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- JavaScript Regex Cheat Sheet
- Proficient in using regular expressions requires understanding the purpose of each special character, flag, and method. This quick lookup table summarizes the usage of JavaScript regular expressions, which is convenient for you to check at any time. Create regular expressions in JavaScript var regex = new RegExp('\u{61}', 'u'); console.log(regex.unicode); // true Sticky Search The lastIndex property indicates the starting position of the search. [Back to top] Parentheses in regular expressions Brackets are used for grouping. Sub-patterns can be formed using match() and replace() methods. split(
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 1067 2025-03-17 10:44:11
- SFTP Port Forwarding: Enabling Suppressed Functionality
- introduction The SSH protocol supports three major categories of remote server activities: a) command execution (including login shell), b) network forwarding and operation, and c) file transfer. OpenSSH maintainers have determined that sftp and scp have no legal purpose for port forwarding (via the -L and -R options). During file transfer using these utilities, a flag that explicitly disables these features is passed unconditionally to the child SSH executable. Some users may indeed need these features. An obvious subset is the penetration testers whose task is to verify that this feature is explicitly disabled on a public SFTP server. Here are two techniques to enable these suppressed functions by modifying the sftp binary file
- LINUX . regular-expression 254 2025-03-17 09:43:07
- How To Find Files Containing Specific Text Using Grep And Ripgrep In Linux
- The grep and ripgrep commands in Linux systems are powerful text mode search tools that provide multiple options to fine-tune searches and improve efficiency. This guide will provide details on how to use these two commands to find files containing specific text strings in the contents of a file. Table of contents - Use grep to find files containing specific text strings Basic usage Contains specific file types Exclude specific file types Exclude specific directories Show only file names Reverse Match Statistics of matches Example Search for text mode in Linux files using ripgrep Basic usage Common parameters Example FAQ: Use gr
- LINUX . regular-expression 778 2025-03-17 09:07:20
- Harness the Power of the Command Line: Searching Files and Google from Linux
- Linux command line: efficient file search and Google search The Linux command line interface is powerful and its capabilities are far beyond traditional graphical interfaces. This article will explore two important command line features: file search and Google search. We will dig into Linux's find command for file search and introduce Google, a convenient command-line tool for searching Google. Search for files using the Linux find command The find command will help you when you need to find specific files on your Linux system. The find command is a built-in tool that allows you to search for Linux directory hierarchies with special
- LINUX . regular-expression 807 2025-03-17 09:04:14
- How to Trace Files with the Linux Tail Command
- The tail commands in Linux systems are powerful tools for monitoring and analyzing files, and their simplicity and versatility make them ideal for a variety of tasks. This article will explore tail commands in depth, combining insights from different resources to provide you with a comprehensive functional interpretation. From basic usage to advanced techniques, help you master file analysis capabilities in Linux environments. Basic knowledge of tail commands The tail command allows viewing the contents of the tail of a file, which is especially useful for monitoring log files or real-time updates. By default, it displays the last 10 lines of the file, but you can customize the output as you want. Let's dig into the basic usage and options of tail commands. Basic usage and options Check the last N lines: Use basic tail
- LINUX . regular-expression 1036 2025-03-16 11:23:09
- The 60 Hottest Front-end Tools of 2021
- A complete list of the most popular front-end tools in 2021, according to the Web Tools Weekly newsletter. See which resources made the list.
- CSS Tutorial . regular-expression 274 2025-03-15 09:51:08
- Let's Create a Tiny Programming Language
- By now, you are probably familiar with one or more programming languages. But have you ever wondered how you could create your own programming language? And
- CSS Tutorial . regular-expression 816 2025-03-13 11:18:10
- Great Web Development Books You Can Read Free
- Consider this list of free online web development books an answer to the question "What should I read to learn code?"
- CSS Tutorial . regular-expression 246 2025-03-13 10:15:09
- Replace String Characters in JavaScript
- Detailed explanation of JavaScript string replacement method and FAQ This article will explore two ways to replace string characters in JavaScript: internal JavaScript code and internal HTML for web pages. Replace string inside JavaScript code The most direct way is to use the replace() method: str = str.replace("find","replace"); This method replaces only the first match. To replace all matches, use a regular expression and add the global flag g: str = str.replace(/fi
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 1119 2025-03-11 00:07:09
- Enhancing Structural Markup with JavaScript
- Key Points Enhanced structured tagging with JavaScript can significantly improve the accessibility and maintainability of web page content while reducing file size. JavaScript can be effectively used to dynamically add functionality to HTML elements, such as using the cite attribute to automatically insert reference links into block references. Integrating JavaScript with structured tags allows you to create dynamic user interfaces, such as tab panels that do not require page refresh. It is crucial to ensure that JavaScript enhancements do not hinder the basic functionality of web pages; even if JavaScript is disabled, the page should remain functional. Advanced JavaScript technology can be used (
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 1055 2025-03-10 00:18:18
- jQuery String Contains Functions
- No jQuery is required, just use pure JavaScript to tell whether a string contains another string! Here is how to operate: if (str.indexOf("Yes") >= 0) Note that this method is case sensitive. If you need a case-insensitive search, you can write this: if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("yes") >= 0) // or if (/yes/i.test(str)) // or // You can use search or match for this. str.
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 1022 2025-03-10 00:13:09
- jQuery set innerText(), innerHTML(), textContent()
- Core points jQuery combined with JavaScript can modify the text content of HTML elements to include new text, images, code, etc. This article focuses on three jQuery functions: innerText(), innerHTML() and textContent(). The innerText() function reads and writes the text between the element's starting tag and the end tag, including line breaks; the innerHTML() function modifies HTML in the page element, but removes line breaks; the textContent() function modifies the text of the page element, and also removes line breaks. There is a line break problem with the textContent() function: it doesn't look like in
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 680 2025-03-09 00:58:12
- jQuery Replace All in String
- This is a simple jQuery code snippet that replaces all occurrences of characters (or strings) in a string. It can be used to find and replace all substrings found in strings. Remember to omit quotes in the first parameter (g stands for global, you can also use i for case-insensitive searches). // Global search for strings str = str.replace(/find/g,"replace"); // or string global and case-insensitive search str = str.replace(/find/gi,"replace"); Global replacement with dynamic variables
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 804 2025-03-09 00:09:09
- DHTML Utopia: Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM
- Unlock the charm of dynamic web pages: Deep into the world of DHTML This article is excerpted from SitePoint's new book "DHTML Utopia: Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM", which explores DHTML technology in-depth, teaching you how to create a rich user experience without sacrificing usability and standard compatibility. Author Stuart Langridge uses web standards and separates code and tags to build engaging, practical and interactive DHTML applications. This book covers more than 300 pages of DHTML skills, including document object model (DOM), remote scripts, Ajax, XM
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 424 2025-03-09 00:03:11
- Form Validation on the Client Side
- Client form validation is crucial – it saves time and bandwidth and provides more options to point out where users make mistakes when filling out forms. That being said, this doesn't mean you don't need server-side verification. Users visiting your website may have used an old browser or disabled JavaScript, which will break client-only verification. Client and server-side verification complement each other, so they really should not be used independently. Why is client verification important? There are two good reasons to use client authentication: It is a quick way to verify: if something goes wrong, an alert will be triggered when the form is submitted. You can safely display only one error at a time and focus on the wrong fields to help ensure that the user correctly fills out all the detailed letters you need
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 849 2025-03-08 00:12:16