Enter gvim.
from the shortcut key of the graphical interface.Then enter the command line and enter vs
At this time, two windows on the left and right appeared.
I entered w test.html in the left window.
Why are the windows on the left and right ordered as test.html?
的意思的水平分割窗口, 见:h vs
不带参数的话,默认是在新分割的窗口中打开当前 buffer 的文件,也就是你之前的 test.html。你试一下:vs ~/.vimrc
, the .vimrc file will be opened in a newly divided window.:vs
表示水平分割,也就是会左右分屏,一遍用法是:vs xxx文件
The current file will be opened, that is, the current file will be displayed in the left and right windows respectively