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- Getting Started with QUnit
- Software testing is a process of evaluating software to detect the difference between the expected output and the actual output of a given input set. Testing, especially unit testing, should be an essential part of every developer's life. Unfortunately, many developers seem to be afraid of the activity. In JavaScript, we can choose from many frameworks to test our code base. For example, Mocha, Selenium, and QUnit. In this article, I will introduce you to QUnit. QUnit is a unit testing framework developed and maintained by the jQuery team, which is also behind projects such as jQuery and jQuery UI. Key Points QUnit by jQ
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 618 2025-02-21 12:12:13
- HTML5 Forms: JavaScript and the Constraint Validation API
- Core points HTML5 allows client form validation to be free of JavaScript encoding, but for more complex forms, JavaScript and constraint validation APIs can be used to enhance native validation. This is because of some limitations, such as not all browsers support all HTML5 input types and CSS selectors, and it is difficult to style the error message bubble. The Constraint Validation API provides some methods and properties, such as .willValidate, .checkValidity(), .validity, and .setCustomValidity(). These are used to check whether the verification field is to be validated, the verification field is to be validated, and to set the validity of the field.
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 191 2025-02-21 10:03:10
- Animating Text with Blast.js
- With the help of libraries, it is now more or less a simple task to animate HTML elements using CSS or JavaScript. However, you can only animation the complete existing elements. This means that if you want to animate a single word in a paragraph, you have to wrap the word in a single element (like a span) and then locate it accordingly. If you only have one or two span elements like this, this is not a big deal, but what if you want to animate every character in a paragraph? For each character, you have to create a span, which adds a lot of extra markup and makes the text hard to edit. This is why Blast.js exists. Key Points Blast.js is a
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 837 2025-02-20 11:32:11
- Getting Started with Symfony2 Route Annotations
- Core points Symfony2's SensioFrameworkExtraBundle allows developers to configure routing using annotations directly in the controller, providing a convenient alternative. Routing annotations in Symfony2 make routing configurations more modular, and each route is directly defined in its corresponding controller operations, making the code easier to understand and maintain. Annotations allow detailed routing configurations, including setting URL default parameters, adding requirements, enforcing HTTP methods or schemes, and enforcing hostnames. While using annotations may make controller operations more complicated, as they now also include routing configurations, this can be done by keeping routing simple and well documented
- PHP Tutorial . regular-expression 867 2025-02-19 13:24:16
- How to Create Form-Based Directives in AngularJS
- Core points Use AngularJS directive to create reusable form components, with independent scopes that enhance the modularity and maintainability of web applications. Implement custom verification methods in directives to handle complex input verification, ensuring data integrity before being submitted to the server. Quickly establish client input verification using AngularJS built-in form verification technologies (such as ng-required and ng-pattern). Use FormController in AngularJS to manage form status and verification, provide instant feedback to users and improve user experience. Use the ng-submit directive to handle form submission in AngularJS, blocking the default
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 908 2025-02-19 11:52:13
- How To Develop a Package for GitHub's Atom Code Editor
- Atom Editor Extension Guide: Create and publish your own syntax highlighting packages The Atom editor is powerful, but sometimes you may need some features that are not provided by default, such as syntax highlighting for a specific language. At this time, it is particularly important to create custom packages. This article will guide you to create a syntax highlighting package and publish it to the Atom community. Core points: Extend the functionality of the Atom editor by creating custom packages, especially for features that are missing by default. Create a folder in the .atom/packages directory and add a valid package.json file to initialize the new package. For syntax highlighting, create a grammars subfolder, in a CSON file
- It Industry . regular-expression 842 2025-02-19 10:20:14
- Data Serialization Comparison: JSON, YAML, BSON, MessagePack
- The actual standard for network data exchange is JSON (JavaScript object notation), but it also has disadvantages, and in some cases other formats may be more applicable. This article will compare the advantages and disadvantages of various alternatives, including ease of use and performance. Note: This article will not go into implementation details in detail, but if you are a Ruby programmer, please check out this article written by Dhaivat, which describes ways to implement some serialization formats in Ruby. Key Points JSON (JavaScript object notation) is the most widely used format for data serialization, providing human-readable code, simple specifications, and extensive support. However, it also has some limitations, especially
- It Industry . regular-expression 902 2025-02-18 12:57:09
- 10 jQuery Text Highlighter Plugins
- This article was updated in May 2016 to reflect the current status of the text highlighting plugin. Many applications or websites allow users to search for specific terms. To speed up this process, provide a good user experience, and help users find what they are searching for, you can dynamically highlight these search terms on a given page. Here are 10 jQuery text highlighting plugins that can be used to achieve this. Key Points This article lists 10 jQuery text highlighting plugins that can be used to dynamically highlight search terms on web pages to improve user experience. The listed plugins include: the keyword highlighting plugin mark.js based on cross-browser unit tests; the simple and compact highlight plugin; customizable but not
