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Take a look at these browser interview questions. How many can you answer correctly?
Take a look at these browser interview questions. How many can you answer correctly?
Release: 2022-03-23 10:39:59
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This article will share with you some interview questions about browsers. See how many you can answer? Analyze the correct answers and see how many you can get right!
#1. What are the common browser kernels?
The core of the browser can be divided into two parts:
Rendering engine and JS engine (Note: The browser kernel we often refer to refers to the rendering engine)
As the JS engine becomes more and more independent, the kernel refers only to the rendering engine, which is mainly used to request The network page resources are parsed and typed and presented to the user
Kernel (rendering engine)
JavaScript engine
Blink (28~) Webkit (Chrome 27)
Chakra(For JavaScript)
Chakra (For JScript)
Linear A (4.0-6.1)/Linear B (7.0-9.2) / Futhark (9.5-10.2) / Carakan (10.5-)
2. What are the main components of a browser?
User interface: including address bar, forward/back/refresh/bookmark and other buttons
Browser engine: in the user interface and rendering engine Transfer instructions between
Rendering engine: used to draw the requested content
Network: used to complete network calls, such as http requests, it Has a platform-independent interface and can work on different platforms
JavaScript interpreter: used to parse and execute JavaScript code
User interface backend : Used to draw basic widgets, such as combo boxes and windows. The bottom layer uses the user interface of the operating system
Data storage: It belongs to the persistence layer, and the browser saves similar cookies on the hard disk. For various data, HTML5 defines web database technology, which is a lightweight and complete client-side storage technology
Note : Unlike most browsers, each tab in Google Chrome corresponds to a rendering engine instance. Each tab is an independent process
3. Let’s talk about what happens from inputting the URL to page rendering What?
This question can be said to be the most common question in interviews and can be infinitely difficult. Generally, interviewers ask this question to test the depth of your front-end knowledge.
1. The browser accepts the URL and opens the network request thread (involving: browser mechanism, thread and process, etc.)
2. Open the network thread to issue a complete http request (Involving: DNS query, TCP/IP request, 5-layer network protocol, etc.)
3. Receive the request from the server to the corresponding backend (involving: load balancing, security interception, backend internal processing etc.)
4. HTTP interaction between the backend and the frontend (involving: http headers, response codes, message structures, cookies, etc.)
6. The parsing process after the browser receives the http packet (involving html lexical analysis, parsing into a DOM tree, and parsing CSS generation CSSOM trees are merged to generate render rendering trees. Then layout layout, painting rendering, composite layer synthesis, GPU drawing, external link processing, etc.)
7. CSS visual model (involving: element rendering rules, such as: Contains blocks, control boxes, BFC, IFC, etc.)
8. JS engine parsing process (involving: JS parsing phase, preprocessing phase, execution phase to generate execution context, VO (global object), scope chain , recycling mechanism, etc.)
You will find that so many processes will occur between a simple input URL and the rendering of the page. Do you feel that it crashes instantly? (Don’t worry, we won’t do this in this chapter. Let me teach you how to answer this question first. This section will be discussed in a separate article)
The browser obtains the IP address of the domain name through the DNS server and requests it from this IP address. HTML text
The browser rendering process parses the HTML text and builds the DOM tree
While parsing the HTML, if it encounters an inline style or style file, it downloads and builds the style rules. If it encounters JavaScript script, the execution script will be downloaded
After the DOM tree and CSSOM are constructed, the rendering process will merge the two into a render tree (render tree)
The rendering process begins to lay out the rendering tree. Generate layout tree
Rendering tree draws the layout tree and generates drawing records
4. How does the browser parse the code of?
Parsing HTML
HTML is parsed line by line, and the browser's rendering engine will parse and convert the HTML document into DOM nodes.
Parse HTML into many Tokens
Parse Tokens into objects
Combine objects into a DOM tree
Parse CSS
The browser will parse the CSS selector from right to left
We know that the DOM tree and the CSSOM tree are merged into The render tree actually attaches the CSSOM to the DOM tree, so the DOM tree needs to be traversed based on the information provided by the selector.
##First find all the rightmost node spans, for each span , look up for the node div.title
From h3 and then look up for the node div.nav
Finally find the root element html, then end this branch traversal.
