limit_req_zone $cookie_token zone=session_limit:3m rate=1r/s;
limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr $uri zone=auth_limit:3m rate=1r/m;
location /{
limit_req zone=session_limit burst=5;
rewrite_by_lua '
local random = ngx.var.cookie_random
if (random == nil) then
return ngx.redirect("/auth?url=" .. ngx.var.request_uri)
local token = ngx.md5("opencdn" .. ngx.var.remote_addr .. random)
if (ngx.var.cookie_token ~= token) then
return ngx.redirect("/auth?url=".. ngx.var.request_uri)
location /auth {
limit_req zone=auth_limit burst=1;
if ($arg_url = "") {
access_by_lua '
local random = math.random(9999)
local token = ngx.md5("opencdn" .. ngx.var.remote_addr .. random)
if (ngx.var.cookie_token ~= token) then
ngx.header["Set-Cookie"] = {"token=" .. token, "random=" .. random}
return ngx.redirect(ngx.var.arg_url)
The limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr $uri zone=auth_limit:3m rate=1r/m; in the code is correct. Are you sure you want to add $uri? (Update limit_req_zone supports multiple variables, so $binary_remote_addr $uri is correct)
If I want to apply it to my nginx, what else should I do besides this code?
Attached is the original post address, I don’t know if it is the original post:
This idea is very rough and unreasonable. In principle, it is similar to denying access without entering the account password.
But is this realistic?
For a new user, how is it possible to know his account password. Unless it is pre-allocated, but how can pre-allocation avoid being allocated to an attacker?
The problem is back to its original point.
So this thing is of no use, and it only prevents it to a certain extent
.Why do you say it’s only to a certain extent? Because this cookie must always be given to the user, CC attacks can also get it.
If you really want to try it, you need to install it