What does this/stand for? It can't be the root directory, right? The name of the project is test
Both methods you use are to submit data to the CServlet address. The first method is just the abbreviation. It will find the sub-files under the root directory.
It should be that the <url-pattern> specified when configuring <servlet-mapping> in web. The web.xml configuration is clear
/ 本来就表示根嘛,不过在这里不是表示的服务器文件系统的根,而是 Web 应用虚拟目录结构的根,也就是 http://somedomain.com/ This "root" position.
Both methods you use are to submit data to the CServlet address. The first method is just the abbreviation. It will find the sub-files under the root directory.
It should be that the <url-pattern> specified when configuring <servlet-mapping> in web. The web.xml configuration is clear
本来就表示根嘛,不过在这里不是表示的服务器文件系统的根,而是 Web 应用虚拟目录结构的根,也就是http://somedomain.com/
This "root" position.