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Photoshop shortcut keys

Release: 2017-02-21 09:29:24
1837 people have browsed it

Photoshop shortcut keys:
1. Use shortcut keys for quick operations.
F5-Hide/ Show Brush Panel
F6-Hide/Show Color Panel
F7-Hide/Show Layer Panel
F8-Hide/Show Information Panel
F9-Hide/Show Action Panel
Shift+f7-Select→Inverse Selection
ctrl+h-Hide the selected area
ctrl+d-Cancel the selected area
ctrl+w-Close the file
Esc-Cancel the operation
2. Press the Tab key to show or hide the toolbox and palette, and press the "shift+Tab" key Show or hide panels other than tools.
3. Hold down shift and click on the screen with the drawing tool to draw a straight line between every two points. Hold down the mouse and drag to draw a horizontal or vertical line.
4. When using other tools, hold down the ctrl key to switch to the function of the move tool (except when selecting the hand tool) and hold down the space bar to switch to the function of the hand tool.
5. Press alt and ctrl+or- at the same time to zoom the frame and the screen at the same time.
6. When using other tools, press ctrl+spacebar to switch to the zoom in tool to enlarge the image display ratio, and press alt+ctrl+spacebar to switch to the zoom out tool to reduce the image display ratio.
7. Double-click the mouse on the hand tool to display the image matching the size of the window.
8. Hold down alt and double-click the photoshop baseboard, which is equivalent to open as.
9. Hold down shift and double-click the photoshop baseboard, which is equivalent to save.
10. Hold down ctrl and double-click the photoshop base plate, which is equivalent to new file.
11. Hold down ale and click the tool with a small dot in the tool box to cycle through the hidden tools.
12. Press ctrl+alt+{numeric key 0} or double-click the mouse on the zoom tool to display the image file in a 1:1 ratio.
13. In various setting boxes, as long as you hold down the alt key, the cancel key will become the reset key. Press the reset key to restore the default settings.
14. Press shift+backspace to directly call fill to fill the dialog box.
15. Press the alt+backspace(delete) key to fill the selection box with the foreground color. Press the ctrl+backspace(delete) key to fill the background color into the selection box.
16. Press ctrl and alt at the same time to move, you can copy it to a new layer immediately and move the object at the same time.
17. Use the crop tool to crop the image and hold down ctrl when adjusting the crop point so that it will not be close to the edge of the screen.
18. If you want to add a new command after a certain command in a macro (action), you can first select the command, then click the begin recording icon on the palette and select.
To add the command, click the stop recording icon.
19. On the layers, channels, paths panel, press alt to click and click
Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee Tool [M]
Cropping Tool [C]
Move Tool [V]
Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso【L】
Magic Wand Tool【W】
Airbrush Tool【J】
Brush Tool【B】
Like Leather Stamp, Pattern Stamp【 S]
History Brush Tool [Y]
Skin Eraser Tool [E]
Pencil, Line Tool [N]
Blur, Sharpen, Smear Tool [R]
Dodge , Burn, Sponge Tool [O]
Pen, Free Pen, Magnetic Pen [P]
Add Anchor Point Tool [+]
Delete Anchor Point Tool [-]
Direct Selection Tool [A] 】
Text, text mask, vertical text, vertical text mask [T]
Measurement tool [U]
Linear gradient, radial gradient, symmetrical gradient, angle gradient, diamond gradient [G 】
Paint Bucket Tool【K】
Supper, Color Sampler【I】
Hand Tool【H】
Zoom Tool【Z】
Default Foreground Color and Background Color【D】
Switch foreground and background colors [X]
Switch between standard mode and quick mask mode [Q]
Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar, full screen mode [F]
Temporary Use the move tool [Ctrl]
Temporarily use the color absorbing tool [Alt]
Temporarily use the gripper tool [Space]
Open the tool options panel [Enter]
Quickly enter tool options (current tool options panel There is at least one adjustable number in) [0] to [9]
Cycle selection of brushes [[] or []]
Select the first brush [Shift]+[[]
