The webpage I crawled updated a piece of information today, and then the crawler ran but did not crawl it.
from pyspider.libs.base_handler import *
from pyspider.database.mysql.mysqldb import SQL
class Handler(BaseHandler):
crawl_config = {
@every(minutes=24 * 60)
def on_start(self):
self.crawl('', callback=self.index_page)
@config(age=10 * 24 * 60 * 60)
def index_page(self, response):
for each in response.doc('.tdmoreinfosub a').items():
self.crawl(each.attr.href, callback=self.detail_page)
def detail_page(self, response):
return {
"title":response.doc('font span').text(),
"date" :response.doc('#tdTitle > .webfont').text()[8:17],
def on_result(self, result):
print result
if not result or not result['title']:
sql = SQL()
I hope the bosses can be more specific and have more exchanges
@config (age) parameter setting directly ignores the execution of
Since @every of on_start is one day, then set
age=12 * 60 * 60
半天是比较合适的,保证每次 every 肯定不会被 age 所限制。另外@config(age=10 * 24 * 60 * 60)
in self.crawl, which means not to crawl again within 10 days.