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- How to print sql statement in yii
- The method of yii printing sql statement: [$commandQuery = clone $model; echo $commandQuery->createCommand()->getRawSql();].
- YII 4078 2020-02-19 15:25:55
- Execute multiple queues using yii2-query
- Methods to use yii2-query to execute multiple queues: 1. [php yii queue1/listen;// or queue1/run]; 2. [php yii queue2/listen;// or queue2/run].
- YII 2887 2020-02-19 15:12:15
- How to obtain user get and post parameters in yii2
- The method for yii2 to obtain user get and post parameters: 1. [Yii::$app->request->queryParams]; 2. [Yii::$app->request->bodyParams].
- YII 4232 2020-02-19 14:57:17
- How to add database connection in yii
- The method to add a database connection in yii is: [$db=new yii\db\Connection(['dsn'=>'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ex','uname'=>'root','password'= >' ',...].
- YII 2423 2020-02-19 14:49:44
- How to use debug in yii framework
- Yii framework debugging function: 1. Edit the frontend/config/main-local.php configuration file, set the IP field allowed to be accessed, and the size of the stored debug file; 2. Enter debug mode to view SQL, CPU occupancy, execution time, etc. .
- YII 3697 2020-02-19 14:36:10
- How to modify database data in yii framework
- The method of modifying database data in Yii framework: [$count = Model::model()->updateByPk($id,$attributes,$condition,$params);].
- YII 3064 2020-02-19 14:25:29
- How to query data through table connection in yii framework
- The method of querying data through table connection in Yii framework: [join('join','stu','record.sid=stu.sid') select(*) where(['record.re_id'=>$re_id] asArray( ) one();].
- YII 2309 2020-02-19 11:44:58
- Yii2 implements custom error page
- How to customize the error page in yii2: 1. Edit the config/main.php file; 2. Edit the views/site/error.php file, such as [$this->context->layout = false;].
- YII 3210 2020-02-19 11:28:53
- yii2 disable bootstrap library
- How to disable the bootstrap library in yii2: 1. First open the frontend\asset\AppAsset.php file; 2. Then comment the ['yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset'] value in the variable $depends.
- YII 3080 2020-02-19 11:18:09
- How to introduce js files in yii2
- The method for introducing js files in yii2 is: 1. Module reference, implemented through the AssetBundle resource package class; 2. Direct reference in the view file, such as [<?php $this->registerJsFile('js/test.js');? >].
- YII 3178 2020-02-19 10:58:59
- yii2 running process
- The yii2 operation process: 1. The user initiates a request to the entry script web/index.php; 2. The entry script loads the application configuration and creates an application instance to process the request; 3. The application parses the request route through the request component.
- YII 3367 2020-02-19 10:47:53
- How to jump to the page in yii
- The method for Yii to jump to the page is: [Yii::app()->user->setFlash('commentSubmitted ','Display information after the jump');$this->redirect('list.m');]
- YII 2745 2020-02-19 10:38:20
- yii hide error message
- How to hide error prompts in yii: open the index.php file and configure [error_reporting (0); defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true);].
- YII 2847 2020-02-18 16:45:59
- yii advanced version installation
- Installation method of yii advanced version: 1. Enter [Yii Framework Chinese Community] and download the advanced application template; 2. Configure the server and add domain name redirection; 3. Finally configure the environment variables and run the init.bat file.
- YII 2591 2020-02-18 16:30:11
- Verification code is not displayed in yii2.0
- The solution to the problem that the verification code is not displayed in yii2.0 is: 1. First, ensure that the captcha method in the controller is accessible; 2. Then, ensure that the GD plug-in in PHP is enabled; 3. Finally, edit the CCaptchaAction.php file.
- YII 2786 2020-02-18 16:12:41