Select the last brush [Shift]+[]]
Create a new gradient (in the "Gradient Editor") [Ctrl]+[N]
File operation
New graphic file [Ctrl]+[N]
Create a new file with default settings [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[N]
Open an existing image [Ctrl]+[O]
Open as... [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[O] ]
Close the current image [Ctrl]+[W]
Save the current image [Ctrl]+[S]
Save as... [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[S]
Save Copy [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [S]
Page settings [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [P]
Print [Ctrl] + [P]
Open the "Presets" dialog box [ Ctrl]+[K]
Display the last displayed "Preset" dialog box [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[K]
Set "General" options (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl] +【1】
Set "Storage File" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+【2】
Set "Display and Cursor" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[3 ]
Set "Transparent Area and Color Gamut" (in the Presets dialog box) [Ctrl]+[4]
Set "Units and Rulers" (in the Presets dialog box) [Ctrl]+[5]
Set "Reference Lines and Grid" (in the Presets dialog box) [Ctrl]+[6]
Set "Plug-ins and Scratch Disks" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[7]
Set "Memory and Image Cache" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[8]
Editing operation
Restore/redo the previous operation [Ctrl]+[Z]
Restore the operation of more than two steps [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Z]
Redo the operation of more than two steps [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Z]
Cut the selected image or path [Ctrl]+[X] or [F2]
Copy the selected image or path [Ctrl]+[C]
Merge copy [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [C]
Paste the contents of the clipboard to the current graphic [Ctrl] + [V] or [F4]
Paste the contents of the clipboard to the selection box Medium [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [V]
Free transformation [Ctrl] + [T]
Apply free transformation (in free transformation mode) [Enter]
Start transformation from the center or symmetry point (In free transformation mode) [Alt]
Restriction (in free transformation mode) [Shift]
Distortion (in free transformation mode) [Ctrl]
Cancel transformation (in free transformation mode) [Esc]
Freely transform the copied pixel data [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[T]
Transform the copied pixel data again and create a copy [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Alt]+ [T]
Delete the pattern in the selection box or the selected path [DEL]
Fill the selected area or the entire layer with the background color [Ctrl] + [BackSpace] or [Ctrl] + [Del]
Fill the selected area or the entire layer with the foreground color [Alt] + [BackSpace] or [Alt] + [Del]
Pop up the "Fill" dialog box [Shift] + [BackSpace]
From the history Fill [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [Backspace]
Rectangular, Elliptical Marquee Tool [M]
Cropping Tool [C]
Move Tool [V]
Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso【L】
Magic Wand Tool【W】
Airbrush Tool【J】
Brush Tool【B】
Leather Stamp, Pattern Stamp【S】
History Brush Tool 【Y】
Erase tool【E】
Pencil, straight line tool【N】
Blur, sharpen, smear tool【R】
Dodge, burn, sponge tool【O】
Pen, free pen, magnetic pen [P]
Add anchor point tool [+]
Delete anchor point tool [-]
Direct selection tool [A]
Text, text mask , vertical text, vertical text mask [T]
Measurement tool [U]
Linear gradient, radial gradient, symmetrical gradient, angle gradient, diamond gradient [G]
Paint bucket tool [K] 】
Erotic straw, color sampler [I]
Grab tool [H]
Zoom tool [Z]
Default foreground color and background color [D]
Switch foreground and background colors [X]
Switch between standard mode and quick mask mode [Q]
Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar, full screen mode [F]
Temporarily use the mobile tool [Ctrl]
Temporarily use the color absorbing tool [Alt]
Temporarily use the gripper tool [Space]
Open the tool options panel [Enter]
Quickly enter tool options (there is at least one adjustable number in the current tool options panel) [ 0] to [9]
