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  • View and manage sqlite database in Android Chinese WORD version
    View and manage sqlite database in Android Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly talks about viewing and managing sqlite database in Android; you can use the Eclipse plug-in DDMS to view it in Android, or you can use the adb tool in the Android tool kit to view it. The sqlite database in the android project is located in /data/data/project package/databases. Friends in need can download and take a look
    2024-02-02 53 1052
  • Big data processing with Apache Spark
    Big data processing with Apache Spark
    This document mainly talks about using Apache Spark for big data processing - Part 1: Getting Started; Apache Spark is a big data processing framework built around speed, ease of use and complex analysis. It was originally developed by AMPLab at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2009, and became one of Apache's open source projects in 2010. In this first part of the Apache Spark article series, we will learn what Spark is, how it differs from typical Map
    2024-01-29 0 1173
  • Spark Streaming Programming Guide Chinese WORD version
    Spark Streaming Programming Guide Chinese WORD version
    Spark Streaming is the core API of Spark, which supports high throughput and fault-tolerant real-time streaming data processing. It can accept data sources from Kafka, Flume, Twitter, ZeroMQ and TCP Socket, use simple API functions such as map, reduce, join, window and other operations, and can also directly use built-in machine learning algorithms and graph algorithm packages to process data . Interested friends can come and take a look
    2024-02-27 23 1114
  • WebSphere Learning Document Chinese WORD version
    WebSphere Learning Document Chinese WORD version
    The introduction of the new concept of profile makes managing IBM® WebSphere® Application Server easier. WebSphere Application Server V6 introduced the concept of profiles to physically separate product binaries from user data and to enable users to define multiple sets of user data. In WebSphere Application Server Chapter
    2024-02-27 14 1261
  • Android rtsp streaming media playback introduction Chinese WORD version
    Android rtsp streaming media playback introduction Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly talks about the introduction of android rtsp streaming media playback; the real-time streaming protocol (RTSP) is an application-level protocol that controls the sending of real-time data. RTSP provides an extensible framework that makes it possible to control and on-demand real-time data, such as audio and video. Data sources include live data and data stored in clips. The purpose of this protocol is to control multiple data sending connections, provide a way to select a sending channel, such as UDP, multicast UDP and TCP, and provide a method to select a sending mechanism based on RTP. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested
    2024-02-26 46 1217