In such cases:
Some users find it troublesome and require that they add the purchased goods to the shopping cart without logging in. When logging in, they add the items added when not logged in to the shopping cart.
The method I currently know is to use "Cookie" to save the product ID locally to the user, read it out when logging in, and update it to the user's shopping cart. But consider that some browsers disable cookies.
Is there any other way?
For modern browsers, it is recommended to use localstorage to replace cookies. The benefits are not described.
If you want to be compatible with old browsers, you can only use cookies. When the user adds items to the shopping cart, check whether cookies have been disabled. If disabled, the user will be prompted. Just guide the user to enable it, but this situation is rare. It is recommended that you write a storage object similar to the cookie|localstorage adapter yourself,
Prompt the user to turn it on, otherwise the function cannot be used.
What should I do if the user disables JS? What should I do if the user is still using IE6? Some users just give up.
You can consider trying LocalStorage. You can go to MDN to learn more about it
It is stored in localstorage. Create an object to specifically store it
You can ask the user to cancel Disable cookies
localstorage supports ie8, you can also consider it