Cycle selection of brushes [[] or []]
Select the first brush [Shift]+[[]
Select the last brush [Shift]+[]]
Create a new gradient (in the "Gradient Editor") [Ctrl]+[N]
File operation
New graphic file [Ctrl]+[N]
Create a new file with default settings [Ctrl] +[Alt]+[N]
Open an existing image [Ctrl]+[O]
Open as... [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[O]
Close the current image [Ctrl] 】+【W】
Save the current image【Ctrl】+【S】
Save as... 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【S】
Save a copy【Ctrl】+【Alt】+ [S]
Page Settings [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[P]
Print [Ctrl]+[P]
Open the "Presets" dialog box [Ctrl]+[K]
Display the last displayed "Preset" dialog box [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[K]
Set the "General" option (in the Preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[1]
Set " Save file" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[2]
Set "Display and Cursor" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[3]
Set "Transparent area and "Color gamut" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[4]
Set "Units and Rulers" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[5]
Set "Reference Line and Ruler" Grid" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[6]
Set "Plug-ins and Scratch Disk" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[7]
Set " Memory and Image Cache" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[8]
Edit operation
Restore/redo the previous step [Ctrl]+[Z]
Restore more than two steps Operation [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Z]
Redo more than two steps of operation [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Z]
Cut the selected image or path [Ctrl] + [X] or [F2]
Copy the selected image or path [Ctrl]+[C]
Merge copy [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C]
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the current graphic [Ctrl] 】+【V】or【F4】
将剪贴板的内容粘到选框中 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【V】
自由变换 【Ctrl】+【T】
应用自由变换(在自由变换模式下) 【Enter】
从中心或对称点开始变换 (在自由变换模式下) 【Alt】
限制(在自由变换模式下) 【Shift】
扭曲(在自由变换模式下) 【Ctrl】
取消变形(在自由变换模式下) 【Esc】
自由变换复制的象素数据 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【T】
再次变换复制的象素数据并建立一个副本 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【Alt】+【T】
删除选框中的图案或选取的路径 【DEL】
用背景色填充所选区域或整个图层 【Ctrl】+【BackSpace】或【Ctrl】+【Del】
用前景色填充所选区域或整个图层 【Alt】+【BackSpace】或【Alt】+【Del】
弹出“填充”对话框 【Shift】+【BackSpace】
从历史记录中填充 【Alt】+【Ctrl】+【Backspace】
矩形、椭圆选框工具 【M】
裁剪工具 【C】
移动工具 【V】
套索、多边形套索、磁性套索 【L】
魔棒工具 【W】
喷枪工具 【J】
画笔工具 【B】
像皮图章、图案图章 【S】
历史记录画笔工具 【Y】
像皮擦工具 【E】
铅笔、直线工具 【N】
模糊、锐化、涂抹工具 【R】
减淡、加深、海棉工具 【O】
钢笔、自由钢笔、磁性钢笔 【P】
添加锚点工具 【+】
删除锚点工具 【-】
直接选取工具 【A】
文字、文字蒙板、直排文字、直排文字蒙板 【T】
度量工具 【U】
直线渐变、径向渐变、对称渐变、角度渐变、菱形渐变 【G】
油漆桶工具 【K】
吸管、颜色取样器 【I】
抓手工具 【H】
缩放工具 【Z】
默认前景色和背景色 【D】
切换前景色和背景色 【X】
切换标准模式和快速蒙板模式 【Q】
标准屏幕模式、带有菜单栏的全屏模式、全屏模式 【F】
临时使用移动工具 【Ctrl】
临时使用吸色工具 【Alt】
临时使用抓手工具 【空格】
打开工具选项面板 【Enter】
快速输入工具选项(当前工具选项面板中至少有一个可调节数字) 【0】至【9】
循环选择画笔 【[】或【]】
选择第一个画笔 【Shift】+【[】
选择最后一个画笔 【Shift】+【]】
建立新渐变(在”渐变编辑器”中) 【Ctrl】+【N】
新建图形文件 【Ctrl】+【N】
用默认设置创建新文件 【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【N】
打开已有的图像 【Ctrl】+【O】
打开为... 【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【O】
关闭当前图像 【Ctrl】+【W】
保存当前图像 【Ctrl】+【S】
另存为... 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【S】
存储副本 【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【S】
页面设置 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【P】
打印 【Ctrl】+【P】
打开“预置”对话框 【Ctrl】+【K】
显示最后一次显示的“预置”对话框 【Alt】+【Ctrl】+【K】
设置“常规”选项(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【1】
设置“存储文件”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【2】
设置“显示和光标”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【3】
设置“透明区域与色域”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【4】
Set "Units and Rulers" (in the Presets dialog box) [Ctrl]+[5]
Set "Reference Lines and Grid" (in the Presets dialog box) [Ctrl]+[6]
Set "Plug-ins and Scratch Disks" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[7]
Set "Memory and Image Cache" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[8]
Editing operation
Restore/redo the previous operation [Ctrl]+[Z]
