After looking for errors for a long time, I couldn’t find any problems, and the console didn’t report any errors. I went to read the official documents again, but still didn’t find any.
The page is always blank. Is there anyone who can help me with the same situation? I just started learning Angular.
I want to add a fixed header and sidebar to main.html, but it never appears and the page is blank.
Check whether the address is written incorrectly in the routing settings. If the page and controller are correct, it is usually a problem with ui-router
Why is your main set to abstract?
1. Remove the ui-view class in index.html.
2. In routing, $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/main');
Write like this:
You don’t need to worry about resolve, it’s a combination with OClazyLoad
abstract: true, if this is set, the interface will not be displayed. You have set up main