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 466 2025-02-18 12:11:09
- Make a Voice-Controlled Audio Player with the Web Speech API
- Core points The Web Voice API is a JavaScript API that allows web developers to integrate speech recognition and synthesis into their web pages, thereby enhancing the user experience, especially for people with disabilities or users who need to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. Voice Recognition API Currently requires an internet connection and user permissions to access the microphone. Library such as Annyang can help manage complexity and ensure forward compatibility. Voice-controlled audio players can be built using the Speech Synthesis API and Speech Recognition API. This allows the user to navigate between songs and request specific songs using voice commands. The audio player will contain settings data, UI methods, and voice API methods
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 952 2025-02-18 09:40:09
- An Alternative to Regular Expressions: apg-exp
- This article was peer-reviewed by Sebastian Seitz and Almir Bijedic. Thanks to all the peer reviewers at SitePoint for getting SitePoint content to its best! Almost every programmer will need to use regular expressions in some form from time to time. For many, pattern grammar may seem mysterious and daunting. This tutorial will introduce a new pattern matching engine apg-exp - a feature-rich alternative to RegExp, which uses ABNF pattern syntax and is easier to read. Key Points apg-exp provides a user-friendly alternative to regular expressions, using ABNF syntax for those who are not familiar with tradition
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 1028 2025-02-17 11:25:18
- BDD in JavaScript: Getting Started with Cucumber and Gherkin
- The benefits of test-driven development (TDD) are well known to improve product quality and development efficiency. Every time you write a code test, you can ensure the correctness of the code and promptly detect possible future code errors. Behavior-driven development (BDD) takes it a step further on this, testing the behavior of the product, not just code, to ensure that the product behavior is in line with expectations. This article will describe how to write BDD-style automated acceptance tests using the Cucumber framework. The advantage of Cucumber is that test cases can be written in concise natural language for easy understanding by non-technical personnel in the project. After reading this article, you can tell if Cucumber is right for your team and start writing yourself
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 1009 2025-02-16 13:09:11
- Instant Form Validation Using JavaScript
- Real-time form verification: subtle improvements to enhance user experience Core points: JavaScript can be used to implement real-time form verification, which provides users with instant feedback on input validity, thereby improving user experience and maintaining data integrity, ensuring that only valid data is submitted. HTML5 attributes pattern and required can be used to define the valid input range of form elements. If the browser does not support these properties, its values can be used as the basis for JavaScript compatibility populators. The aria-invalid property can be used to indicate whether the field is invalid. This property provides accessibility information and can be used as a CSS hook to visually indicate an invalid field. Ja
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 907 2025-02-16 10:40:10
- How to Write Shell Scripts with JavaScript
- JavaScript Scripting: Powerful Tools Beyond Browser Limits This article explores the possibility of writing shell scripts using JavaScript, and how to use Node.js to implement features such as file system traversal and text search. Key points: JavaScript applications are no longer limited to browsers, and can be effectively used for desktop scripting, including shell scripting. Node.js is a necessary condition for this process. JavaScript can recursively iterate over files in directories and recognize the occurrence of specified strings. This can be done using Node's native file system module (including the readdir method) and
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 930 2025-02-16 10:33:09
- ES6 (ES2015) and Beyond: Understanding JavaScript Versioning
- In recent years, the development of JavaScript has been surging. New ECMAScript specifications are released every year, making JavaScript version management, feature support for each version, and how to write future-oriented code is confusing. To better understand the reasons behind this seemingly continuous wave of updates, let’s briefly review the history of JavaScript and its versions and understand why the standardization process is so important. Key Points ES6 (also known as ES2015) marks a major shift in JavaScript version management, introducing features such as classes, promises, arrow functions, ES modules, generators and iterators.
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 234 2025-02-15 12:13:11
- Destructuring Objects and Arrays in JavaScript
- JavaScript deconstruction and assignment: simplify code and improve readability JavaScript's deconstructed assignment allows you to extract individual elements from an array or object using concise syntax and assign them to variables, simplifying the code and making it clearer and easier to read. Deconstruction and assignment are widely used, including processing API responses, functional programming, and in frameworks and libraries such as React. It can also be used for nested objects and arrays, default function parameters, variable value exchange, return multiple values from a function, for-of loops, and regular expression processing. When using deconstructed assignments, you need to pay attention to the following: You cannot start a statement with curly braces, because it looks like a block of code. To avoid errors, either declare the variable or use brackets if the variable is declared
- JS Tutorial . regular-expression 332 2025-02-15 10:52:11