Restore the operation of more than two steps [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Z]
Redo the operation of more than two steps [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Z]
Cut the selected image or path [Ctrl]+[X] or [F2]
Copy the selected image or path [Ctrl]+[C]
Merge copy [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [C]
Paste the contents of the clipboard to the current graphic [Ctrl] + [V] or [F4]
Paste the contents of the clipboard to the selection box Medium [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [V]
Free transformation [Ctrl] + [T]
Apply free transformation (in free transformation mode) [Enter]
Start transformation from the center or symmetry point (In free transformation mode) [Alt]
Restriction (in free transformation mode) [Shift]
Distortion (in free transformation mode) [Ctrl]
Cancel transformation (in free transformation mode) [Esc]
Freely transform the copied pixel data [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[T]
Transform the copied pixel data again and create a copy [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Alt]+ [T]
Delete the pattern in the selection box or the selected path [DEL]
Fill the selected area or the entire layer with the background color [Ctrl] + [BackSpace] or [Ctrl] + [Del]
Fill the selected area or the entire layer with the foreground color [Alt] + [BackSpace] or [Alt] + [Del]
Pop up the "Fill" dialog box [Shift] + [BackSpace]
From the history Fill [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [Backspace]
Rectangular, Elliptical Marquee Tool [M]
Cropping Tool [C]
Move Tool [V]
Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso【L】
Magic Wand Tool【W】
Airbrush Tool【J】
Brush Tool【B】
Leather Stamp, Pattern Stamp【S】
History Brush Tool 【Y】
Erase tool【E】
Pencil, straight line tool【N】
Blur, sharpen, smear tool【R】
Dodge, burn, sponge tool【O】
Pen, free pen, magnetic pen [P]
Add anchor point tool [+]
Delete anchor point tool [-]
Direct selection tool [A]
Text, text mask , vertical text, vertical text mask [T]
Measurement tool [U]
Linear gradient, radial gradient, symmetrical gradient, angle gradient, diamond gradient [G]
Paint bucket tool [K] 】
Erotic straw, color sampler [I]
Grab tool [H]
Zoom tool [Z]
Default foreground color and background color [D]
Switch foreground and background colors [X]
Switch between standard mode and quick mask mode [Q]
Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar, full screen mode [F]
Temporarily use the mobile tool [Ctrl]
Temporarily use the color absorbing tool [Alt]
Temporarily use the gripper tool [Space]
Open the tool options panel [Enter]
Quickly enter tool options (there is at least one adjustable number in the current tool options panel) [ 0] to [9]
Cycle selection of brushes [[] or []]
Select the first brush [Shift]+[[]
Select the last brush [Shift]+[]]
Create a new gradient (in the "Gradient Editor") [Ctrl]+[N]
File operation
New graphic file [Ctrl]+[N]
Create a new file with default settings [Ctrl] +[Alt]+[N]
Open an existing image [Ctrl]+[O]
Open as... [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[O]
Close the current image [Ctrl] 】+【W】
Save the current image【Ctrl】+【S】
Save as... 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【S】
Save a copy【Ctrl】+【Alt】+ [S]
Page Settings [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[P]
Print [Ctrl]+[P]
Open the "Presets" dialog box [Ctrl]+[K]
Display the last displayed "Preset" dialog box [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[K]
Set the "General" option (in the Preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[1]
Set " Save file" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[2]
Set "Display and Cursor" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[3]
Set "Transparent area and "Color gamut" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[4]
Set "Units and Rulers" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[5]
Set "Reference Line and Ruler" Grid" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[6]
Set "Plug-ins and Scratch Disk" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[7]
Set " Memory and Image Cache" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[8]
