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Found a total of 21321 related content
  • Bootstrap background management system template
    Bootstrap background management system template
    The Bootstrap backend management system template is based on the Ace backend management system template 1.2, with the homepage in Chinese culture. Templates include console, text layout, UI components, tables, forms, plug-ins, calendars, photo albums and other template pages.
    2017-08-11 853 3429642
  • Powerful WebApp responsive management background template-Magilla
    Powerful WebApp responsive management background template-Magilla
    Magilla is a WebApp admin backend template that leverages all Bootstrap components to repurpose many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design.
    2022-03-04 479 10582
  • jquery plug-in library collection
    jquery plug-in library collection
    pui is a plug-in library developed based on jQyery. It has been used stably online for more than 2 years. Its rich interfaces, simple and clear calling methods, and flexible callback functions allow you to easily create a web front-end interface solution with flexible interaction. The plug-in library encapsulates layout, form elements, form validation, pop-up windows, toast, bubble pop, tab switching, calendar time, paging, tables, trees, css naming and other functions
    2019-09-23 235 228851
  • WP Mobile Bing-Phone Theme
    WP Mobile Bing-Phone Theme
    The WP mobile device Bing-Phone theme is a mobile theme. The theme has a Bing-Phone theme plug-in. As long as the plug-in is installed and enabled, the Bing-Phone theme will be automatically used when accessed from a mobile device.
    2017-06-09 411 3508384
  • Vue + Element UI background management system framework
    Vue + Element UI background management system framework
    Developed based on vue.js, using vue-cli3 scaffolding and referencing the Element UI component library, it is convenient to develop fast, concise and beautiful components.
    2021-06-08 3090 22997
  • Eclipse PHP plug-in PHPEclipse installation and use
    Eclipse PHP plug-in PHPEclipse installation and use
    Eclipse PHP plug-in PHPEclipse installation and use
    2018-02-02 168 2895311
  • Learning PHP, MySQL and Apache
    Learning PHP, MySQL and Apache
    PHP is a programming language and MySQL is a database. It is not easy to learn any of them well, and we have to make results out of it! is it hard? Will not! There are good methods and good processes that can actually be easily learned and applied on web pages. What is introduced in the book are concepts and processes. Step by step, according to the needs, we can achieve the results we want. We are not afraid of not being able to achieve it. I hope that through this book, you can realize these concepts in your website. . To learn PHP & MySQL, as long as you have the correct concepts and correct
    2017-12-11 329 3102059
  • The Intuitive QuickPro Guide Version 2
    The Intuitive QuickPro Guide Version 2
    PHP is a programming language and MySQL is a database. It is not easy to learn any of them well, and we have to make results out of it! is it hard? Will not! There are good methods and good processes that can actually be easily learned and applied on web pages. What is introduced in the book are concepts and processes. Step by step, according to the needs, we can achieve the results we want. We are not afraid of not being able to achieve it. I hope that through this book, you can realize these concepts in your website. . To learn PHP & MySQL, as long as you have the correct concepts and correct
    2017-12-11 340 3101847
  • Elementary PHPApache.MySQL website design
    Elementary PHPApache.MySQL website design
    PHP is a programming language and MySQL is a database. It is not easy to learn any of them well, and we have to make results out of it! is it hard? Will not! There are good methods and good processes that can actually be easily learned and applied on web pages. What is introduced in the book are concepts and processes. Step by step, according to the needs, we can achieve the results we want. We are not afraid of not being able to achieve it. I hope that through this book, you can realize these concepts in your website. . To learn PHP & MySQL, as long as you have the correct concepts and correct
    2017-12-11 280 3101934
  • VTC PHP Tutorial
    VTC PHP Tutorial
    PHP is a programming language and MySQL is a database. It is not easy to learn any of them well, and we have to make results out of it! is it hard? Will not! There are good methods and good processes that can actually be easily learned and applied on web pages. What is introduced in the book are concepts and processes. Step by step, according to the needs, we can achieve the results we want. We are not afraid of not being able to achieve it. I hope that through this book, you can realize these concepts in your website. . To learn PHP & MySQL, as long as you have the correct concepts and correct
    2017-12-11 336 3101898
  • Discuz plug-in production tutorial [Getting Started + Mastery + Practical] Chinese WORD version
    Discuz plug-in production tutorial [Getting Started + Mastery + Practical] Chinese WORD version
    Plug-in mechanism Discuz! has a complete plug-in mechanism. By rationally using the plug-in mechanism, you can better integrate your individual functional requirements into the Discuz! product while keeping the code independent and not affected by subsequent Discuz! product version upgrades. We encourage and recommend the use of plug-in mechanisms for customization and research and development of individual needs. Interested friends can come and take a look
    2024-01-29 0 1154
  • android studio plug-in development Chinese WORD version
    android studio plug-in development Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly talks about the development of plug-ins for android studio; since android studio is made using the open source version of IntelliJ IDEA, developing plug-ins for android studio is actually developing plug-ins for IntelliJ IDEA, so IntelliJ IDEA is necessary. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.
