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  • CodeIgniter-3.1.3 stable version
    CodeIgniter-3.1.3 stable version
    CodeIgniter is a small but powerful PHP framework. As a simple and "elegant" toolkit, it can help developers build fully functional web applications. CodeIgniter 3.1.3 is the latest stable version of the framework. This version has many improvements over version 2.x, especially database, session and encryption. This version is currently under continuous improvement.
    2017-03-09 516 3570400
  • Xiaotaoke source code
    Xiaotaoke source code
    Xiaotaoke is a professional and stable Taoke system. The program supports internal coupons, and has built-in functions such as Taobao,, and Meilishuo. The program is developed using the most stable PHP system in China + MYSQL. It is compact, convenient and stable, and has strong SEO capabilities. It is your first choice program for building a Taobao website.
    2017-02-16 500 3574887
  • PrestaShop
    A feature-rich WEB2.0 online shopping system developed based on PHP5, PrestaShop is customizable and stable. The backend is designed in an e-commerce model and has powerful functions.
    2020-05-18 719 5976
  • Light Forum 4.0.4 official version
    Light Forum 4.0.4 official version
    Xiuno BBS is a lightweight forum made in China that is small, stable, and supports high load capacity even under large amounts of data.
    2018-05-09 266 2497416
  • MetInfo enterprise website management system
    MetInfo enterprise website management system
    Adopting PHP+Mysql architecture, it is an enterprise website building software that is very friendly to SEO, has comprehensive functions, is safe and stable, supports multi-terminal display and is extremely simple to use.
    2020-05-21 2575 10802
  • WebService Development Guide Chinese WORD version
    WebService Development Guide Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly describes the WebService development guide; WebService provides mobile commerce access for software developers and system integrators. WebService has the characteristics of stability, cross-platform, cross-development language, and firewall penetration, so it is favored by enterprise developers. SMS communication development interface adapted to WEB, VB, Delphi, .NET, VC, JAVA and other mainstream development languages ​​​​and Windows, Linux, Unix and other operating environments, allowing enterprises to use OA, CRM, ERP, SC
    2024-02-27 43 918
  • go language reference manual Chinese CHM version
    go language reference manual Chinese CHM version
    Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. This article brings you the Go reference manual, you can download it if you need it! Go was developed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson from the end of 2007, and later joined by Ian Lance Taylor, Russ Cox and others. It was finally open sourced in November 2009 and Go 1 stable was released in early 2012. Version. The development of Go is now fully open
    2024-02-27 31 2351
  • Android development tutorials and notes pdf version
    Android development tutorials and notes pdf version
    Android file access and database programming knowledge. File operations mainly include reading files, writing files, reading static files, etc. It also introduces creating, adding file content and saving, opening files and displaying the content; database programming mainly introduces the SQLite database. The use includes knowledge of creating, deleting, opening databases, non-query SQL operation instructions, query SQL instructions-cursors, etc.
    2024-02-29 64 3118
  • Unity3d game development camera switching Chinese WORD version
    Unity3d game development camera switching Chinese WORD version
    This document mainly talks about camera switching in unity3d game development; I hope it will be helpful to everyone; interested friends can come and take a look.
    2024-02-29 51 2542
  • Android Chinese API collection chm version
    Android Chinese API collection chm version
    Android Chinese Translation Group - A collection of Android Chinese APIs. API documentation (Reference) is the basis of Android development. In the past three years (2007-2010), the official Chinese version of the API has not yet been released. The Android Chinese Translation Group has gathered a group of people to engage in Android development. People, forum moderators, college students, graduate students, etc. use their spare time to translate Android APIs. The number of people has grown from 1 to 80, and the number of published translations has ranged from 1 to 50.
    2024-02-29 79 1973
  • phpstudy2016 stable version
    phpstudy2016 stable version
    Classic stable version, with md5 code
    2017-02-13 46388 170578
  • WinNMP - Windows Nginx MySql Php 8 stack
    WinNMP - Windows Nginx MySql Php 8 stack
    WinNMP - Nginx MariaDB Redis Php 8 Development Stack for Windows A lightweight, fast and stable server stack for developing php mysql applications on Windows, based on the excellent web server Nginx. Is a lightweight alternative to XAMPP and WAMP. Also known as WTServer and wt-nmp the current package contains the latest stable versions of: - Nginx web server - MariaDB 10 database server, mysq
    2023-08-15 209 2879
  • Joomla
    Joomla! is an award-winning content management system (CMS) that allows users to build websites and powerful online applications. It's very easy to use, stable and secure, with thousands of free extensions and templates.
    2023-09-25 198 4620
  • phpList
    phpList provides open source email marketing services, including analysis, list segmentation, content personalization and bounce processing. The rich technical functions and secure and stable code base are the result of 17 years of continuous development. Used in 95 countries, available in more than 20 languages, and used in 25 billion email campaigns sent last year. You can deploy it with your own SMTP server or get a free hosting account at
    2023-09-18 225 4844
  • Fat-Free Framework
    Fat-Free Framework
    Fat-Free Framework, or F3, is a straightforward PHP framework. Its codebase is only 65 KB, and the framework is modular, allowing you to only use the necessary code.
    2024-10-17 4 947