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2018 – 2022 Front-End JavaScript Interview Questions (Collection)

Release: 2021-12-29 14:15:24
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This article summarizes some front-end JavaScript interview questions from 2018 to 2022, which has certain reference value. Now I share it with you, hoping to help everyone!

2018 – 2022 Front-End JavaScript Interview Questions (Collection)

[Related recommendations: Front-end interview questions(2022), js interview questions(2022)]

Are we really writing code, or are we simply assembling it like Lego blocks?

At the end of 2020, we still see that when most interviewees are asked about AJAX, the interviewers still answer the questions in the context of jQuery. There are many typical examples of this gap:

  • CSS Grid and Flexbox layout have been widely supported. However, CSS interviews still focus on multi-column float layouts and inline centering of block-level elements. They still have an undying passion for Bootstrap or Foundation grid systems.

  • Module bundler is now almost standard for large-scale applications. However, when it comes to architecture, we are talking about minification and concatenation. How many times have we actually discussed Webpack during interviews?

  • If 97% of the code comes from NPM, but the focus of the interview is not array sorting or object iteration. To make matters worse, we're still interested in typeof null. Why not talk about a rational approach to choosing the right library, framework or tool?

  • We are still asking interviewees to do classic inheritance on top of prototypes, but not to validate the need for these misconceptions. We have more functional modes. Of course, using JavaScript classes, the newly introduced private and static properties can be discussed. This will lead to a better understanding of the interviewer's thinking, key decisions, etc.

  • Caching discussion is still limited to Cache control headers (control headers) and CDN. Things like IndexDB, HTTP/2 or Service Workers are just passing by.

There are countless examples of this, and the gap between interview assessments and actual job requirements is obvious. On the one hand, our front-end technology implementation has achieved leaps and bounds. On the other hand, the new development method has not yet formed a large community. A divided community is never a good sign. This is a path to disaster. A gap always creates something new that has the power to destroy everything we have built so far. I can't imagine a Java developer writing another Facebook using GWT.

Interviews are a great way to catalyze change and bring together talent. As an interviewer, if you just treat the interview as an interview, it will only make you self-inflated.

To make an interview successful, discussion must take place. It must be a place for the exchange of ideas. It should provoke people to think and analyze the given problem objectively. It’s about understanding the decision-making process people make, it’s about understanding a person’s passion for technology and problem-solving, and it’s about understanding possible future colleagues. All those puzzles, tricks, or typeof null don’t qualify as a real interview.

Here is a list of some of the questions we ask during interview discussions. We hope this checklist helps interviewers and interviewees set expectations, needs, and realities in the right context.

TLDR; We need to think of ourselves as the interviewer first.

JavaScript basic questions

1. Make the following code run normally:

JavaScript code:

const a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// Implement this
console.log(a); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
Copy after login

2. The following code returns false in JavaScript. Explain why this is the case:

JavaScript code:

// false
0.2 + 0.1 === 0.3
Copy after login

3. What are the different data types in JavaScript?

Tip: There are only two types - primary data types and reference types (objects). There are 6 main types.

4. Solve the following asynchronous code problems.

Retrieve and calculate the average score of each student belonging to the same classroom, some with ID 75. Each student may take one or more courses during the year. The following APIs can be used to retrieve the required data.

JavaScript Code:

GET /api/students
    "id": 1,
    "name": "John",
    "classroomId": 75
GET /api/courses?filter=studentId eq 1
   "id": "history",
   "studentId": 1
}, {
   "id": "algebra",
   "studentId": 1
GET /api/evaluation/history?filter=studentId eq 1
    "id": 200,
    "score": 50,
    "totalScore": 100
Copy after login

Write a function that accepts a classroom ID, based on which you will calculate the average for each student in that classroom. The final output of this function should be a list of students with average scores:

JavaScript code:

  { "id": 1, "name": "John", "average": 70.5 },
  { "id": 3, "name": "Lois", "average": 67 },
Copy after login

Use normal callbacks, promises,observables, generator or async-wait to write the required function. Try to solve this problem using at least 3 different techniques.

5. Use JavaScript Proxy to implement simple data binding

Tip: ES Proxy allows you to intercept calls to any object property or method. First, the DOM should be updated whenever the underlying binding object is changed.

