This plug-in will automatically set foldmethod=expr
for files with filetype
being mkd
, which will use rake new_post
The generated markdown
file has the side effect of folding somewhere, expanding and syntax highlighting:
How to eliminate it once and for all without changing foldmethod
? Thanks!
Updated: I expected that there would be no good solution, but I found a new plug-in vim-octopress that can replace vim-markdown
. Not only does it not have the side effects of the former, but it also supports rake
Command built-in. There is no need to dwell on this issue any longer.
Look at the help documentation of vim-markdown. You should be able to disable vim-markdown by setting variables in
. You can even remove this plugin if you don't use vim itself also comes with a markdown plug-in, but it is limited to syntax highlighting.
Another method, for reference only: After opening the markdown file,
at the beginning or end of the markdown file that you don’t want to collapse and highlight.:set ft=txt
. Or add a vim modeline:Not sure if it will work, give it a try. I haven't used vim for a long time.
You can try adding this line to .vimrc to disable markdown’s folding function: