First of all, my nodejs installation path is under C:\Program Files\nodejs
My project is built under the D:\node
project There is a server.js file used to create a server. The content is as follows:
var http = require('http');//使用 require 指令来载入 http 模块
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
// 发送 HTTP 头部
// HTTP 状态值: 200 : OK
// 内容类型: text/plain
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
// 发送响应数据 "Hello World"
response.end('Hello World\n');
// 终端打印如下信息
console.log('Server running at http://localhost:8888/');
How to start this server? ? ?
I entered in cmdC:\Program Files\nodejs\node D:\node\server.js
The prompt reported an error: SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
I tried many methods None of them work, please help me find out where the problem is
Try it
node D:nodeserver.js
Isn’t it necessary to start the service?
node server.js
You can enter directly
窗口打开,直接运行node server.js
That’s itAfter running it, there is no problem with the code of the question. Is there something wrong with the node program? Run it and try something else
The SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token error is a syntax error. Check whether there are unmatched brackets, redundant or missing punctuation marks. Or use Chinese punctuation marks
Method 1:

Method 2:
When I see an error report, I just panic and don’t know to read the error message carefully. I just shout to God, God, come and help me. I can’t do it. What should I do if the program reports an error?
No one is born a master, others are just more careful and patient than you.
Even the syntax error cannot be solved by itself. Segmentfault is really unskilled.