In vim, w is to move to the beginning of the next word, and e is to jump to the end of the next word
So what should I do if I want to move to the next space (including spaces and tabs)?
In fact, vim also has a shortcut key which is the action ;(分号),这个快捷键的作用就是重复上一次find(f<sapce>或t<space>或F<sapce>或T<space>).
In fact, there is another comma ,是重复向前搜索的意思,但是很多人(包括我)将逗号(,)映射成了<leader>, so you can only use semicolon as a last resort (search backwards). . .
Just f<space>一次即可,剩下的事情就交给;come on. . . One click is faster than two. . . And it's still in such a convenient position. . .
My knowledge of vim is limited... After thinking about it for a long time, I can't figure out how to implement a key...
There are many kinds of two keys...such as
...(uppercase E, lowercase L)...directly meet your needs...Or something simpler and easier to understand...
...It’s just that you have to distinguish whether you are looking for spaces or tabs...
For example, there are two words now
Hello World
In command line mode, press 9 and press the direction key "l" in vim to jump to the Hello Wor "l"d position
Move 9 characters to the right.
The f key can jump back to the specified character
Just type "f<space>"
Sorry, I didn’t see the answer on the first floor has been answered.
Then add one more thing: you can directly use search to jump to "/<space><enter>"
In fact, vim also has a shortcut key which is the action
).In fact, there is another comma
, so you can only use semicolon as a last resort (search backwards). . .Just
come on. . . One click is faster than two. . . And it's still in such a convenient position. . .