Create table Student
Sno varchar(7) primary key,
Sname varchar(10) not null,
Ssex char (2) check(Ssex=‘男’or Ssex=’女’),
Sage int check(Sage between 15 and 45),
Sdept varchar(20) default ‘计算机系’
Create table course
Cno varchar(10) primary key,
Cname varchar(20) not null,
Ccredit int check(Sctedit>0),
Semester int check(Semester>0),
Period int check(Period>0)
Create table SC
Sno varchar(7) foreign key references student(Sno),
Cno varchar(10) foreign key references course(Cno),
Grade int check(Grade between 0 and 100),
Primary key (Sno,Cno)
The first two can successfully create the table, but the third one reports an error:
Change the third one:
Create table SC
Sno varchar(7),
Cno varchar(10),
Grade int check(Grade between 0 and 100),
foreign key (Sno) references student(Sno),
foreign key (Cno) references course(Cno),
Primary key (Sno,Cno),
Still reporting an error:
Please answer, thank you boss!
The way to create a foreign key is wrong,