The angularjs project created with yeoman can be accessed normally in IE and chrome using localhost during development;
Grunt compresses and merges the code and publishes it. When accessed by IP, it displays normally in chrome, but cannot display normally in IE. It can only display the navigation bar and there is no response when clicking.
Can be displayed normally in IE9, but not in IE11 (Supplementary)
What is the reason for this situation?
Open the debugger and see what error is reported? This is the most basic troubleshooting method
Solved, I didn’t notice before that when I opened the le11 browser, there was a prompt saying ‘The browser does not support js, resulting in the loss of some functions’, so js did not work (there was no error message in the console) @hetianqi, I looked it up on the Internet In a similar situation, just select Enable for all the radio buttons under Internet Options->Security->Custom Level->Script