Can Nginx be used to serve the web of a small shopping website?
某草草2017-05-16 17:28:46
Nginx is lightweight. I have seen that many websites use nginx. Mobile phones and forums are suitable for this. I don’t know if shopping websites are suitable.
Nginx static processing performance is more than 3 times higher than Apache
Apache’s support for PHP is relatively simple, Nginx needs to be used with other backends
Apache has more components than Nginx
Now many websites have begun to use nginx instead of apache. I have fallen in love with nginx since I started using it
Attached is the current website server ranking:
Web server ranking: Nginx surpasses Apache and becomes the most commonly used Web Server for the world's TOP 1000 websites
Of course. uses an improved version of Nginx. Meet Tengine
Now many websites have begun to use nginx instead of apache. I have fallen in love with nginx since I started using it
Attached is the current website server ranking: Web server ranking: Nginx surpasses Apache and becomes the most commonly used Web Server for the world's TOP 1000 websites