~/.vimrc is loaded by default when vim starts. How to specify to load .vimrc elsewhere?
vim -u 配置文件或gvim -U 配置文件。
vim -u 配置文件
gvim -U 配置文件
To load the Vim configuration in the specified directory, this is actually what I did (in the zsh initialization script):
path=(~/lily/bin $path) export SHELL=/bin/zsh export MYVIMRC=$HOME/lily/.vim/vimrc export VIMINIT="let &rtp='$HOME/lily/.vim,' . &rtp so $MYVIMRC" export VIMTMP=$HOME/lily/tmpfs
vim -u 配置文件
或gvim -U 配置文件
。To load the Vim configuration in the specified directory, this is actually what I did (in the zsh initialization script):