6.解释 JavaScript 并发模型

您是否熟悉 Elixir,Clojure,Java 等其他编程语言中使用的任何其他并发模型?


7.new 关键字在 JavaScript 中有什么作用?

提示:在 JavaScript 中,new 是用于实例化对象的运算符。 这里的目的是了解知识广度和记忆情况。

另外,请注意 [[Construct]][[Call]]

8.JavaScript 中有哪些不同的函数调用模式? 详细解释。


9.解释任一即将发布新的 ECMAScript 提案。

提示:比如 2018 的 BigInt,partial 函数,pipeline 操作符 等。

10.JavaScript 中的迭代器(iterators)和迭代(iterables)是什么? 你知道什么是内置迭代器吗?

11.为什么 JavaScript classes(类)被认为是坏的或反模式?


12.如何在 JSON 中序列化以下对象?

如果我们将以下对象转换为 JSON 字符串,会发生什么?

JavaScript 代码:

const a = {
    key1: Symbol(),
    key2: 10
// What will happen?
Copy after login

13.你熟悉 Typed Arrays 吗? 如果熟悉,请解释他们与 JavaScript 中的传统数组相比的异同?

14. 默认参数是如何工作?

如果我们在调用 makeAPIRequest 函数时必须使用 timeout 的默认值,那么正确的语法是什么?

JavaScript 代码:

function makeAPIRequest(url, timeout = 2000, headers) {   
    // Some code to fetch data
Copy after login

15.解释 TCO – 尾调用优化(Tail Call Optimization)。 有没有支持尾调用优化的 JavaScript 引擎?

提示:截至 2018 年,没有。

JavaScript 前端应用设计问题


Angular 1.x 基于双向数据绑定,而 React,Vue,Elm 等基于单向数据流架构。

2.单向数据流架构在哪些方面适合 MVC?

MVC 拥有大约 50 年的悠久历史,并已演变为 MVP,MVVM 和 MV *。两者之间的相互关系是什么?如果 MVC 是架构模式,那么单向数据流是什么?这些竞争模式是否能解决同样的问题?

3.客户端 MVC 与服务器端或经典 MVC 有何不同?

提示:经典 MVC 是适用于桌面应用程序的 Smalltalk MVC。在 Web 应用中,至少有两个不同的数据 MVC 周期。


提示:Currying(柯里化),point-free 函数,partial 函数应用,高阶函数,纯函数,独立副作用,record 类型(联合,代数数据类型)等。

5.在 JavaScript 和前端的上下文中,函数式编程与响应式编程有什么关系?

提示:没有正确答案。但粗略地说,函数式编程是关于小型编码,编写纯函数和响应式编程是大型编码,即模块之间的数据流,连接以 FP 风格编写的组件。 FRP – 功能响应式编程( Functional Reactive Programming)是另一个不同但相关的概念。

6.不可变数据结构(immutable data structures)解决了哪些问题?

不可变结构是否有任何性能影响? JS 生态系统中哪些库提供了不可变的数据结构?这些库的优点和缺点是什么?

提示:线程安全(我们真的需要在浏览器 JavaScript 中担心吗?),无副作用的函数,更好的状态管理等。


  1. 如何比较 TypeScript/Flow 与 Elm/ReasonML/PureScript 等 JS 转换语言?这些方法的优缺点是什么?

  2. 选择特定类型系统的主要标准应该是什么?

  3. 什么是类型推断(type inference)?

  4. 静态类型语言和强类型语言有什么区别?在这方面 JavaScript 的本质是什么?

  5. 有你知道的弱类型但静态类型的语言吗?有你知道的动态类型但强类型的语言吗?举例一二。

提示:Structural 与 Nominal 类型系统,类型稳健性,工具/生态系统支持,正确性超过方便。

8.JavaScript 中有哪些杰出的模块系统(module systems )?如何评价 ES 模块系统。

列出在实现不同模块系统之间互操作所涉及的一些复杂性问题(主要对 ES 模块和 CommonJS 互操作感兴趣)

9.How will HTTP/2 affect JavaScript application packaging?

