ccollection module is an extension of Python's general built-in containers: dictionary, list, tuple and set. It contains some professional containersdata types :
Counter (counter): dict subclass, used to count the number of hashable objects.
OrderedDict (ordered dictionary): dict subclass, recording the order in which data members are added.
defaultdict (default dictionary): dict subclass, calling a factory function to provide a default value for missing values of dict.
namedtuple (named tuple): The factory function generates a tuple subclass with named fields.
deque (two-way queue): A function that can quickly dequeue and join the queue at both ends of the "queue", similar to the queue (list-like) container.
ChainMap: A dictionary-like type that creates a single view for multiple maps.
UserDict: Wrapping a dictionary makes it easier to create subclasses of the dictionary.
UserList: Wrapping the list object makes it easier to create subclasses of the list.
UserString: Wrapping a String object makes it easier to create subclasses of String.
1. Counter (counter)
Counter is a subclass of dict, used to count hashable objects. It is an unordered container with elements stored as dictionary keys and count values as dictionary values. Count allows any integer value, including zero or negative counts. The Counter class is similar to language classes such as bags or multisets.
Its elements are counted from an iterable object, or initialized from another map (or counter).
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1) Creation of counter:
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2) Deletion of counter element
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3) Partial functions of counterAttributes
most_common(self, n=None):
Convert the counter into a list, the elements into a tuple, and return a list of the n most common elements and their counts, starting from the most Common to least common. If n is omitted or None, most_common() returns all elements in the counter. Elements with equal counts are ordered arbitrarily.
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Returns an iterator that iterates over the elements a count of times. Elements are returned in random order. If the element's count is less than 1, elements() will ignore it.
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update(*args, **kwds):
Elements are counted from an iterable or incremented from another map (or counter). Like dict.update(), but increments counts instead of replacing them. Additionally, iterable objects should be a sequence of elements, not (key, value) pairs.
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subtract(*args, **kwds):
Subtract elements from an iterable or another map (or counter). Like dict.update(), but subtracts counts instead of replacing them. Both input and output can be zero or negative.
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2. Ordered Dictionary (OrderedDict)
Ordered dictionaries are similar to regular dictionaries, but they remember the order in which key-value pairs are inserted. When iterating over an ordered dictionary, items are returned in the order in which their keys were first added.
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1) Creation of ordered dictionary:
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2) Function of ordered dictionary:
Ordered dictionary inherits the function of dictionary , only the functions different from the dictionary are introduced below. popitem(self, last=True):
Return and delete key-value pairs in the dictionary. If last is True (the default), these key-value pairs are returned in LIFO order, if False, they are returned in FIFO order.
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Move an existing key to the other end of the ordered dictionary. If last is True (the default), the item is moved to the end, if last is False, it is moved to the beginning. If key does not exist, KeyError is raised.
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defaultdict can specify a default value for the dictionary, which can be a dictionary/list, etc. Returns a new dictionary-like object with the same functionality as the dict class.
Such as:
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collections.namedtuple(typename, field_names, verbose=False, rename=False):
返回一个叫做 typename 的tuple子类,这个新的子类用来创建类tuple(tuple-like)的对象,这个对象拥有可以通过属性访问的字段,并且可以通过下标索引和迭代。
field_names 是一个单独的字符串,这个字符串中包含的所有字段用空格或逗号隔开,例如 'xy' 或 'x,y'.另外, field_names 也可以是字符串的列表,例如 ['x', 'y']。
如果verbose 为 True, 在类被建立后将打印类的定义。相反,它打印的是类的 _source 属性,也就是打印源代码。
如果 rename参数 为 True, 无效的field_names会被自动转换成位置的名称.例如, ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'abc'] 将被转换为 ['abc', '_1', 'ghi', '_3'], 来消除关键字 def 和重复的字段名 abc。
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class queue.Queue(maxsize=0)
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The above is the detailed content of In-depth understanding of Python collection module and deep and shallow copy. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!