Parsing JS
There is a js parser tool in the browser, which is specially used to parse our js code. When the browser encounters js code, it immediately calls the "js parser" to work. The parser will find all variables, functions, parameters, etc. in js, and assign the variable value to undefined.
Take the function out into a function block and store it in the warehouse. After this is done, the code begins to be parsed line by line (from top to bottom, left to right), and then matched with the warehouse.
5.What is the difference between DOMContentLoaded and load?
DOMContentLoaded: Triggered only after DOM parsing is completed, excluding style sheets, pictures and other resources.
Load: Triggered when all DOM, style sheets, scripts, images and other resources on the page have been loaded.
6. What is the difference between browser redrawing and domain rearrangement?
Rearrangement: Part of the rendering tree or the entire rendering tree needs to be reanalyzed and the node size needs to be recalculated, which means regenerating the layout and rearranging elements
Redrawing: Due to changes in the geometric properties of nodes or changes in style, such as element background elements, the appearance of some elements is changed
Redrawing is not necessarily Causes reflow, but reflow must lead to redraw
How to trigger redraw and reflow?
Any change to the information used to build the render tree will cause a reflow or redraw:
Add, delete, update DOM nodes
Hide a DOM node through display: none - trigger reflow and redraw
Hide a DOM node through visibility: hidden - only trigger redraw, because there is no geometric change
Move or give Add animation to DOM nodes in the page
Add a style sheet and adjust style attributes
User behavior, such as adjusting window size, changing font size, or scrolling.
How to avoid redrawing or reflowing?
Change the style centrally: For example, use class to collectively change the style
Use document.createDocumentFragment (): We can create a node outside the DOM tree through createDocumentFragment, then perform batch operations on this node, and finally insert it into the DOM tree, so only one rearrangement is triggered
Promote to composition layer
Promoting elements to composition layer has the following advantages:
The bitmap of the composition layer will be handed over to GPU Synthesis, faster than CPU processing
When repaint is needed, only repaint itself is required, not Affects other layers
For transform and opacity effects, layout and paint will not be triggered
The best way to enhance a composition layer is to use the CSS will-change property
##7. Why is JS single-threaded? This is mainly related to the purpose of JS. As the scripting language of the browser, JS was initially mainly used to realize the interaction between the user and the browser and to operate the DOM. This determines that it can only be single-threaded, otherwise it will bring many complex synchronization problems.
For example: If JS is multi-threaded, one thread wants to modify a DOM element, and another thread wants to delete the DOM element, then the browser does not know what to do Who do you listen to? So in order to avoid complexity, JavaScript has been designed to be single-threaded since its birth.
In order to take advantage of the computing power of multi-core CPUs, HTML5 proposes the Web Worker standard, which allows JavaScript scripts to create multiple threads, but the child threads are completely controlled by the main thread and must not operate the DOM. Therefore, this new standard does not change the single-threaded nature of JavaScript
8. Will CSS loading block the DOM?
First the conclusion
will not blockDOM parsing, but will block the rendering of DOM
will block JS execution, but will not block JS Downloading files
The role of CSSOM
The first one is provided for JavaScript operations The ability of the style sheet
The second is to provide basic style information for the synthesis of the layout tree
This CSSOM is reflected in the DOM
We can see from the browser rendering process mentioned before:
DOM and CSSOM usually is built in parallel, so
CSS loading will not block DOM parsing
The render tree is dependent on the DOM tree and CSSOM tree, so it must wait until both Rendering cannot be started until loading is complete, so
CSS loading will block the rendering of DOM
Since JavaScript can operate DOM and CSS, if you modify the attributes of these elements at the same time If the interface is rendered (that is, the JavaScript thread and the UI thread are performed at the same time), the elements obtained before and after the rendering thread may be inconsistent. Therefore, in order to prevent unpredictable rendering results, the browser sets the
GUI rendering thread and the JavaScript thread to be mutually exclusive
JS requires Waiting for CSS to be downloaded, why is this? (CSS blocks DOM execution)
If the content of the JS script is to obtain the style of the element, then it must rely on CSS. Because the browser cannot sense what JS is trying to do internally, in order to avoid style acquisition, it has to wait until all previous styles are downloaded before executing JS. However, JS files and CSS files are downloaded in parallel. The CSS file will be loaded and executed before the subsequent JS file is executed, so CSS will block the execution of the subsequent JS
Avoid white screen and improve CSS loading speed
Use CDN (CDN will select the nearest node with cached content to provide you with resources based on your network conditions , so the loading time can be reduced)
Compress CSS
Use cache reasonably
Reduce the number of http requests and merge CSS files
9 Will .JS block the page?
First the conclusion
JS will block the parsing of the DOM, so it will also block the loading of the page
This is why we often say that we should put the JS file at the bottom
Since JavaScript can manipulate the DOM, if you modify the attributes of these elements and render the interface at the same time ( That is, the JavaScript thread and the UI thread run at the same time), then the element data obtained before and after the rendering thread may be inconsistent.
