I use sudo apachectl start to start apache, and then use a browser to access It prompts that the connection cannot be made. What is the possible reason? Below is the process I checked
Rex-TsaomatoiMac:usr rextsao$ ps aux | grep httpd
rextsao 12562 0.0 0.0 2444052 768 s000 S+ 5:42PM 0:00.00 grep http
Please help
Thank you everyone, I solved this problem and found a useful command on google
apachectl configtest
. With the help of this command, I solved the problem step by step. This command should be under the mac environment.Agent? Climb the wall?
Not started? Did sudo apachectl start report no error?
Check if you have file access permissions first
You haven’t started it at all. If the bind port of the program on Mac is less than 1024, you need sudo