Recently, we have implemented a function for user association authorization login between WeChat public accounts and their own website users. The main purpose is for users to follow the public account and click on the member center, and the web page authorization that requires association authorization will pop up: OAuth2.0 web page authorization, Then the user agrees to obtain user information, associate the user with the website, and then the user can log in using WeChat.
What we are doing this time is to process each return parameter to obtain data in the Action layer of Java.
1. Tools used:
## 1. ngrok, use your own The local machine is mapped to the public network, so that it can be tested and developed at any time;
## 1. Download ngrok, website: 2. Put the file in the TOMCAT directory, run ngrok -config ngrok.cfg -subdomain xinzhi 8080
## 3, ngrok tool for watching it @Laobi 2. WeChat public account test account, test at any time, first ensure that there are no problems under the test account, and then transplant the public account.2. Use it to send an Http request in Java, then return the JSON parameters, obtain the JSON parameters, and then process them.
First, get the public account test account and put it in the properties file so that we can call or replace it. For example: please use https
## for the url. #Properties code
AppID = wxf00**c3dd2ebfa0 AppSecret = 3cb220755f****506dc35391aa5c03ec url = and
##Java code
package com.zhtx.common.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * 公众平台通用接口工具类 * * @author xinz * @date 2015-10-14 */ public class WeixinUtil { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WeixinUtil.class); /** * 发起https请求并获取结果 * * @param requestUrl 请求地址 * @param requestMethod 请求方式(GET、POST) * @param outputStr 提交的数据 * @return JSONObject(通过JSONObject.get(key)的方式获取json对象的属性值) */ public static String httpRequest(String requestUrl, String requestMethod, String outputStr) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); try { // 创建SSLContext对象,并使用我们指定的信任管理器初始化 TrustManager[] tm = { new MyX509TrustManager() }; SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL", "SunJSSE"); sslContext.init(null, tm, new; // 从上述SSLContext对象中得到SSLSocketFactory对象 SSLSocketFactory ssf = sslContext.getSocketFactory(); URL url = new URL(requestUrl); HttpsURLConnection httpUrlConn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection(); httpUrlConn.setSSLSocketFactory(ssf); httpUrlConn.setDoOutput(true); httpUrlConn.setDoInput(true); httpUrlConn.setUseCaches(false); // 设置请求方式(GET/POST) httpUrlConn.setRequestMethod(requestMethod); if ("GET".equalsIgnoreCase(requestMethod)) httpUrlConn.connect(); // 当有数据需要提交时 if (null != outputStr) { OutputStream outputStream = httpUrlConn.getOutputStream(); // 注意编码格式,防止中文乱码 outputStream.write(outputStr.getBytes("UTF-8")); outputStream.close(); } // 将返回的输入流转换成字符串 InputStream inputStream = httpUrlConn.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "utf-8"); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader); String str = null; while ((str = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { buffer.append(str); } bufferedReader.close(); inputStreamReader.close(); // 释放资源 inputStream.close(); inputStream = null; httpUrlConn.disconnect(); } catch (ConnectException ce) { log.error("Weixin server connection timed out."); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("https request error:{}", e); } return buffer.toString(); } }
For https requests, we need a certificate trust manager. This manager class needs to be defined by ourselves, but it needs to implement the X509TrustManager interface. The code is as follows:
package com.zhtx.common.util; import; import; import; /** * 证书信任管理器(用于https请求) * * @author xinz * @date 2015-10-14 */ public class MyX509TrustManager implements X509TrustManager { public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { } public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { } public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null; } }
WeChat returns a POJO class of parameters:
private String openid; //用户的唯一标识 private String nickname;//用户昵称 private Integer sex;// 用户的性别,值为1时是男性,值为2时是女性,值为0时是未知 private String province;//用户个人资料填写的省份 private String city;//普通用户个人资料填写的城市 private String country;// 国家,如中国为CN private String headimgurl; // 用户头像,最后一个数值代表正方形头像大小(有0、46、64、96、132数值可选,0代表640*640正方形头像),用户没有头像时该项为空。若用户更换头像,原有头像URL将失效。 private String privilege;// 用户特权信息,json 数组,如微信沃卡用户为(chinaunicom) private String unionid;// 只有在用户将公众号绑定到微信开放平台帐号后,才会出现该字段。详见:获取用户个人信息(UnionID机制) private String access_token;
private String errcode; private String errmsg;
private String access_token; private String expires_in; private String refresh_token; private String openid; private String scope; private String unionid;
/** * 使用url或者http存入文件 * @Title: fileUpload * @param @param fileUrl 文件url,可以是http * @param @param path 文件存储路径 * @return void * @throws xinz */ public static void fileUpload (String fileUrl,String path){ //读取文件 String s1 = fileUrl; is = null; //定义一个输入流。 BufferedInputStream bis = null;//定义一个带缓冲的输入流 。 //写到本地 BufferedOutputStream bos = null; //定义一个带缓冲的输出流。 try{ url = new;//创建一个URL对象。 is = url.openStream();//打开到此 URL 的连接并返回一个用于从该连接读入的 InputStream。 bis = new; File file = new File(path); if(!file.exists()){ //测试此抽象路径名表示的文件或目录是否存在。 file.createNewFile(); //创建此抽象路径名表示的文件或目录。 } bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));; byte[] b = new byte[1024]; //创建字节数组。 while(!=-1){//输入流中的数据如果还有下一行(!=-1)将继续循环 bos.write(b);//将字节数组写入输出流。 } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e.toString()); }finally{ try{ bos.flush();//刷新此缓冲的输出流。 bis.close(); //关闭此输入流 。 }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e.toString()); } } }
现在是基础工作都做完了,现在开发代码的开发,在微信开发文档中 有提到每一个步骤,然后我们按照这个步骤开发:
4第四步:拉取用户信息(需scope为 snsapi_userinfo)
/** * 微信用户授权 * @Title: wechatOauth * @param @param request * @param @param response * @param @param model * @param @return * @return String * @throws xinz */ @RequestMapping("wechatOauth") public String wechatOauth(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response,Model model) { /** * 1 第一步:用户同意授权,获取code */ //首先拿到微信公众号的AppID、AppSecret等参数 String AppID = ZhtxHelper.getApplicationResourcesProp("sendSms","AppID"); String urlOpen = ZhtxHelper.getApplicationResourcesProp("sendSms","url"); //如果用户授权成功则跳转到此url String loginUrl = ""+urlOpen+"/zhtx-wap/weixin/getAccessToken"; //用户授权,获取code String url = "" + "appid="+AppID+"" + "&redirect_uri="+loginUrl+"" + "&response_type=code" + "&scope=snsapi_userinfo" + "&state=123#wechat_redirect"; //forward redirect return "redirect:"+url+""; }
/** * 通过code换取网页授权access_token * @Title: getAccessToken * @param @param request * @param @param response * @param @param model * @param @return * @return String * @throws xinz */ @RequestMapping("getAccessToken") public String getAccessToken(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response,Model model) { //获取到返回的参数 try { //首先拿到微信公众号的AppID、AppSecret等参数 String AppID = ZhtxHelper.getApplicationResourcesProp("sendSms","AppID"); String AppSecret = ZhtxHelper.getApplicationResourcesProp("sendSms","AppSecret"); String code = request.getParameter("code"); String url = null; if(code!=null){ /** * 2 第二步:通过code换取网页授权access_token */ //用户授权,获取code url = "" + "appid="+AppID+"" + "&secret="+AppSecret+"" + "&code="+code+"" + "&grant_type=authorization_code"; String requestMethod = "GET"; String outputStr = ""; String httpRequest = WeixinUtil.httpRequest(url, requestMethod, outputStr); System.out.println("通过code换取网页授权access_token="+httpRequest); AccessTokenModel accTok = JSON.parseObject(httpRequest, AccessTokenModel.class); /** * 4 第四步:拉取用户信息(需scope为 snsapi_userinfo) */ //用户授权,获取code String urlUser = "" + "access_token="+accTok.getAccess_token()+"" + "&openid="+accTok.getOpenid()+"" + "&lang=zh_CN"; String httpUser = WeixinUtil.httpRequest(urlUser, requestMethod, outputStr); System.out.println("拉取用户信息=="+httpUser); WechatUser wechatUser = JSON.parseObject(httpUser, WechatUser.class); wechatUser.setAccess_token(accTok.getAccess_token()); /** * 5 附:检验授权凭证(access_token)是否有效 */ WechatMsg checkAccessToken = checkAccessToken(wechatUser.getAccess_token(), wechatUser.getOpenid()); if(checkAccessToken.getErrcode().equals("0")){ CurrentSession.setAttribute("wechatUser", wechatUser); WechatUser wechatU = new WechatUser(); wechatU.setOpenid(wechatUser.getOpenid()); List<WechatUser> findWechatUser = wechatUserService.findWechatUser(wechatU); if(findWechatUser.size()>0){ UserRegister userRegister = userService.findUserByOpenid(wechatUser.getOpenid()); CurrentSession.setAttribute("user", userRegister); return "redirect:/user/userCenter"; }else{ return "/jsp/wechat/wechatregister"; } }else{ //如果access_token失效,则再次进行调用,并存储access_token值,access_token有效期为2个小时 this.wechatOauth(request, response, model); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("===拉取用户出错==="); e.printStackTrace(); } //forward redirect return "/jsp/wechat/wechatregister"; }
/** * 微信关联用户 * @Title: saveWechatUser * @param @param mobilePhone * @param @param password * @param @param validataCode * @param @return * @return String * @throws xinz */ @RequestMapping("saveWechatUser") public String saveWechatUser(HttpServletResponse response,String mobilePhone,String password,String validataCode){ //使用手机号来判断该手机是否在注册 UserRegister userRegister = userService.findUserByPhone(mobilePhone); WechatUser wechatUser = (WechatUser)CurrentSession.getAttribute("wechatUser"); WechatUser wechatU = new WechatUser(); wechatU.setOpenid(wechatUser.getOpenid()); List<WechatUser> findWechatUser = wechatUserService.findWechatUser(wechatU); if(findWechatUser.size()>0 && userRegister.getOpenid()!=null){ CurrentSession.setAttribute("user", userRegister); return "redirect:/user/userCenter"; }else{ //如果没有注册,开始注册 if(userRegister==null){ Result<UserRegister> saveUserInfoApp = userRegisterService.saveUserInfoApp(mobilePhone, password, validataCode,wechatUser); if(saveUserInfoApp.getState()==1){ //进行微信和用户的关联 wechatUserService.saveWechatUser(wechatUser); CurrentSession.setAttribute("user", userRegister); return "redirect:/user/userCenter"; } }else if(userRegister.getOpenid()==null || userRegister.getOpenid().equals("")){ //否则,查询出用户信息,放入session中,关联微信,跳转到用户中心 UserRegister userReg = new UserRegister(); userReg.setId(userRegister.getId()); //存入微信openid userReg.setOpenid(wechatUser.getOpenid()); userService.upUser(userReg); UserInfo user = new UserInfo(); //存入微信头像 //图片类型 String dateStr =DateUtil.format(DateUtil.getCurrentDate(), "yyyyMMdd") + "/"; //图片类型 String imgType = "JPG"; //微信头像名称 String app2DBarNameAndType = UuidUtil.getUUID()+"."+imgType; //微信头像路径 String path = ZhtxHelper.getApplicationResourcesProp("application","app.img.projectpath")+ SysConstant.GOODS2DBARPATH + dateStr; File file1 = new File(path); file1.mkdirs(); //图片全路径 String imgUrl = SysConstant.GOODS2DBARPATH + dateStr+app2DBarNameAndType; FileUtil.fileUpload(wechatUser.getHeadimgurl(), path); user.setRegisterId(userRegister.getId()); user.setImageUrl(imgUrl); userInfoService.updateUserInfo(user); //存入微信用户 wechatUserService.saveWechatUser(wechatUser); UserRegister userW = userService.findUserByPhone(mobilePhone); CurrentSession.setAttribute("user", userW); return "redirect:/user/userCenter"; }else{ CurrentSession.setAttribute("user", userRegister); return "redirect:/user/userCenter"; } } return "redirect:/user/userCenter"; }
/** * 检验授权凭证(access_token)是否有效 * @Title: checkAccessToken * @param @param access_token 网页授权接口调用凭证,注意:此access_token与基础支持的access_token不同 * @param @param openid 用户的唯一标识 * @return WechatMsg 返回消息实体 * @throws xinz */ public static WechatMsg checkAccessToken(String access_token,String openid){ String requestMethod = "GET"; String outputStr = ""; String url = "" + "access_token="+access_token+"" + "&openid="+openid+""; String httpmsg = WeixinUtil.httpRequest(url, requestMethod, outputStr); System.out.println("拉取用户信息返回消息=="+httpmsg); WechatMsg msg = JSON.parseObject(httpmsg, WechatMsg.class); return msg; }
The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of the example of obtaining OAuth2.0 web page authorization authentication and obtaining user information for WeChat development. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!