Therefore, in order to prevent unexpected rendering results, the browser sets a **"GUI rendering thread and JavaScript engine are mutually exclusive"** relationship.
When the JavaScript engine is executing, the GUI thread will be suspended, and GUI updates will be saved in a queue and executed immediately when the engine thread is idle.
When the browser is executing a JavaScript program, the GUI rendering thread will be saved in a queue and will not be executed until the JS program is completed.
Therefore, if the execution time of JS is too long, it will cause the rendering of the page to be inconsistent, resulting in the feeling that the page rendering and loading are blocked.
10.What is the difference between defer and async?
Both load external JS files asynchronously and will not block DOM parsing
Async is executed after the external JS loading is completed, when the browser is idle, and before the Load event is triggered. , scripts marked as async are not guaranteed to be executed in the order in which they are specified. This attribute has no effect on inline scripts (that is, scripts without the "src" attribute).
defer is executed after the JS is loaded, after the entire document is parsed, and before the DOMContentLoaded event is triggered. If the src attribute (i.e., embedded script) is missing, the The attribute should not be used because it has no effect in this case
11. Browser garbage collection mechanism
Garbage collection is an automatic memory management mechanism. Dynamic memory on your computer should be released when it is no longer needed.
It should be noted that automatic means that the browser can automatically help us recycle memory garbage, but it does not mean that we do not need to care about memory management. If it is not operated properly, memory overflow will still occur in JavaScript, causing system breakdown.
Since strings, arrays, objects, etc. do not have fixed sizes, they need to be dynamically allocated when their sizes are known. Every time a JavaScript program creates a string, array, or object, the interpreter must allocate memory to store that entity.
The JavaScript interpreter can detect when the program is no longer using an object. When it determines that the object is useless, it knows that the object is no longer needed and can release the memory it occupies. .
There are two methods of garbage collection that browsers usually use: Mark clearing, Reference counting.
Mark clearing
This is the most commonly used garbage collection method in JavaScript
Since 2012 Since 2000, all modern browsers have used the mark-and-sweep garbage collection method, except for lower versions of IE, which still use the reference counting method.
So what is mark removal?
There is a global object in JavaScript. Periodically, the garbage collector will start from this global object, find all the objects referenced from this global object, and then find the objects referenced by these objects. Objects... mark these active objects, this is the marking phase. The clearing stage is to clear those objects that are not marked.
One problem with mark clearing is that after clearing, the memory space is discontinuous, that is, memory fragmentation occurs. If a relatively large continuous memory space is needed later, it will not meet the requirements. The marking and sorting method can effectively solve this problem.
In the process of marking, the concept of three-color marking is introduced. The three colors are:
White: unmarked objects, that is, unreachable objects (not scanned object), can be recycled
Gray: The object has been marked (reachable object), but the object has not been scanned yet and cannot be recycled
Black: It has been scanned (reachable) Object), non-recyclable
Tag sorting:
The marking phase is no different from the mark and clear method, except that after the marking is completed, the mark and clear method will move the surviving objects to one side of the memory, and finally clean up the boundary memory.
Reference counting
The meaning of reference counting is to track the number of times each value is referenced. When a variable A is assigned a value, the number of references to this value is 1. When variable A is reassigned, the number of references to the previous value is reduced by 1. When the number of references becomes 0, it means that there is no way to access this value anymore, so the memory occupied by this value can be cleared.
Most browsers have abandoned this recycling method
Memory leak
To avoid memory leaks, once the data is no longer used, it is best to release its reference by setting its value to null. This method is called Contact reference
What situations can cause memory leaks? How to avoid it?