Edit operation
Restore/redo the previous step [Ctrl]+[Z]
Restore more than two steps Operation [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Z]
Redo more than two steps of operation [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Z]
Cut the selected image or path [Ctrl] + [X] or [F2]
Copy the selected image or path [Ctrl]+[C]
Merge copy [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C]
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the current graphic [Ctrl] 】+【V】or【F4】
将剪贴板的内容粘到选框中 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【V】
自由变换 【Ctrl】+【T】
应用自由变换(在自由变换模式下) 【Enter】
从中心或对称点开始变换 (在自由变换模式下) 【Alt】
限制(在自由变换模式下) 【Shift】
扭曲(在自由变换模式下) 【Ctrl】
取消变形(在自由变换模式下) 【Esc】
自由变换复制的象素数据 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【T】
再次变换复制的象素数据并建立一个副本 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【Alt】+【T】
删除选框中的图案或选取的路径 【DEL】
用背景色填充所选区域或整个图层 【Ctrl】+【BackSpace】或【Ctrl】+【Del】
用前景色填充所选区域或整个图层 【Alt】+【BackSpace】或【Alt】+【Del】
弹出“填充”对话框 【Shift】+【BackSpace】
从历史记录中填充 【Alt】+【Ctrl】+【Backspace】
矩形、椭圆选框工具 【M】
裁剪工具 【C】
移动工具 【V】
套索、多边形套索、磁性套索 【L】
魔棒工具 【W】
喷枪工具 【J】
画笔工具 【B】
像皮图章、图案图章 【S】
历史记录画笔工具 【Y】
像皮擦工具 【E】
铅笔、直线工具 【N】
模糊、锐化、涂抹工具 【R】
减淡、加深、海棉工具 【O】
钢笔、自由钢笔、磁性钢笔 【P】
添加锚点工具 【+】
删除锚点工具 【-】
直接选取工具 【A】
文字、文字蒙板、直排文字、直排文字蒙板 【T】
度量工具 【U】
直线渐变、径向渐变、对称渐变、角度渐变、菱形渐变 【G】
油漆桶工具 【K】
吸管、颜色取样器 【I】
抓手工具 【H】
缩放工具 【Z】
默认前景色和背景色 【D】
切换前景色和背景色 【X】
切换标准模式和快速蒙板模式 【Q】
标准屏幕模式、带有菜单栏的全屏模式、全屏模式 【F】
临时使用移动工具 【Ctrl】
临时使用吸色工具 【Alt】
临时使用抓手工具 【空格】
打开工具选项面板 【Enter】
快速输入工具选项(当前工具选项面板中至少有一个可调节数字) 【0】至【9】
循环选择画笔 【[】或【]】
选择第一个画笔 【Shift】+【[】
选择最后一个画笔 【Shift】+【]】
建立新渐变(在”渐变编辑器”中) 【Ctrl】+【N】
新建图形文件 【Ctrl】+【N】
用默认设置创建新文件 【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【N】
打开已有的图像 【Ctrl】+【O】
打开为... 【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【O】
关闭当前图像 【Ctrl】+【W】
保存当前图像 【Ctrl】+【S】
另存为... 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【S】
存储副本 【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【S】
页面设置 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【P】
打印 【Ctrl】+【P】
打开“预置”对话框 【Ctrl】+【K】
显示最后一次显示的“预置”对话框 【Alt】+【Ctrl】+【K】
设置“常规”选项(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【1】
设置“存储文件”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【2】
设置“显示和光标”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【3】
设置“透明区域与色域”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【4】
Set "Units and Rulers" (in the Presets dialog box) [Ctrl]+[5]
Set "Reference Lines and Grid" (in the Presets dialog box) [Ctrl]+[6]
Set "Plug-ins and Scratch Disks" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[7]
Set "Memory and Image Cache" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[8]
Editing operation
Restore/redo the previous operation [Ctrl]+[Z]
Restore the operation of more than two steps [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Z]
Redo the operation of more than two steps [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Z]
Cut the selected image or path [Ctrl]+[X] or [F2]
Copy the selected image or path [Ctrl]+[C]
Merge copy [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [C]
Paste the contents of the clipboard to the current graphic [Ctrl] + [V] or [F4]
Paste the contents of the clipboard to the selection box Medium [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [V]
Free transformation [Ctrl] + [T]
Apply free transformation (in free transformation mode) [Enter]
Start transformation from the center or symmetry point (In free transformation mode) [Alt]
Restriction (in free transformation mode) [Shift]
Distortion (in free transformation mode) [Ctrl]
Cancel transformation (in free transformation mode) [Esc]
Freely transform the copied pixel data [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[T]
Transform the copied pixel data again and create a copy [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Alt]+ [T]
Delete the pattern in the selection box or the selected path [DEL]
Fill the selected area or the entire layer with the background color [Ctrl] + [BackSpace] or [Ctrl] + [Del]
Fill the selected area or the entire layer with the foreground color [Alt] + [BackSpace] or [Alt] + [Del]
Pop up the "Fill" dialog box [Shift] + [BackSpace]
