I installed virutalbox on my mac, then installed centos5.9 in it to run django, and tested it with http_load. I don’t know how the performance of my program is. Please analyze whether it is normal
Mac OSX: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz | Frequency: 2359.617
Virtual machine: virtualbox centos 5.9, single core 1G memory
Environment: nginx uwsgi django1.5
Use http_load to test the homepage. The homepage is considered a dynamic page:
$http_load -p 20 -f 100 urllist.txt
100 fetches, 20 max parallel, 471417 bytes, in 0.763381 seconds
4714.17 mean bytes/connection
130.996 fetches/sec, 617538 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 8.16768 mean, 99.94 max, 0.082 min
msecs/first-response: 131.252 mean, 225.497 max, 0.055 min
93 bad byte counts
HTTP response codes:
code 200 -- 93
Check the nginx access log and sometimes there will be a 499 error
499 error code is client has closed connection This means that the client connection has been closed. It may be caused by the server processing time being too long