Taking Vue as an example, there are usually the following situations:
Listening events such as window/body are not unbound
The event tied to EventBus is not untied from
Vuex's $store, and there is no after watch is removed. unwatch
Created using a third-party library and not calling the correct destruction function
Solution: Destroy in time in beforeDestroy
Binded events addEventListener and removeEventListener in the DOM/BOM object.
Observer mode $on, $off processing.
If a timer is used in the component, it should be destroyed.
If a third-party library initialization is used in the mounted/created hook, it will be destroyed accordingly.
Use weak references weakMap, weakSet.
When are the memories of different types of variables in the browser released?
Reference type
It is automatically recycled by V8 after there is no reference.
Basic type
If it is in a closure, it will not be recycled by V8 until there is no reference to the closure.
In the case of non-closure, wait for recycling when V8's new generation switches.
12. Talk about the browser’s caching mechanism?
Understand browser cache
When the browser requests a website, it will load various resources. For some resources that do not change frequently, The browser will save them in local memory and load these resources directly the next time you visit to improve access speed.
How to know whether the resource is the requested server or the cache read?
Look at the picture above, the size value of some resources is the size, some are from disk cache, and some are from memory cache, the size shown is the requested server resource, and the latter two are the read cache.
disk cache: is to store resources in the disk. There is no need to download them again when waiting for the next access. It can be read directly from the disk. Its direct operation object is CurlCacheManager. (The efficiency is slower than the memory cache, but the storage capacity is large and the storage time is long)
memory cache: It means caching the resources into the memory. There is no need to download them again when waiting for the next access. Read from memory. (In terms of efficiency, it is the fastest and in terms of survival time, it is the shortest.)
memory cache
disk cache
Same point
Can only store some derived resource files
Only Store some derived class resource files
The data will be cleared when exiting the process
The data will not be cleared when exiting the process
Storage resources
Generally scripts, fonts, and pictures will be stored in memory
Generally non-scripts will be stored in memory, such as css, etc.
Browser cache classification
Strong cache
Negotiation cache
When the browser requests resources from the server, it first determines whether it hits the strong cache. If it fails, it then determines whether it hits the negotiated cache
Strong cache
When the browser loads resources, it will first determine whether the strong cache is hit based on the header of the local cache resource. If it hits, the resource in the cache will be used directly without sending a request to the server. (The information in the header here refers to expires and cache-control)
This field is the specification of
http1.0, and its value is a time character in GMT format of absolute time String, such as Expires:Mon,18 Oct 2066 23:59:59 GMT. This time represents the expiration time of this resource. Before this time, the cache is hit. This method has an obvious shortcoming. Since the expiration time is an absolute time, when the time deviation between the server and the client is large, it will cause cache confusion. So this method was quickly abandoned in the later version of HTTP 1.1.
The header that appears when Cache-Control is
http1.1 Information is mainly judged by using the max-age value of this field, which is a relative time, such as Cache-Control:max-age=3600 , which means that the validity period of the resource is 3600 seconds. In addition to this field, cache-control also has the following more commonly used setting values:
no-cache: You need to negotiate the cache and send a request to the server to confirm whether to use the cache.
no-store: Disable the use of cache and re-request data every time.
public: Can be cached by all users, including end users and intermediate proxy servers such as CDN.
private: It can only be cached by the end user's browser and is not allowed to be cached by relay cache servers such as CDN.
Cache-Control and Expires can be enabled at the same time in the server configuration. When enabled at the same time, Cache-Control has higher priority.
Negotiation Cache
When the strong cache misses, the browser will send a request to the server, and the server will follow
The information in header is used to determine whether the negotiation cache is hit. If it hits, 304 is returned, telling the browser that the resource has not been updated and the local cache can be used. (The header information here refers to Last-Modify/If-Modify-Since and ETag/If-None-Match)
When the browser requests a resource for the first time, the header returned by the server will Together with Last-Modify, Last-modify is a time that identifies the last modification time of the resource. When the browser requests the resource again, the request header will contain If-Modify-Since, which is the Last-Modify returned before caching. After the server receives If-Modify-Since, it determines whether the cache is hit based on the last modification time of the resource. If the cache is hit, 304 is returned, the resource content is not returned, and Last-Modify is not returned. Disadvantages:If the resources change in a short period of time, Last-Modified will not change. Cyclic changes. If this resource is modified back to its original state within a cycle, we think it can be cached, but Last-Modified does not think so, so there is an ETag.
is different from Last-Modify/If-Modify-Since , Etag/If-None-Match returns a check code. ETag can guarantee that each resource is unique, and resource changes will cause ETag changes. The server determines whether the cache is hit based on the If-None-Match value sent by the browser. The difference from Last-Modified is that when the server returns a 304 Not Modified response, since the ETag has been regenerated, the ETag will be returned in the response header, even if the ETag has not changed from the previous one.
Last-Modified and ETag can be used together. The server will verify the ETag first. If it is consistent, it will continue to compare Last-Modified and finally decide whether to return 304.
When the browser accesses an already visited resource, its steps are:
1. First check whether the strong cache is hit. If it hits?, use the cache directly.2. If the strong cache is not hit, a request will be sent to the server to see if it hits? Negotiate cache
3. If the negotiation cache is hit, the server will return 304 to tell the browser that the local cache can be used 4. If the negotiation cache is not hit, the server will return new resources to the browser
<img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="..." class="lazy" / alt="Take a look at these browser interview questions. How many can you answer correctly?" >
<link href="..." />
<script src="..."></script>
<img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="http://bank.example/withdraw?amount=10000&for=hacker" class="lazy" alt="Take a look at these browser interview questions. How many can you answer correctly?" >
Hackers can only use the victim's cookie to defraud the server's trust, but hackers cannot rely on getting **"cookie"**, nor can they see **"cookie" content. In addition, hackers cannot parse the results returned by the server due to the browser's "same-origin policy" restrictions.
This tells us that the objects we want to protect are services that can directly produce data changes, and for services that read data, there is no need to protect
CSRF . The key to protection is "Put information in the request that hackers cannot forge"
Original detection
Since most CSRFs come from third-party websites, we directly prohibit external domains (or untrusted domain names) from making requests to us. Then the question is, how do we determine whether the request comes from an external domain? In the HTTP protocol, each asynchronous request carries two Headers, used to mark the source domain name:
Origin HeaderReferer Header
These two headers are automatically brought along in most cases when the browser initiates a request, and the content cannot be customized by the front end. The server can determine the source domain of the request by parsing the domain names in these two headers.
Use the Origin Header to determine the source domain name
In some CSRF-related requests, the Origin field will be carried in the requested header. The field contains the requested domain name (excluding path and query). If Origin exists, just use the fields in Origin to confirm the source domain name. But Origin does not exist in the following two cases:
IE11 Same Origin Policy: IE 11 will not add Origin on cross-site CORS requests header, the Referer header will still be the only identifier. The most fundamental reason is that IE 11’s definition of same origin is different from other browsers. There are two main differences. You can refer to MDN Same-origin_policy#IE_Exceptions
##302 Redirects:
The Origin is not included in the redirected request after a 302 redirect because the Origin may be considered sensitive information from other sources. In the case of 302 redirects, the URL is directed to the new server, so the browser does not want to leak the Origin to the new server.
Use Referer Header to determine the source domain name
According to the HTTP protocol, there is a field called Referer in the HTTP header, which records the source address of the HTTP request. For Ajax requests, resource requests such as pictures and scripts, the Referer is the page address that initiates the request. For page jumps, Referer is the address of the previous page that opened the page history. Therefore, we can use the Origin part of the link in the Referer to know the source domain name of the request.
This method is not foolproof. The value of Referer is provided by the browser. Although there are clear requirements on the HTTP protocol, each browser may have different implementations of Referer, and there is no guarantee that the browser will There are no security holes of its own. The method of verifying the Referer value relies on the third party (i.e. the browser) to ensure security. In theory, this is not very safe. In some cases, attackers can hide or even modify the Referer they request.
In 2014, the W3C's Web Application Security Working Group released a Referrer Policy draft, which made detailed provisions on how browsers should send Referer. As of now, most new browsers have supported this draft, and we can finally flexibly control the Referer strategy of our website. The new version of Referrer Policy stipulates five Referrer policies: No Referrer, No Referrer When Downgrade, Origin Only, Origin When Cross-origin, and Unsafe URL. The three existing strategies: never, default, and always have been renamed in the new standard. Their correspondence is as follows:
<img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="http://bank.example/withdraw?amount=10000&for=hacker" class="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" alt="Take a look at these browser interview questions. How many can you answer correctly?" >
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