The requirement is that it must contain letters and numbers.
For example, pure numbers are not allowed.
How to implement it using laravel's own verification method?
Just use this regular rule, it has been tested, [a-zA-Z]+([A-Za-z0-9])*
Achieve the effect, such as when registering a username:
55555 failed8754xcc failedhhgdG55 passedhhgdG55? failedggh hhd failedwith Chinese failed
It seems that you can only use regular expressions, laravel does not provide corresponding function support (functions in the shape of alpha_num)
//获取表单的值 $username = $request->input('username'); $password = $request->input('password'); //登录表单验证 $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'username' => 'required|alpha_num|regex:/^(?!([A-Za-z]+|d\d+)$)[A-Za-z\d]$/', //只允许数字和字母 ]); //表单验证失败提示 if ($validator->fails()) { //此处省略。。。 }
Not tested.
You probably haven’t seen the Validation part of the Laravel5 document yet~ You can write a Request to verify the username
$form_data = [ "product_name" => $request->get('product_name'), ]; $rules = [ "product_name" => 'required' ]; $messages = [ 'required' => ' :attribute 字段必须填写.', ]; $validate = Validator::make($form_data, $rules,$messages); if ($validate ->fails()){ return redirect('admin/addProduct')->withErrors($validate)->withInput(); }
I don’t know if I can help you
You need a laravel document: Baidu Cloud. After downloading the document, please check [Directory] [Service] [Service - Verification], or [Search] "Validator".
Verification rules can be customized
Just use this regular rule, it has been tested, [a-zA-Z]+([A-Za-z0-9])*
Achieve the effect, such as when registering a username:
55555 failed
8754xcc failed
hhgdG55 passed
hhgdG55? failed
ggh hhd failed
with Chinese failed
It seems that you can only use regular expressions, laravel does not provide corresponding function support (functions in the shape of alpha_num)
Not tested.
You probably haven’t seen the Validation part of the Laravel5 document yet~ You can write a Request to verify the username
I don’t know if I can help you
You need a laravel document: Baidu Cloud. After downloading the document, please check [Directory] [Service] [Service - Verification], or [Search] "Validator".
Verification rules can be customized