Symfony-Why does the directory web/bundles/framework/ not exist?
ringa_lee2017-05-16 16:44:28
The framework under web/bundles/ is a file, not a folder. The image path used in DEMO is web/bundles/framework/images/grey_magnifier.png, but it cannot be displayed.
I guess you are using a Windows system. Symfony2 will use symbolic links (Linux or Unix) by default. The Windows system does not recognize it, so it will become a file. You can try it
app/console assets:install web
Copy these resources to the web/bundles directory through hard copy. However, there is a disadvantage of doing this. If you update the css or js (such as website resource files) during the development process, you need to run it again. The command just now will take effect only when the new resources are copied to the web/bundles directory again.
Personally, I think you should read more official documents of Symfony2. In fact, these contents are mentioned in official documents, so you should read them carefully.
In my case framework is a folder, if you use
If installed, the framework is a soft connection to FrameworkBundle/Resources/public. It is recommended to re-execute it
Command to try
I guess you are using a Windows system. Symfony2 will use symbolic links (Linux or Unix) by default. The Windows system does not recognize it, so it will become a file. You can try it
Copy these resources to the web/bundles directory through hard copy. However, there is a disadvantage of doing this. If you update the css or js (such as website resource files) during the development process, you need to run it again. The command just now will take effect only when the new resources are copied to the web/bundles directory again.
Personally, I think you should read more official documents of Symfony2. In fact, these contents are mentioned in official documents, so you should read them carefully.
Hope this helps.