List the basic differences between HTTP/2 and its previous version.

10.What improvements does Fetch API have compared to traditional Ajax?

  • What are the disadvantages/difficulties of using Fetch API?

  • What can Ajax do that fetch cannot do?

#11. How to comment on pull-based and push-based reactive systems.

Discuss concepts, meanings, uses, etc.

  • Add laziness and early evaluation to this discussion.

  • Then add singular and plural valued dimensions to the discussion.

  • Finally, discuss the synchronous and asynchronous nature of value parsing.

  • Provides examples for every combination available in JavaScript.

Tip: Observable is lazy, constructed based on pushed complex values, and has an async/sync scheduler.

12. Discuss issues related to Promise.

Tips: eager evaluation, awkward cancellation mechanism, use then() method to disguise map() and flatMap () wait.

Front-end basics and theoretical issues

1. What is the purpose of Doctype in HTML ?

Let’s talk specifically about what happens in each of the following situations:

  • Doctype does not exist.

  • uses HTML4 Doctype, but the HTML page uses HTML5 tags, such as <audio></audio> or <video></video>. Will it cause any errors?

  • Invalid Doctype used.

2. What is the difference between DOM and BOM?

Tip: BOM, DOM, ECMAScript and JavaScript are all different things.

3. How does event handling work in JavaScript?

As shown in the figure below, we have three div elements. Each div has a click handler associated with it. The handler performs the following tasks:

  • Outer div click handler prints hello outer to the console.

  • The Inner div click handler prints hello inner to the console.

  • The Innermost div click handler prints hello innermost to the console.

Write a piece of code to assign these tasks so that the following sequence is always printed when the innermost div is clicked?

hello innerhello innermosthello outer

2018 – 2022 Front-End JavaScript Interview Questions (Collection)

Prompt: Event Capture and event bubbling

4. What are the methods to upload files to the server using a single-page application?

Tips: XMLHttpRequest2 (streaming), fetch (non-streaming), File API

5. What is the difference between CSS reflow and redraw?

Which CSS properties cause reflow and redraw?

6. What is CSS selector weight and how does it work?

Let’s talk about the algorithm for calculating CSS selector weight.

7. How is pixel in CSS different from pixel in hardware/physics?

Tip: Pixels are not pixels are not pixels – ppk.

8. What is sectioning algorithm?

Tip: It is also known as HTML5 outlining algorithm. Especially important when building a website with a semantic structure.

9. If you have used CSS Flex / CSS Grid (grid) layout, please explain why you use it? What problem did it solve for you?

  • What is the difference between percent % and fr units using CSS Grid?

  • Using CSS flexbox, sometimes flex-items/children will not consider the width/height set by the flex container? Why is this happening?

  • Can I use CSS Grid to create a Masonry layout (waterfall layout)? If so, how?

  • Explain CSS Grid and CSS flexbox terms?

  • How do floating elements (float: left | right;) render in CSS Grid and flexbox?

Tips: Equal-height columns, vertical centering, complex grids, etc.

10. When should you use CSS animations instead of CSS transitions? What were your criteria for making this decision?

11. If you are reviewing CSS code, what are the common problems you encounter in the code?

Example: Use magic numbers, such as width: 67px; or use em instead of rem units, written before the universal code media queries, abuse IDs and classes, etc.

12. How to detect touch events in JavaScript?

  • Are you not optimistic about the detection device's support for touch events? If yes, why?

  • Compare touch events and click events.

  • When a device supports both touch and mouse events, what do you think the correct event order for these events is or should be?

13. What are the uses of the async and defer attributes defined for the script tag?

Now that we have HTTP/2 and ES modules, are they really useful?

The list presented is just a glimpse of the infinite points we might discuss during an interview. Web Components, CORS, Security, Cookies, CSS transforms, Web Assembly, Service Workers, PWA, CSS architecture, etc., and there are many more things that we haven’t considered. We also don't have specific questions about frameworks or libraries.

Related recommendations:

1, 2022 Xiaomi Senior PHP Engineer Interview Questions (Mock Exam Paper)

2, front-end interview arena

The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study. For more exciting content, you can pay attention to the relevant tutorial columns of the PHP Chinese website! ! !

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