 , int $y1 , int $x2 , int $y2 , int $color )
   * bool imagerectangle ( resource $image , int $x1 , int $y1 , int $x2 , int $y2 , int $col )
   * @author liuzp111
  public function drawRectangle()
     *  1--------------画长方形--------------
     *  bool imagerectangle ( resource $image , int $x1 , int $y1 , int $x2 , int $y2 , int $col )
     *  参数: 画布资源, 左上角x坐标,左上y坐标,右下x坐标,右下y坐标,颜色
    $color = imagecolorallocate($this->im,255,255,255);//创建矩形边框颜色和填充颜色
    // 参数说明:
    //bool imagefilledrectangle ( resource $image , int $x1 , int $y1 , int $x2 , int $y2 , int $color )
    // im:为将图像载入为图像资源
    // $x1:表示矩形左上角的X坐标
    // $y1:表示矩形左上角的Y坐标
    // $x2:表示矩形右下角的X坐标
    // $y2:表示矩形右下角的Y坐标
    // $color:为填充的RGB颜色
    imagefilledrectangle($this->im,3,$this->srcImg_info[1] - 20,$this->srcImg_info[0]-3,$this->srcImg_info[1]-3,$color);

  function output() {
    if ($this->waterTypeStr ) {
    if($this->waterTypeImage )
    switch ($this->srcImg_info[2]) {
      case 3:
        $res_output = imagepng($this->im,$this->output_img);
        break 1;
      case 2:
        $res_output = imagejpeg($this->im,$this->output_img);
        break 1;
      case 1:
        $res_output = imagegif($this->im,$this->output_img);
        break 1;
        // die(&#39;添加水印失败!&#39;);
        return array(&#39;data&#39;=>&#39;&#39;,&#39;info&#39;=>&#39;添加水印失败!&#39;,&#39;status&#39;=>0);
    return array(&#39;data&#39;=>$res_output,&#39;info&#39;=>&#39;添加水印成功!&#39;,&#39;status&#39;=>1);
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$file = &#39;58368dddc8c51_22&#39;;//需要加水印的图片
$file_ext = &#39;.jpeg&#39;;//扩展名
$imgFileName = &#39;./&#39;.$file.$file_ext;//需要加水印图片路径
$obj = new WaterMask($imgFileName); //实例化对象
$obj->waterTypeStr = true;     //开启文字水印      
$obj->waterTypeImage = true;    //开启图片水印  
$obj->pos = 9;         //定义水印图片位置 
$obj->waterImg = &#39;./water.png&#39;;      //水印图片     
$obj->transparent = 100;          //水印透明度
$obj->waterStr = &#39;保险经纪人:刘测试 电话:02052552&#39;;       //水印文字
$obj->fontSize = 9;            //文字字体大小
$obj->fontColor = array(0,0,0);        //水印文字颜色(RGB)
$obj->fontFile = &#39;./font/msyh.ttc&#39;;    //字体文件,这里是微软雅黑
$obj->is_draw_rectangle = TRUE;      //开启绘制矩形区域
$obj ->output_img = &#39;./&#39;.$file.&#39;_n&#39;.$file_ext;//输出的图片路径
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The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s learning Helps.

Related recommendations:

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##Explanation of php picture cropping and thumbnail usage examples

The above is the detailed content of PHP implements watermark class, supports adding pictures, text, and filling color areas. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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