jquery - How to delete this row in the li button in angular?
高洛峰 2017-05-15 17:13:51

//HTML part
<ul class="rows">

<p class="btnBox">
    <button class="change" ui-sref="home" ng-click="redact()">编辑</button><br />
<li ng-repeat="(row,value) in data">
    <span id="hid" style="display:inline-block;white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden;width: 200px;text-overflow: ellipsis;">{{value.content}}</span>
    <button class="showBtn" ng-show="value.show">删除</button class="showBtn" >


//js part
$scope.redact = function() {

            if($(".change").html() == "编辑") {
                angular.forEach(data, function(data) { data.show = true })
                //$(".showBtn").onclick = function(){alert(1)}
                //$("li").each = function() {$(".showBtn").onclick = function() { alert(1) }}
                //$(".showBtn").each = function() {$(this).onclick = function() { alert(1) }}
            } else if($(".change").html() == "完成") {
                angular.forEach(data, function(data) { data.show = false })

Why is there no feedback in the comments section? ? Wrong? What went wrong? How to change it?


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Angular is a data-driven model. If you delete a row, just delete the element at that position in the array.

That is:

$scope.data.splice(index,1);// index 为你点击的索引

You need to bind ng-click to the delete button, because what you want to achieve is to click the delete button of the current row to delete the current row.

<button class="showBtn" ng-show="value.show" ng-click="removeLine($index)">删除</button class="showBtn" >
$scope.removeLine = function(index) {
  $scope.data.splice(index, 1);

As for $index 是啥,其实就是 ng-repeat 过程中,一个隐藏的值。$index 存在于每一个生成的元素中,从 0 开始。$scope.data 也是从 index 为 0 开始,所以就有了上面的写法。只要你传入了当前的 $index,就可以定位到要删除的数据,直接在 data, just delete it. When the data changes, the page display content will be automatically updated, which is a characteristic of data-driven.

I don’t understand what you want to implement in $scope.redact 里面实现什么。如果你改 data.show,然后又在 button 里面写了 ng-show="value.show",那么证明这个 show 是用来控制 “删除” 按钮显示与否的,而不是去控制当前行显示与否。因此,看不出这段代码与你需求之间有何关联
另外,$(".change").html() 你这是在用 jQuery 去实现 toggle?jQuery 的思路与 AngularJS 就完全不同。jQuery 是事件驱动,AngularJS 是数据驱动。这里如果你要实现按钮文字 “编辑” 换成 “完成”,完全可以通过 $scope{{}}(interpolation). For example:

$scope.buttonText = '编辑';


Then add ng-click

to this button
<button ng-click="edit()">{{buttonText}}</button>

Then write the callback:

$scope.edit = {
  if ($scope.buttonText === '编辑') {
    $scope.buttonText = '完成';
  } else if ($scope.buttonText === '完成') {
    $scope.buttonText = '编辑';

This way you can achieve the most basic toggle. The optimization that can be done is that if your status only has two statuses: editing and completion, then you can set a flag and $scope.editFlag = truetrue 代表编辑状态,false 代表完成状态。参照上面的思路,if 里面直接用这个 $scope.editFlag just judge it.

Since you are using AngularJS, adapt to the ideas of AngularJS. For your current needs, you don’t need to use jQuery to achieve it

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