    2024-02-28 62 1035
  • Android Studio V0.1 User Manual Chinese PDF version
    Android Studio V0.1 User Manual Chinese PDF version
    Android Studio is a new Andorid development environment based on IntelliJ IDEA. Similar to Eclipse + ADT plugin. Android Studio provides an integrated work platform for Android development and debugging. Provides the best features in IntelliJ IDEA. Interested friends can come and take a look
    2024-02-28 71 1444
  • Using Eclipse to build Maven's SpringMVC project Chinese WORD version
    Using Eclipse to build Maven's SpringMVC project Chinese WORD version
    First, Eclipse needs to install the Maven plug-in. Use MyEclipse to install the Maven plug-in. There are some problems with the built Maven project. First, when publishing tomcat, resources are never published to tomcat; second, after changing the classes under WEB-INF to the classes under target, I don’t know why MyEclipse still generates classes under WEB-INF. Either it really doesn’t generate classes in WEB-INF but releases t
    2024-02-28 0 921
  • DELPHI control development in-depth and simplified word document doc format
    DELPHI control development in-depth and simplified word document doc format
    DELPHI control development is in-depth and simple. Some people have said that "Delphi programmers who cannot develop controls are not real programmers." It is precisely because of its high scalability and support for a large number of third-party controls that Delphi can attract the critical eyes of countless programmers. Even developers who need to use other development tools for their work often miss the days and nights spent with Delphi. It has been more than a year since I came into contact with Delphi. I was overwhelmed by the hundreds of controls on the Delphi component panel, and now I can understand them
    2024-01-19 0 1211
  • PS CS6 Green Lite Edition
    PS CS6 Green Lite Edition
    The best image processing software
    2017-04-21 27472 98596
  • Cloud server web management system
    Cloud server web management system
    Web server management software is the best free web server management software
    2018-01-23 367 5839
    Reference management, document management, citations and more. Designed by scholars for scholars, continuously developed since 2003 and used by individuals and major research institutions worldwide, WIKINDX is a virtual research environment (enhanced online literature manager) that stores searchable references, notes, documents, Quotes, thoughts, etc. The integrated WYSIWYG word processor exports formatted articles to RTF and HTML. Plug-ins include a citation style editor and import/export of references (BibTeX, Endnote, RIS, etc.). WIKINDX supports every reference text
    2023-10-07 195 5046
  • mPDF
    mPDF is a PHP library that can generate PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML. The original author, Ian Back, wrote mPDF to output PDF files "on the fly" from his website and handle different languages. It is slower than original scripts like HTML2FPDF and produces larger files when using Unicode fonts, but supports CSS styles etc. and has a lot of enhancements. Supports almost all languages, including RTL (Arabic and Hebrew) and CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean). Supports nested block-level elements (such as P, DIV),
    2023-08-15 194 3994
  • DVWA
    Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is very vulnerable. Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, to help web developers better understand the process of securing web applications, and to help teachers/students teach/learn in a classroom environment Web application security. The goal of DVWA is to practice some of the most common web vulnerabilities through a simple and straightforward interface, with varying degrees of difficulty. Please note that this software
    2023-08-18 249 7402