def set_color(color,bold=False):
style = xlwt.XFStyle()
font = xlwt.Font()
font.colour_index = color
style.font = font
return style
for i in range(nrow1): #Read the number of rows and loop
she1.write(i,0,a) #写入Excel
datafen= jiebtext(a) #利用jieba函数,进行分词
for nword in datafen:
if nword in nwords(): #判断已分好的分词是否符合指定某个词语
for l in range(len(pn)): #读取符合指定词语的长度,并循环
c= datafen.index(pn[l]) #找出符合指定词语的索引号
datafen[c]=pn[l],set_style(5,True) #将已经设置好颜色的词语并重新赋值
data=a.replace(pn[l],**str(datafen[c]**)) #转化字符串,并把无颜色的词语替换为有颜色的词语
print data #输入结果
He is a good person, we all like him, and he loves to help others, but life(u'u5c0fu6c14', <xlwt.Style.XFStyle object at 0x000000000334BCF8>), fight every day.
He is a good person, and we all like him. In addition, he loves to help others, but he lives a stingy life every day(u'u6253u67b6', <xlwt.Style.
Why do you feel
Here pn[l] needs to add str. Isn’t it itself a str type?
Insert a statement in the middle to print what the type of data is. This may be the problem. It is recommended to use xlsxwriter