From the history Fill [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [Backspace]
Rectangular, Elliptical Marquee Tool [M]
Cropping Tool [C]
Move Tool [V]
Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso【L】
Magic Wand Tool【W】
Airbrush Tool【J】
Brush Tool【B】
Leather Stamp, Pattern Stamp【S】
History Brush Tool 【Y】
Erase tool【E】
Pencil, straight line tool【N】
Blur, sharpen, smear tool【R】
Dodge, burn, sponge tool【O】
Pen, free pen, magnetic pen [P]
Add anchor point tool [+]
Delete anchor point tool [-]
Direct selection tool [A]
Text, text mask , vertical text, vertical text mask [T]
Measurement tool [U]
Linear gradient, radial gradient, symmetrical gradient, angle gradient, diamond gradient [G]
Paint bucket tool [K] 】
Erotic straw, color sampler [I]
Grab tool [H]
Zoom tool [Z]
Default foreground color and background color [D]
Switch foreground and background colors [X]
Switch between standard mode and quick mask mode [Q]
Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar, full screen mode [F]
Temporarily use the mobile tool [Ctrl]
Temporarily use the color absorbing tool [Alt]
Temporarily use the gripper tool [Space]
Open the tool options panel [Enter]
Quickly enter tool options (there is at least one adjustable number in the current tool options panel) [ 0] to [9]
Cycle selection of brushes [[] or []]
Select the first brush [Shift]+[[]
Select the last brush [Shift]+[]]
Create a new gradient (in the "Gradient Editor") [Ctrl]+[N]
File operation
New graphic file [Ctrl]+[N]
Create a new file with default settings [Ctrl] +[Alt]+[N]
Open an existing image [Ctrl]+[O]
Open as... [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[O]
Close the current image [Ctrl] 】+【W】
Save the current image【Ctrl】+【S】
Save as... 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【S】
Save a copy【Ctrl】+【Alt】+ [S]
Page Settings [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[P]
Print [Ctrl]+[P]
Open the "Presets" dialog box [Ctrl]+[K]
Display the last displayed "Preset" dialog box [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[K]
Set the "General" option (in the Preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[1]
Set " Save file" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[2]
Set "Display and Cursor" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[3]
Set "Transparent area and "Color gamut" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[4]
Set "Units and Rulers" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[5]
Set "Reference Line and Ruler" Grid" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[6]
Set "Plug-ins and Scratch Disk" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[7]
Set " Memory and Image Cache" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl]+[8]
Edit operation
Restore/redo the previous step [Ctrl]+[Z]
Restore more than two steps Operation [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Z]
Redo more than two steps of operation [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Z]
Cut the selected image or path [Ctrl] + [X] or [F2]
Copy the selected image or path [Ctrl]+[C]
Merge copy [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C]
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the current graphic [Ctrl] 】+【V】or【F4】
将剪贴板的内容粘到选框中 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【V】
自由变换 【Ctrl】+【T】
应用自由变换(在自由变换模式下) 【Enter】
从中心或对称点开始变换 (在自由变换模式下) 【Alt】
限制(在自由变换模式下) 【Shift】
扭曲(在自由变换模式下) 【Ctrl】
取消变形(在自由变换模式下) 【Esc】
自由变换复制的象素数据 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【T】
再次变换复制的象素数据并建立一个副本 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【Alt】+【T】
删除选框中的图案或选取的路径 【DEL】
用背景色填充所选区域或整个图层 【Ctrl】+【BackSpace】或【Ctrl】+【Del】
用前景色填充所选区域或整个图层 【Alt】+【BackSpace】或【Alt】+【Del】
弹出“填充”对话框 【Shift】+【BackSpace】
从历史记录中填充 【Alt】+【Ctrl】+【Backspace】
矩形、椭圆选框工具 【M】
裁剪工具 【C】
移动工具 【V】
套索、多边形套索、磁性套索 【L】
魔棒工具 【W】
喷枪工具 【J】
画笔工具 【B】
像皮图章、图案图章 【S】
历史记录画笔工具 【Y】
像皮擦工具 【E】
铅笔、直线工具 【N】
模糊、锐化、涂抹工具 【R】
减淡、加深、海棉工具 【O】
钢笔、自由钢笔、磁性钢笔 【P】
添加锚点工具 【+】
删除锚点工具 【-】
直接选取工具 【A】
文字、文字蒙板、直排文字、直排文字蒙板 【T】
度量工具 【U】
直线渐变、径向渐变、对称渐变、角度渐变、菱形渐变 【G】
油漆桶工具 【K】
吸管、颜色取样器 【I】
抓手工具 【H】
缩放工具 【Z】
默认前景色和背景色 【D】


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