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- Solving Circular Dependencies: A Journey to Better Architecture
- MyHyperGraphproject'sgrowthexposedsignificanttechnicaldebt,primarilymanifestedascripplingcirculardependencies.Thishinderedmaintainabilityandtesting,promptingacompletearchitecturalrefactoring.Thispostdetailsthechallenges,theimplementedsolutions,andthe
- Python Tutorial 388 2025-01-15 10:57:48
- Working with Files Asynchronously in Python using aiofiles and asyncio
- AsynchronouscodehasbecomeamainstayofPythondevelopment.Withasynciobecomingpartofthestandardlibraryandmanythirdpartypackagesprovidingfeaturescompatiblewithit,thisparadigmisnotgoingawayanytimesoon.Ifyou'rewritingasynchronouscode,it'simportanttomakesurea
- Python Tutorial 861 2025-01-15 09:52:44
- The Complete Introduction to Time Series Classification in Python
- Timeseriesdataisubiquitousacrossnumerousindustries,yetwhiletimeseriesforecastingreceivesconsiderableattention,timeseriesclassificationisoftenoverlooked.Thisarticleprovidesacomprehensiveintroductiontotimeseriesclassification,exploringitsreal-worldappl
- Python Tutorial 669 2025-01-15 06:57:43
- Simplify Python-Informix Connections with wbjdbc
- Introduction Managing JDBC connections and JVM settings can be tedious for Python applications, especially when using databases such as Informix. This is where wbjdbc comes in, a Python library designed to simplify these tasks. It automatically configures your environment so you can focus on the most important part: interacting with your data. This article walks you through the key features of wbjdbc, including how to automate connection setup, and provides practical examples for automating routine tasks. What is wbjdbc? wbjdbc is a Python library that simplifies JDBC and JVM setup, making it easy to connect to databases such as Informix. Its main features include: Simplified JVM initialization: self-
- Python Tutorial 370 2025-01-15 06:11:50
- Pythonizing JavaScript
- Python has many powerful utility functions, such as range, enumerate, zip, etc., which are built on iterable objects and the iterator protocol. Combined with generator functions, these protocols have been available in all Evergreen browsers and Node.js since around 2016, but their usage is surprisingly low in my opinion. In this article, I will use TypeScript to implement some of these helper functions, hoping to change this situation. Iterators, Iterable Objects, and Generator Functions Iterator Protocol The iterator protocol is a standard way to generate a sequence of values. For an object to be an iterator, it must comply with the iterator protocol by implementing the next method, for example: co
- Python Tutorial 1026 2025-01-14 22:19:48
- dvanced Python Web Crawling Techniques for Efficient Data Collection
- Asaprolificauthor,IinviteyoutoexploremyAmazonpublications.RemembertofollowmyMediumprofileforcontinuedsupport.Yourengagementisinvaluable!Efficientdataextractionfromthewebiscritical.Python'srobustcapabilitiesmakeitidealforcreatingscalableandeffectivewe
- Python Tutorial 389 2025-01-14 20:19:46
- What are AI Agents ? and how can it help you ?
- AIAgents:YourAutonomousTaskMastersAIagentsarerapidlychanginghowwetackletasksandsolveproblems.ThispostexplainswhatAIagentsare,whattheydo,andhowtheycanbenefityou.UnderstandingAIAgentsSimplyput,anAIagentisasoftwareprogramdesignedtoworkindependentlytocom
- Python Tutorial 391 2025-01-14 20:14:48
- Train LLM From Scratch
- I completed a complete LLM training project, from downloading the training data set to using the trained model to generate text, the entire process was included. Currently supports the PILE dataset, a diverse dataset for LLM training. You can limit dataset size, customize the default Transformer architecture and training configuration, and more. Here is an example of text generated by my LLM with 13 million parameters trained on a ColabT4 GPU: In ****1978 the park was returned to the factory - the public areas were separated by electric fences that followed where the station was located built for the city. Canals in ancient Western countries were restricted to urban areas. China's villages are directly connected to cities, sparking criticism of U.S. budget
- Python Tutorial 268 2025-01-14 20:13:45
- Building a Smarter Botnet Simulation: The Ultimate Cybersecurity Playground
- Introduction:NavigatingtheCybersecurityLandscapeThe2016Miraibotnetattack,cripplingmajoronlineservices,highlightedthevulnerabilityofeverydaydevices.Thisunderscoresthecriticalneedforpracticalcybersecuritytraining.Thisguideprovidesahands-onexplorationof
- Python Tutorial 724 2025-01-14 16:09:55
- How to make your first $ as a drepress programer.
- Heyeveryone,Insafhere.I'mnotaprogrammer,butI'maninnovator!Mygoalistolearnmyfirstprogramminglanguageandcreatemyfirstsoftwareproductorapp.HowwillImakemoney?Inshallah!Here'smyplantoearnmyfirstdollar:StartSimple:Forbeginners,it'scrucialtobeginwithsomethi
- Python Tutorial 447 2025-01-14 14:10:44
- Vyper - Write your First Smart Contract (Series)
- Theblockchainlandscapeisevolving,drivingdeveloperstowardssecure,straightforward,andauditablecode.Vyperemergesasasignificantadvancementinthistrend.ButwhatexactlyisVyper,andwhyisitsoimpactful?Vyper,asdefinedinitsdocumentation,isaPythonic,contract-orien
- Python Tutorial 343 2025-01-14 14:09:42
- Extract structured data using Pythons advanced techniques
- In the data-driven era, extracting structured data from multiple sources such as web pages, APIs, and databases has become a critical foundation for data analysis, machine learning, and business decision-making. Python's rich library and strong community support have made it the leading language for data extraction tasks. This article details how to extract structured data efficiently and accurately using advanced Python techniques, and briefly touches on the supporting role of 98IP Proxy in the data crawling process. I. Data crawling
- Python Tutorial 570 2025-01-14 12:25:43
- Python FastAPI quickstart in uv
- Use uv to quickly build a FastAPI application. The following steps demonstrate how to use uv tools to quickly create a simple FastAPI application containing GET and POST requests: Initialize the project: uvinituvaddfastapi--extrastandard Create the project directory and files: Create a folder named /app, and Add two files, and Write FastAPI code ( Copy the following code into the file: fromtypingimportUnionfrompydanticimportBaseModelfromfa
- Python Tutorial 498 2025-01-14 12:12:43
- Building a BLE Real-Time macOS Menu Bar App
- Thistutorialdemonstratesbuildingareal-timemacOSmenubarapplicationusingaBleuIOUSBBLEdongletodisplayenvironmentaldata.BleuIOsimplifiesBLE(BluetoothLowEnergy)development,makingitidealforcreatinginnovativeprojects.macOSmenubarappsofferadiscreetwaytomonit
- Python Tutorial 728 2025-01-14 10:27:43
- FastHTML and Heroku
- FastHTML:ASwiftPathtoWebAppDevelopmentwithPythonDevelopingnewapplicationsoftenrequiresmasteringnumeroustoolsandframeworks.ForPythondevelopers,venturingintoHTML,CSS,andJavaScriptcanbeasignificanthurdle.Conversely,webdevelopersmayfindPythonbackendtools
- Python Tutorial 572 2025-01-14 10:22:46