This article brings you an example of how PHP uses mysql to implement the add, delete, modify, and query functions. I hope it will be helpful to you.
PHP Mysql implements addition, deletion, modification and query
PHP is a way to create dynamic interactivity A powerful server-side scripting language for your site.
Database is a warehouse that organizes, stores and manages data according to data structure. Each database has one or more different APIs for creating, accessing, managing, searching, and copying saved data.
MySQL is a database system used on the Web and running on the server; MySQL is very fast, reliable, easy to use, and supports standard SQL.
Open our wampserver server Mysql visualization tool (I use Navicat here), or other integrated tools (Apache PHP Mysql). Link to our server
We create a new query to operate the database, first configure the basic file
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...);
INSERT INTO table_name (column1,column2,column3,...) VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...);
Insert a piece of data into the table without specifying the column name
INSERT INTO stu VALUES (null,'提莫', 1,30);
We use the second syntax to insert a piece of data into the table
INSERT INTO stu (name, gender, age) VALUES ('Faker', 0,24);
SQL SELECT statement
SELECT column_name,column_name FROM table_name;
SELECT * FROM table_name;
Query id column
select id from stu;
Query the statement when the id is 1
select * from stu where id = 1;
Because the id is unique, there is no need to continue if the data is found
select * from stu where id = 1 limit 1;
SQL UPDATE Statement You need to add a where statement, otherwise the entire table will be updated
UPDATE table_name SET column1=value1,column2=value2,... WHERE some_column=some_value;
Modify the name when the id is 1
update stu set name='the shy' where id=1;
SQL DELETE Syntax The WHERE clause specifies which record or records need to be deleted. If you omit the WHERE clause, all records will be deleted!
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_column=some_value;
Delete the student information with ID 2
delete from stu where id = 2;
header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); // 1. 使用mysqli链接数据库(这里使用wampserver默认的) $connection = mysqli_connect('', 'root', '', 'students'); // 2. 解决识别不了数据库文件的中文 mysqli_query($connection,"set names 'utf8';"); if (!$connection) { // 连接数据库失败 exit('<h1>连接数据库失败</h1>'); } // 每次只能查询一条数据 $query = mysqli_query($connection, 'select * from stu;'); // 查询所有的数据 while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { var_dump($row); }
<?php // 1.链接我们的数据库 $link = mysqli_connect('', 'root', '', 'students'); // 2.设置中文编码 mysqli_query($link,"set names 'utf8';"); // 3.检测链接 if ($link->connect_error) { die("连接失败: " . $link->connect_error); } // 4.查询数据 $query = mysqli_query($link, 'select * from stu;'); // 5.渲染数据 ?>
to render data, because subsequent operations need to be added (Use PHP+Mysql to implement addition, deletion, modification and query in ten minutes (detailed example)), deleted (del.php), and modified (edit) So add here first<p> </p><h1>首页</h1>
学号 | 姓名 | 性别 | 年龄 | 操作 |
" class="btn btn-primary">删除 " class="btn btn-danger">修改 |
to make the code more robust<?php // 1. 判断是否是post提交// 2. 处理表单传递过来的数据(不能为空!empty;这里我就先不做处理了)// 3. 连接数据库并插入一条数据// 4. 开始查询(insert into)// 5. 判断是否查询Use PHP+Mysql to implement addition, deletion, modification and query in ten minutes (detailed example)// 6. 判断是否插入Use PHP+Mysql to implement addition, deletion, modification and query in ten minutes (detailed example)`mysqli_affected_rows()`// 7. 重定向function add_user(){ $name = $_POST['name']; $age = $_POST['age']; $gender = $_POST['gender']; $link = mysqli_connect('', 'root', '', 'students'); mysqli_query($link,"set names 'utf8';"); if(!link){ $GLOBALS['msg'] = '连接数据库失败'; return; } $query = mysqli_query($link,"INSERT INTO stu (name, gender, age) VALUES ('{$name}',{$gender},{$age});"); if (!$query) { $GLOBALS['msg'] = '查询过程失败'; return; } $affected = mysqli_affected_rows($link); if($affected!==1){ $GLOBALS['error_message'] = '添加数据失败'; return; } header('Location:index.php');}if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']==='POST'){ add_user();}?>
<p> </p><h4>添加Use PHP+Mysql to implement addition, deletion, modification and query in ten minutes (detailed example)信息</h4>
<?php // 1. 接收传递过来的id if(empty($_GET['id'])){ exit('<h1>连接数据库失败'); } $id = $_GET['id'];// 2. 连接数据库 $link = mysqli_connect('', 'root', '', 'students'); mysqli_query($link,"set names 'utf8';");// 3. 删除该条数据 $query = mysqli_query($link,"delete from stu where id = {$id}");// 4. 查询失败的处理 if (!$query) { exit('<h1>查询数据失败</h1>'); }// 5. 受影响的行数 $affected_rows = mysqli_affected_rows($link);// 6. 删除失败 if ($affected_rows 删除失败'); } header('Location: index.php');?>
if(empty($_GET['id'])){ exit('<h1>必须传入指定参数</h1>'); return; } $id = $_GET['id']; $link = mysqli_connect('', 'root', '', 'students'); mysqli_query($link,"set names 'utf8';"); if(!$link){ exit('<h1>连接数据库失败</h1>'); } $query = mysqli_query($link,"select * from stu where id = {$id} limit 1"); if(!$query){ exit('<h1>查询数据失败</h1>'); } $user = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); if(!$user){ exit('<h1>找不到你要编辑的数据</h1>'); }
<p> </p><h4>添加Use PHP+Mysql to implement addition, deletion, modification and query in ten minutes (detailed example)信息</h4>
<?php var_dump($_POST); $id = $_POST["id"]; $name = $_POST['name']; $age = $_POST['age']; $gender = $_POST['gender']; $link = mysqli_connect('', 'root', '', 'students'); mysqli_query($link,"set names 'utf8';"); if(!$link){ exit('<h1>连接数据库失败'); } //$query = mysqli_query($link,"update stu set name={$name},age={$age},gender={$gender} where id = {$id};"); var_dump("UPDATE stu SET gender={$gender},age={$age},name='{$name}' WHERE id={$id}"); $query = mysqli_query($link,"UPDATE stu SET gender={$gender},age={$age},name='{$name}' WHERE id={$id}"); if (!$query) { exit('<h1>查询数据失败</h1>'); } $affected = mysqli_affected_rows($link); if($affected!==1){ exit('<h1>找不到你要编辑的数据</h1>'); } header('Location:index.php'); ?>
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The above is the detailed content of Use PHP+Mysql to implement addition, deletion, modification and query in ten minutes (detailed example). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!